«Зима 2025»


Разное СУЗ

Специально для учителя - Разное СУЗ и прочие полезные материалы для работы в школе, которые вы можете выбрать и скачать бесплатно в этом разделе.

Winter Sports - реферат


All sports are both entertaining and good for health. They help people to stay in good shape and good mood. It’s almost impossible to list all k

Healthy Lifestyle


Today more and more people in the society support healthy lifestyle. They do it in different ways. Some quit smoking, others follow certain diets. The
Олимпиады: Всеобщая история 5 - 11 классы

Environmental Pollution


Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems of modern society. The Earth is so polluted at the moment that serious measures are required

"My Dream House"


House is a place where people find shelter and protection in any unpleasant situation, be it bad weather conditions or a sudden break-up with a partne

Saint Valentine’s Day


One day that is equally important for the young couples who are in love and people who have been married for years is the Feast of Saint Valentine. Al

Big Ben - реферат


Big Ben is one of the most favourite tourist attractions in Great Britain. It is situated in the central part of London, where most historic and archi

Automobiles - реферат


Automobiles or cars are one of the most amazing discoveries of the 20th century. They are thought to have completely changed modern society. They&rsqu

Australia. Attractions


Australia is an attractive and interesting country. It can excite even the most experienced travelers. There are so many unique sights in this country

Военное судостроение России


Военное судостроение России - (реферат) Дата добавления: март 2006г. Военное судостроение России Чупина Ильи 9 “В” Судостроительная промы

Безопасность в распределенных системах


Безопасность в распределенных системах - (реферат) Дата добавления: март 2006г. Безопасность в распределенных системах Введение Концентрация информац

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