«Весна — лето 2025»

Вопросы по теме "Времена года"

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Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


1) How many seasons are there in the year? There are four seasons in a year.

2) Are there four seasons in the year? Yes, there are. There are four seasons in a year.

3) Is autumn a dull season? Yes, it is. Autumn is a dull season.

4) Does it often rain in autumn? Yes, it does. It often rains in autumn.

5) When forests are more beautiful? Forests are more beautiful in autumn.

6) What colour are leaves in the trees in autumn? In autumn the leaves in the trees are of different colours: green, yellow, orange, red and brown.

7) What is your favourite season? My favourite season is summer.

8) In what season the days are longer? The days are longer in summer.

9) Do you go to school in summer? No, I don’t. I don’t go to school in summer.

10) What can you do in summer? I can have a lot of fun in summer.

11) Are fields white with snow in winter? Yes, they are. The fields are white with snow in winter.

12) What season comes after winter? Spring comes after winter.

13) What colour are forests in winter? In winter forests are white.

14) Do you enjoy the sun in spring? Yes, I do. I enjoy the sun in spring.

15) What seasons are beautiful? All of them are.

16) What season comes before summer? Spring comes before summer.

17) Is the grass green in autumn? No, it isn’t. It isn’t green in autumn.

18) When do leaves fall down from the trees? In autumn the leaves fall down from the trees.

19) Are the nights longer in summer? No, they aren’t. They are not longer in summer.

20) Do you play snowballs in winter? Yes, I do. I play snowballs in winter.

21) Did you skate in winter? Yes, I did. I skated in winter.

22) Does your friend ski in winter? Yes, he does. He skied in winter.

23) Is it hot in spring? No, it isn’t. It isn’t hot in spring.

24) Can you have a good time in winter? Yes, I can. I can have a good time in winter.

25) Is it cold in autumn? Yes, it is. It is cold in autumn.

26) Does it snow in summer? No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t snow in summer.

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