«Весна — лето 2025»

Все про слово ПОКА

Узнайте все про слово ПОКА. Пояснения. Упражнение. Ключи.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Давайте поговорим про маленькое, но хитрое слово ПОКА.

Для начала проверьте себя. Попробуйте, пожалуйста, перевести на английский: 

  1. Положи пока торт в холодильник. 

  2. Пока ты спал, кролик убежал.

  3. Почини дверь, пока кролик не убежал.

  4. Я пока не починил дверь. 

  5. Где торт? – Пока не знаю.

  6. Я буду есть торт, пока официант не скажет “Пока!”


Ну как?  Легко? Если да, то дальше можно не читать – этот урок вам не нужен.

Если было не очень легко – давайте разбираться.


Если у вас на плите суп, а вы хотите отдохнуть, вы скажете: “ПОКА варится суп, я посплю”.

В этом случае ПОКА значит В ТО ВРЕМЯ, КАК – и переводится WHILE:

WHILE the soup is cooking, I’ll take a nap. (“поспать” можно сказать и sleep, но чтобы подчеркнуть, что сон будет кратким, лучше сказать TAKE A NAP).

Вот еще пример, где ПОКА значит В ТО ВРЕМЯ, КАК:

ПОКА тетя Люся пылесосила, французский посол выкурил сигару.

WHILE Aunt Lucy was vacuuming, the French ambassador smoked a cigar.


Иногда “пока” значит ПОКА ЧТО:

Денег у нас ПОКА хватает, так что мы живем в этом отеле.

Здесь “пока” можно вполне себе заменить на ПОКА ЧТО. В таких случаях хорошо звучит FOR NOW:

FOR NOW we have enough money, so we’re staying in this hotel.

Еще пример:

Где мой кальмар? – Ваш кальмар ПОКА отдыхает.

Здесь тоже имеется в виду “ПОКА ЧТО отдыхает”, поэтому мы говорим FOR NOW:

Where is my squid? – FOR NOW, your squid is resting.


Часто со словом “пока” мы говорим отрицательные фразы. То есть не просто “пока”, а ПОКА НЕ.


Иногда перед ПОКА НЕ можно добавить “ДО ТЕХ ПОР”. Обычно в таких фразах по-русски мы говорим БУДУЩЕЕ ВРЕМЯ. Вот посмотрите:

Я буду спать, (до тех пор) ПОКА меня НЕ РАЗБУДИТ будильник.

Миша будет есть шоколад, (до тех пор) ПОКА НЕ ПРИДЕТ мама.

Попугай будет петь, (до тех пор) ПОКА ты его НЕ ПОКОРМИШЬ.

Если у вас такое предложение – используйте UNTIL. А дальше – Present Simple, настоящее время (да-да, хотя по-русски в этих случаях – будущее!):

I will sleep UNTIL the alarm WAKES me up. Я буду спать, ПОКА меня НЕ РАЗБУДИТ будильник.

И пожалуйста, заметьте: отрицание уже “включено” в состав UNTIL, поэтому NOT говорить не нужно.

Mike will eat the chocolate UNTIL his mother COMES. Миша будет есть шоколад, ПОКА НЕ ПРИДЕТ мама.

The parrot will sing UNTIL you FEED it. Попугай будет петь, ПОКА ты его НЕ ПОКОРМИШЬ.


Дора всем рассказывает, что хочет похудеть, а сама вечерами тихонько ест шоколад.

К ней пришла подруга, подарила коробку конфет и говорит ласково: “Ешь, ПОКА муж НЕ УВИДЕЛ”.

Здесь мы говорим: действуй, ПОКА НЕ ПРОИЗОШЛО то, чего хотелось бы избежать. И по-русски здесь часто – ПРОШЕДШЕЕ ВРЕМЯ.

А по-английски в этом случае нужно BEFORE, а затем обычно – PRESENT SIMPLE, настоящее время:

Eat it BEFORE your husband SEES you. Ешь, ПОКА муж НЕ УВИДЕЛ. 

