«Весна — лето 2025»

Устная тема "Animals in danger" для 6 класса УМК "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М. З.

Устная тема "Animals in danger" для 6 класса УМК "Enjoy English" Биболетовой М. З. составлена на основе лексико-грамматического материала ll четверти данного УМК. Тема включает специфическую информацию об уникальном зоопарке ландшафтного типа в г. Новосибирске. Содержание текста заставляет обучающихся задуматься о судьбах животных в дикой природе, в обычных зоопарках, в сафари-парках, а также о бездомных животных.Также текст включает некоторые правила поведения в зоопарках.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Animals in Danger

Many kinds of animals are in danger all over the world. Everybody must fight to save endangered animals. The African elephant, the giant panda, the black rhino are just some of these animals.

Many species of animals are kept in zoos in many countries. Some talented people like Rostislav Alexandrovich Shilo (he created one of the most wonderful zoos in Russia) have created wild animal`s parks, where animals aren`t kept in cages , but they are in open areas, and they are free to run around. They are safe and sound. For example, all in all there are 52 kinds of animals in Novosibirsk's Zoo. There are some exotic animals there. Some rare females gave birth to unusual animals like the liger, the African lion and the Bengal tiger. You can watch baby animals in the Zoo too. They are full of fun.

It`s a fact that some animals are cruel that`s why you should be afraid of all kinds of animals in the Zoo, you shouldn`t feed them and be close to them, you shouldn`t take your pets to the Zoo.

I think it is better for animals to live in the wild but for some endangered animals it would be better to live in wild animals’ parks. I am sure animals shouldn't live in usual zoos. It's a pity, there are many homeless dogs and cats. To my mind, they should live in special places.

There are many animals all over the world which need our help to survive. There should be more National Parks. People should protect the places where animals live.

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