«Весна — лето 2025»

Unit of long term plan "The Discovery of America. The geographical position of the USA"

S1. Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics.

S4. Respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

W1. Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Бекітемін __________

Unit of a long term plan

School: №36 secondary school

Date: 8A 9.01.18

8B 9.01.18

8V 12.01.18

Teacher name: Orazova A.

Grade 8th

Number present:


Lesson title

The Discovery of America. The geographical position of the USA

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

S1. Provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics.

S4. Respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

W1. Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Assessment criteria

To ask simple questions to get information about schools

To develop the learners’ correct pronunciation of active vocabulary

To write and complete the sentences about education.

Values links

To respect each others opinion, to awake of their patriotic senses. To teach pupil to love our history 

Learning to speak about the Secondary education. To develop students’ critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self assessment.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



1. Organization momentgreeting the students.

2.Dividing the class into groups.

3. Checking up homework:

1.Good morning! How are you?

2. Divides students.

3. Active vocabulary by chain.

-Morning! We are fine!

a) Greeting

b) The report of the pupil on duty

c) Introduce the theme:


Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and ready to work hard at the lesson, aren’t you? So, let’s start our lesson. It will be devoted to America.

The pupils listen to the hymn of America “The star-spangled banner”.

Then the slides of the presentation go and the pupils describe the symbols of America, its flag and emblem.

After that the teacher asks the pupils to answer the questions and describe the pictures. The questions appear on the slides of the presentation.

The Discovery of America

Who discovered America and when?

Who sent Christopher Columbus to India?

What do you know about this man?

Why did he decide to go west?

What was the name of the new land?

The First Settlements

When did the 1st settlements appear in America?

When did the “Mayflower” sail to America?

Why did the people want to leave England for America?

When did they reach America?

Who was on board the ship?

The History of Thanksgiving Day

When did people celebrate this holiday for the first time and why?

What do people usually do on that day?

What is the traditional food of this day?

What is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

Native Americans

Where did Native Americans come from?

What were Native Americans like?

Where did they live?

Where do most Native Americans live now?

Teacher: Now I would like you to tell us what you know about Christopher Columbus and his life, the first colonists and their voyages on board the “Mayflower”, the history of Thanksgiving Day, Native Americans, Wild West traditions, and symbols of America.

. Language work. Dear boys and girls, tell us please the words concern the sea. Make the sea alive. 
You should write every word in the ships and let them to sail in the sea by sticking. 
island  discovery sailor discover sail sea voyage ship seaman 
- Ok, can you imagine the real sea? Well done, your imaginary helps you to understand the following task. 
IV. Reading 
1. Before reading. Today we need these proper names at our lesson. Let’s practice their pronouncing: 
America, Central America, North America, South America, 
Christopher Columbus, the United States of America, the USA, 
the States, Italy, Spain, India. 
Now you will read the text about discovery of America, and its discoverer Christopher Columbus. Look at these photos… 

VI. Physical time. Pupils, Native Americans were Indians. Let’s tell the counting about them.

Conclusion: Make a story of Christopher Columbus looking at the pictures. Giving home task: Give short summary of the discovery of America, learn writing of new words. 
Evaluation I’m very glad for your work today. All of you have participated very active. I hope you will be active later too. Your marks are…The lesson is over. Thank you and see you next lesson!


Homework. Marking. Ex.5-4 p.112-116. learn new information about a day at an English school.

T: I’ll give your marks: excellent…good… sad…

T: Everybody, stand up! The lesson is over. Good – bye, pupils.

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