Еще пример: маленький Билли взял дорогой папин телефон и жонглирует им. И мама говорит мужу: 
Возьми у Билли телефон, ПОКА он его НЕ РАЗБИЛ.

По-английски это будет:
Take the phone from Billy BEFORE he BREAKS it.


Иногда ПОКА НЕ значит ЕЩЕ НЕ, а дальше – НАСТОЯЩЕЕ ВРЕМЯ:

Я ПОКА НЕ ЗНАЮ результат матча.

По-английски мы скажем PRESENT (Simple или Continuous), а в конце поставим YET:

I DON’T KNOW the game result YET.

Еще пример:

Я ПОКА НЕ учу попугая, я ПОКА его только чешу. 

I’M NOT TEACHING the parrot yet, I’M only SCRATCHING it FOR NOW.

В первой части – “пока не” + настоящее время. Поэтому – I’M NOT TEACHING the parrot YET. Во второй – “пока”, которое значит “пока что”. Поэтому – FOR NOW.


Иногда ПОКА НЕ значит ЕЩЕ НЕ, а дальше идет ПРОШЕДШЕЕ ВРЕМЯ:

Я ПОКА НЕ КУПИЛ трактор.

Тогда мы скажем PRESENT PERFECT (have + 3 форма глагола). А в конце опять-таки поставим YET.

I HAVEN’T BOUGHT the tractor YET.


Ну а как сказать “пока”, когда мы прощаемся?

Эту идею прекрасно выражают десятка два фраз, но самые универсальные, наверное, – bye / see you (later) / take care.


Ну вот, теперь мы легко переведем шесть фраз из начала урока.

1. Положи пока торт в холодильник. 
Здесьпоказначитпока что”. Поэтому – FOR NOW:
Put the cake in the fridge FOR NOW.

2. Пока ты спал, кролик убежал.
Здесь “пока” значит “в то время, как”. Поэтому – WHILE:
WHILE you were sleeping, the rabbit ran away.

3. Почини дверь, пока кролик не убежал.
Здесь у нас отрицание – ПОКА НЕ. И значит оно “действуй, пока не произошло что-то нежелательное”. Значит – BEFORE плюс PRESENT SIMPLE:
Fix the door BEFORE the rabbit RUNS away.

4. Я пока не починил дверь. 
ПОКА НЕ значит ЕЩЕ НЕ. А дальшепрошедшее время.
По-английски – PRESENT PERFECT + YET:

5. Где торт? – Пока не знаю.
ПОКА НЕ значит ЕЩЕ НЕ. А дальшенастоящее время.
По-английски – PRESENT SIMPLE + YET:
Where’s the cake? – I DON’T KNOW YET.

6. Я буду есть торт, пока официант не скажет “Пока!”
Здесь – ДО ТЕХ ПОР, ПОКА, значит нужно UNTIL + настоящее время:
I’ll eat the cake UNTIL the waiter says “Bye!”

Ну что? Есть еще силы на УПРАЖНЕНИЕ?

Если да – вперед! Переведите на английский

  1. Вы спите дома? – Нет, мы пока спим в саду.

  2. Купи мою картину, пока цена не выросла. 

  3. Я буду плавать, пока не сядет солнце.

  4. Мы пока не построили новый гараж.

  5. Прости, но я пока не вижу остров.

  6. Пока собака ела, Джордж играл на трубе. 



