«Весна — лето 2025»

Australia. Attractions

Australia is an attractive and interesting country. It can excite even the most experienced travelers. There are so many unique sights in this country which cannot be found elsewhere. The main sights of this country are of natural origin, as it possesses rich natural resources. Take the Great Barrier Reef or Ayers Rock. Where else can you find the whole park of underwater garden with coral reefs or a huge rock made of sandstone and decorated with cave paintings? Kakadu Park is another place of interest. It’s a huge national park and official home of Australian crocodiles. In other words, Australia is one of the most exciting countries in terms of natural riches and it is certainly worth visiting. Its sights are countless, but there are some which deserve to be highlighted in a special way.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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