«Весна — лето 2025»

Внеклассное мероприятие. Инсценировка сказки «Красная Шапочка» на английском языке. 5 класс

Мероприятие адаптировано для учеников 5х классов, содержит лексический материал соответствующий уровню знаний пятого класса.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Внеклассное мероприятие.

Инсценировка сказки «Красная Шапочка» на английском языке

  “ Little Red Riding Hood”.

Место проведения: классная комната 5-А класса

Цели: развивать внимание и память; совершенствовать навыки говорения с использованием изученной лексики; поддерживать интерес к изучению иностранного языка; развивать творческие способности обучающихся.

Декорации и реквизит: иллюстрации к сказке, декорации, костюмы, цветы, аудио сопровождение.

Ход мероприятия

Storyteller1:  Once upon a time there lived a small girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood because she had red cap on her head.

Storyteller2:She had a lot of friends and they met and played. The girl liked to dance and to sing songs. One summer day her friends came to her.


If the Sun is shining,

And the day is bright,

We think that we’ll

Stay out and play.

LRRH: Let’s play!

( Music and dance “Clap your hands together”)

Mother: Come here, Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH). Your grandmother is ill, you must go to see her. Take this cake to your Granny. Go quickly and don’t stop anywhere.

LRRH: All right, Mummy.

Storyteller1: LRRH said good bye to her mother and left home. It was a lovely summer day and the way to the Granny’s house lay through the wood.


Right through the woods- not very far-

Lives Red Riding Hood’s Grandma.

To visit her, she often takes

Butter, eggs and home- made cakes.

Her mummy tells her every day:

“ Don’t talk to strangers on the way”.


So I am walking through the wood,

I have a basket with some food.

But no flowers at all,

And Granny likes them so much.

Oh, flowers are very nice!

It will not take me many hours

To get these very pretty flowers.

Storyteller 2: She stopped to pick some flowers.

LRRH: The first, the second and the third. Oh, what a pretty bluebell!

Bluebell: Yes, this is me. I’m blue like the Sky, and my dress is like a bell.

LRRH: Hello!

Cornflower: Blue is my color too. I grow in the corn and make the field beautiful. My name is Cornflower.

LRRH: Hi, nice to meet you. You are so beautiful.

Sunflower: And I am like the golden sun. You can find me everywhere. My name is Sunflower.

LRRH: Is it a rose?

Rose: Of course, I am. All of you know me very well and like my sweet smell. I have got many nice dresses- yellow, red, pink and white. I come when the sun is hot. Then I smell lovely and you know that I am here.

LRRH: I see. My Granny is ill and I’m going to see her. She likes flowers very much. Would you like to go with me?

Flowers: With great pleasure.

Storyteller1: LRRH picked up flowers and continued her way.

Two squirrels watched Red Riding Hood

Squirrel 1 :

As she went walking through the wood.

We saw a wolf and warned and shouted:

“ There is a bad wolf about!”

Squirrel 2:

Little Red Riding Hood be good –

And don’t stop in the big dark wood!

Squirrel 1:

A wolf lives in the big dark wood.

The wolf is bad. He isn’t good.

Squirrel 2:

He is looking for some tasty food.

He wants to eat Red Riding Hood!

Ф-ма, выходит волк.


Hello, Red Riding Hood, my dear!

Can I ask what you’re doing here?

LRRH: Good morning, Mister Wolf!

Wolf: My dear girl, I want to know where you are going ?

LRRH: I am going to my granny. It’s a cake for my Granny and these are her favorite flowers. She is very ill.

Wolf: And where does your grandmother live?

LRRH: Her house stands under three very big trees in the forest. But , excuse me, Mr. Wolf, my mother told me not to stop anywhere. Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.

Wolf: Thank you, my dear girl. Good-bye. See you soon. Ha-ha-ha.


Then he quickly rаn away. 

Ф-ма. Волк уходит.


The wolf rаn to grandma’s house in the wood.

Wolf: (стучит и говорит тоненьким голоском)

Knock, knock! It’s me! Red Riding Hood!

Grandma: (испуганно, в панике)

Oh dear! That’s the wolf’s big ugly head!

(хватается за голову)

Where can I hide? (паузадумает)

Oh…! Under my bed!

(прячется под кровать)

Storyteller 2: The wolf walks into Grandma’s house.

But all he saw was a little mouse!

Wolf:   (злообиженно)

There’s no tasty food here in this room!

But red Riding Hood is coming soon!

Storyteller1: He puts a nightcap on his head

And quickly jumps into Grandma’s bed!

 (одевает бабушкин чепчик, ложится на кровать, пауза, входит Красная Шапочка)

Storyteller 2: Soon LRRH came to the Granny’s house and knocked at the door.

Wolf: Who is there?

LRRH: It is me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: The door is open, come in dear! Come nearer to me, I am very ill. I can’t see you and hear you. Sit beside me on the bed.

LRRH: Granny, what big ears you have got!

Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.

LRRH: Granny, what big eyes you have got?

Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.

LRRH: Oh, Granny, what sharp teeth you have got!

Wolf: The better to eat you up, LRRH.

Storyteller1: With this words the wolf jumped out of bed and was ready to swallow the girl when suddenly the hunter appeared.

Hunter1: What’s the noise? Oh, it is a wolf. The squirrels told me about you.

Hunter2: How much harm you have done! I’ll punish you for that!


A kind hunter, taking the gun,

Stopped the bad wolf’s wicked harm.

Granny: Oh, my dear child, I’m glad to see you.

LRRH: I’m pleased to see you, Granny. Here are the flowers and the cake for you.

Storyteller1: This is the end of the story about Little Red Riding Hood, her sick Granny, a hungry Wolf and the brave Hunters and the girl’s friends.


Friendship is a thing for two,

Three or four, even more.

Like a song that’s made to sing

Friendship is a going thing.

The song:

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, the happier we are!

For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends,

The more we get together, the happier we are!

The end


Текст песни "Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs — Lil' Red Riding Hood"

Who's that I see walkin' in these woods?
Why it's Little Red Ridin' Hood

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood
You sure are lookin' good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Listen to me, Little Red Ridin' Hood
I don't think little big girls should
Go walkin' in these spooky old woods alone


What big eyes you have
The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad
So, just to see that you don't get chased
I think I ought, to walk, with you for a ways

What full lips you have
They're sure to lure, someone bad
So, untill you get to grandma's place
I think you ought, to walk, with me and be safe

I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on
Till I'm sure that you've been shown
That I can be trusted walkin' with you alone


Little Red Ridin' Hood
I'd like to hold you if I could
But you might think I'm a big bad wolf, so I won't


What a big heart I have
The better to love you with
Little Red Ridin' Hood
Even bad wolves can be good

I'll try to keep satisfied
Just to walk close by your side
Maybe you'll see things my way
Before we get to grandma's place

Little Red Ridin' Hood
You sure are lookin' good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Текст песни «The more we get together»

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Oh, the more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
There's Chris and Tanya
And Jason and Jusitn
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

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