  1. Do you sleep at home? – No, FOR NOW we sleep in the garden. (пока что – for now)

  2. Buy my painting BEFORE the price GOES UP. (пока не произошло нечто нежелательное = before + Present)

  3. I’ll swim UNTIL the sun sets. (пока не + будущее = until + Present)

  4. We HAVEN’T BUILT the new garage YET. (пока не + прошедшее = Present Perfect + yet)

  5. Sorry, but I DON’T SEE the island YET. (пока не + настоящее = Present Simple + yet)

  6. WHILE the dog was eating, George was playing the trumpet. (в то время, как)

Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Anti-fur protestor Heather Mills McCartney is threatening to stalk actress Jennifer Lopez. The wife of ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has targeted Ms Lopez because of the singer-actor’s love of fur. Ms Lopez often attends movie premieres and awards shows wearing expensive fur coats. She says she wants to be “educated” as to why she should not wear them. She has angered animal rights activists for many years. They accuse her of making fur fashionable. She has made it an attractive item for the young and wealthy to want to buy.

Ms McCartney’s latest stalking attempt ended painfully when she lost her prosthetic leg in a fight with security guards at the New York offices of Ms Lopez’s fashion company. Ms McCartney wanted to deliver a DVD to Ms Lopez, which contained a documentary of animals pain. Ms McCartney had to replace her artificial leg in a stairwell, as the guards refused her entry to a restroom. She promised to continue her crusade against Ms Lopez, and to “show up” at her home or “get a hold of her at her premieres”.

Jennifer Lopez has been arrested for wearing fur coats.


Jennifer Lopez makes fur trendy and popular.


Ms McCartney lost a leg in a fight with Ms Lopez’s security guards.


Ms McCartney promised to precede her crusade against Ms Lopez.


Ms Lopez wears fur coats at movie premieres and awards shows


2. Choose the right preposition (of, to, by,off, in).

  1. It contains the largest display… toy dolls.

  2. The most successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothes.

  3. If  I was invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear.

  4. It was … fashion to wear  their hair long with lots of colour threads in it.

  5. We'd recommend you to travel... bus.

3 . Choose the necessary word.

  1. My friend, who/ which is very talented, is arriving today.

  2. She’s bought the book who/ that she was looking for.

  3. Tom’s father has been building his house for/since two years.

  4. Alice wanted a bicycle for/since her last birthday.

4.Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb (must, may, can, need, to have to).

  1. Sandra _________ not come to me tomorrow – I’ve done the job.

  2. There is no need to rewrite the essay completely – it’s quite good. You _____ only rewrite the third passage.  

  3. It’s so late, we _______ be going!  

  4. Students _____________ pay for their education at private school.  

  5. You ________ stay at home today.                                                        

  6. It ________ be your car there. You have parked it today.                

  7. You ______ not take pictures in this museum.                                      

  8. We _________ speak Spanish at the lesson.                                                

  9.  ___________ you help me?                                                                

  10. You _________ be glad to find the best flat.

5. Active or passive? Choose the correct verb form.

  1. The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy.

  2. Four people (have killed/have been killed) in а train crash.

  3. А famous architect (was built/built) the bridge.

6. Put the sentences into indirect speech.

          Nick said that…

1. My mother isn’t very well.

2. I don’t know what Nina is doing.

3. You can come and stay at my place.

4. You sent me a fantastic card.

5. The new film will be bad.

6. You have watched the game.

7. Match the sentences  from column A with the replies from column B.



  1. I  can’t stand brightly dyed  hair.

  2. Would you like a cup of coffee?

  3. Do you like animals?

  4. Are you keen on football?

  5. I’d like to see this film.

  6. My brother likes sport.

  1. No, thanks.

  2. Yes, I am.

  3. Neither can I.

  4. Let’s go on Sunday.

  5. So do I.

  6. No, I don’t.

Ответы Entry Test 9th Form










































have to










was written

have been killed



1. Nick said that his mother wasn’t very well

2.  Nick said that he didn’t know what Nina was doing.

3. Nick said that I could come and stay at his place.

4. I had sent him a fantastic card.

5. The new film would be bad.

6. I had watched the game.













Task 1 . Choose the necessary word.

