Интерактивная викторина «Что вы знаете о Шекспире» (на английском языке)

1 . Shakespeare was born in
- 1564
- 1616
- 1558
- 1592

2. Shakespeare was born in
- London
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- Edinburgh
- Oxford

3. The names of Shakespeare's father and mother were:
- Abraham and Sara
- William and Anne
- John and Mary
- George and Elisabeth

4. Shakespeare married …
- Mary Arden
- Susanna Hall
- Anne Hathaway
- Mary Queen of Scots

5. Shakespeare was the father of how many children?
- 3
- 2
- 10
- 1

6 . Shakespeare’s first name was …
- John
- Peter
- William
- Hamlet

7 . Shakespeare’s mother was…
- Ann Hathaway
- Mary Arden
- Susanna Shakespeare
- Elisabeth Tudor

8 . How many plays were written by Shakespeare?
- 54
- 37
- 29
- 18

9 . Shakespeare was born on the
- 7th of August
- 2 6 th of April
- 21st of September
- 29th of February

1 0 . Shakespeare died on the
- 7th of August
- 23rd of April
- 21st of September
- 29th of February

1 1 . In his will Shakespeare left most of his fortune
- to his son
- to his wife
- to his younger daughter
- to his elder daughter

12 . Shakespeare got married at the age of…
- sixteen
- eighteen
- twenty
- twenty one

13 . The publisher dedicated the first edition of Shakespeare’s sonnets to
- H.W.
- S.W.
- W.H.
- W.S.

14 . Shakespeare wrote
- 137 sonnets
- 154 sonnets
- 182 sonnets
- 198 sonnets

15 . Shakespeare died in
- 1599
- 1616
- 1623
- 1642