«Весна — лето 2025»

"My Dream House"

House is a place where people find shelter and protection in any unpleasant situation, be it bad weather conditions or a sudden break-up with a partner. It would be perfect if this shelter was comfortable and classy. House is also a place where people come to rest after hard work. That’s why it is important to make it welcoming and nice. Everybody has different tastes. Some people wish to live in large city apartments, some – in rural area small houses. My dream house is light and spacious with dormer windows overlooking the ocean. The inner and outer design should be a mixture of old and modern style. It’s a one-storey house of a bungalow type. There aren’t many rooms but they are elaborately furnished.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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