1. My sister, who/ which is very beautiful, is arriving today. 2. He’s bought the toy who/ that she was looking for. 3. Jerry’s father has been building his country house for/since ten years. 4. Alex wanted a car for/since her last birthday. 5. The textbook (wrote/was written) by Andy. 6. Five people (have killed/have been killed) in а plane crash. 7. А famous designer (was built/built) the bridge. 8. Mikki _________ play the piano very well. And what about you? a) can b) should c) must 9. _________ he help you with this task? a) Could b) Must c) May 10. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella. a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should

Task 2. Choose the right preposition (of, to, by, boff, in).

11. It contains the largest display… toy dolls. 12. The most successful men and women of that period showed … their wealth wearing silk, woolen and linen clothes. 13. If I was invited …my friends dinner party, I would think twice what to wear. 14. It was … fashion to wear their hair long with lots of colour threads in it. 15. We’d recommend you to travel… bus.

Task 4.

22. Mathematics … hard. I don’t understand it.
a) are c) is
b) was d) were

23. Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we … to stay on a small island.
a) chose c) had chosen
b) have chosen d) choose

24. Excuse me, do you speak English? I … for a hotel.
a) look c) was looking
b) have been looking d) am looking

25. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It… a lot of visitors.
a) will attract c) has attracted
b) attracts d) attracted

26. The police officer said that every house in that street … already by the police.
a) had been searched c) search
b) were searched d) searched

27. While we … for the train, it started to rain.
a) waited c) were waiting
b) are waiting d) was waiting

28. The result of his investigation … in the newspaper soon.
a) publish c) be published
b) will be published d) is published

29. We … a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.
a) bought c) had bought
b) was bought d) have bought

30. When they arrived home, their children … outside the door waiting for them.
a) sit c) was sitting
b) were sitting d) are sitting

31. He was sorry that he … to me for so long.
a) didn’t write c) haven’t been writing
b) hadn’t been writing d) hasn’t been writing

32. Everybody in our team played … except the captain.
a) the worst c) worst
b) badly d) bad

33. Small shops are not as … as supermarkets.
a) more convenient c) convenient
b) most convenient d) the most convenient

34. You know much, but you know … than your teacher.
a) little c) less
b) least d) much

35. The ring you found … be returned to an old lady who had lost it.
a) must c) are to
b) can d) have to

36. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays … piano very well.
a) a c) an
b )the d)-

37. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed … him.
a) on c) under
b) at d)about

38. That’s an easy question! … knows the answer!
a) All c) Each
b )Every d) Everybody

39. I didn’t have much time, but I … visit a lot of places of interest in London.
a) had to c) must
b) was able to d) can

40. We feel sorry … Sam because he hasn’t got any friends.
a )by c) with
b)about d) for

Задания и ответы с 2 варианта

1. Have you ever visited other countries? — Yes, I… to Italy and France.
a) was c) had been
b) have been d) would be

2. I feel really tired. We … to the party last night and have just returned home.
a) went c) had seen
b) has gone d) was going

3. At the beginning of the film I realized that I … it before.
a) see c) had seen
b) saw d) have seen

4. When the bus stopped in the small square, Helen … her magazine and didn’t realized at first that she had
arrived at her destination.
a) read c) was reading
b) reads d) had read

5. My sister’s son … in tomorrow’s race, because he is too young. They do not allow riders under sixteen.
a) won’t ride c) wouldn’t ride
b) shan’t ride d) doesn’t ride

6. A beautiful bridge … in our city. It will be finished next year.
a) builds c) is being built
b) is built d) has been built

7. It has been raining for two hours. I hope it … raining soon.
a) stops c) would stop
b) shall stop d) stop

8. Television has many advantages. It keeps us informed about the latest news, and also … entertainment at home.
a) provide c) is provided
b) provides d) provided

9. On the other hand television … for the violent behaviour of some young people, and for encouraging children to sit indoors, instead of doing sports.
a) blames c) is blamed
b) blamed d) would blame

10. Some millionaires have lots of money and … what to do with it.
a) don’t know c) won’t know
b) didn’t d) knows

11. How … at college? You didn’t say much about it in your last letter.
a) do you get on c) will you get on
b) are you get on d) are you getting on

12. When you … in this city again? — In a month.
a) arrive c) have you arrived
b) arrived d) will you arrive

13. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I … walk to work.
a) has to c) had to
b) have to d) could

14. Every time when I missed the bus, I … to return home late.
a) must c) can
b) had d) may

15. That was great! It was … meal you have ever cooked.
a) good c) best
b) better d) the best

16. This exhibition is … interesting than the previous one.
a) little c) least
b) less d) the least

17. We saw … good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.
a) a c) —
b)the d) an

18. Everybody agrees that … happiness is very important in the life of people.
a) —
с) а
b) the d) many

19. In the past people lived in … harmony with the environment.
a) a c) the
b) an d) —

20. When they arrived … the station, they rushed to the platform not to miss the train.
a)to c)in
b) at d) for

Задания и ответы с 3 варианта

1. Stop ……. time playing computer games and do your homework! A losing B missing C wasting

2. Jenny isn’t here, she ……. at her friend’s house tonight. A stays B is staying C will stay

3. When we were in Rome, we went on a guided ……. of the city. A tour B excursion C expedition

4. Since Brian has always been interested in the stars and planets, it’s no wonder he chose to study ……. . A Astronomy B Engineering C Chemistry

5. Be careful! You ……. into that car! A will crash B are crashing C are going to crash

6. Can you please get ready? There’s ……. time before our guests arrive. A a lot of B very little C few

7. Little David has ……. much taller since the last time I saw him. A developed B increased C grown 8 This school ……. in the 1960s. A was built B built C had built

9. ……. I use your phone, please? A Should B Must C May 10 When we don’t water flowers they ……. . A will die B die C are dying

11. Paul ……. going to bed late, so he always feels sleepy at around 11:00 pm. A didn’t use to B isn’t used to C doesn’t get used to

12 John usually has ……. eggs and some orange juice for breakfast. A scrambled B roast C grilled

13 Susan’s father works as an air traffic ……. at the airport. A programmer B warden C controller

14. Mark really needs to speak to you. He ……. you every five minutes for the last two hours! A ’s been calling B ’s calling C was calling

15. If you buy more than three books at this shop, they ……. you a better price. A are giving B would give C will give

16. The chicken is OK, but the rice is a little ……. . A raw B overcooked C rare

17. James had to ……. schools, because his family went to live in a different part of town. A leave B move C change

18. After the huge earthquake, the small village was left ……. ruins. A on B in C by

19. Jenna grew tired of her long hair, so she decided ……. short. A to be cut B to have it cut C it was cut

20. Liz informed us that she ……. tickets to the show yet. A hadn’t found B didn’t find C hadn’t been found

21. You don’t need a ……. to get on the Internet. A data B software C password

22. Maths ……. my favourite subject when I was at school. A has been B were C was

23. Can you repeat what you said ……., please? A clearer B most clearly C more clearly

24. Kenneth ……. his hometown since he came to live in the city. A hasn’t visited B hasn’t been visiting C wasn’t visiting

25. Are you sure this is ……. leather? It doesn’t look like it. A original B genuine C realistic

26. I usually like eating out, but tonight I’d like ……. at home. A eating B I eat C to eat

27. Frank ……. for six hours without a break, so he decided to stop somewhere to rest. A had been driving B drove C was driving

28. Stephen is very ……. because he does weightlifting five times a week. A plump B overweight C muscular

29. You ……. get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give you a lift, if you want. A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t

30. Paul wanted to buy that DVD player, so he asked the salesman how much ……. . A did it cost B it cost C it costs

31. What would you do if you ……. someone famous? A had met B met C would meet

32. James spends a lot of time on his computer ……. with his online friends. A chatting B telling C texting

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