«Весна — лето 2025»

Тренировочные упражнения. There is/ There are. Английский язык 4 класс.

Тренировочные упражнения помогут научиться использовать оборот There is/There are в утвердительных.отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тренировочные упражнения

Английский язык 4 класс, Ю.А. Комарова,И.В. Ларионова, Ж. Перрет

There is / There are

  1. Подчеркни правильное слово:

There is / are three windows in the flat.

There is / are a kitchen in the flat.

There is / are some flowers in the vase.

There is / are shelves on the wall.

There is / are a computer on the desk.

There is / are a carpet on the floor.

There is / are a table and two armchairs.

There isn′t / aren′t any toys on the table.

Is / are there a park in the town?

Is / are there any swings in the park?

  1. Подчеркни верный перевод предложения.

Is there a park in the town?

а) В городе есть парк?

b) Парк есть в городе?

There are three apples in the basket.

a) Три яблока лежат в корзине.

b) В корзине три яблока.

  1. Поставь предложение в отрицательную форму .

  1. There is an apple on the plate.

The isn′t an apple on the plate.

  1. There is a table in the room.


  1. There are two beds in the bedroom.


  1. There are four books in the bag.


  1. There is a dog next to the car.


  1. Поставь предложение в вопросительную форму.

  1. There is a chair next to the cupboard.

Is there a chair next to the cupboard?

  1. There are lots of stars in the box.


  1. There is a hot air balloon in the sky.


  1. There is a tree behind the house.


5) Ответь кратко на вопросы.

Yes, there is / No, there isn′t

Yes, there are / No, there aren′t

Is there a lion in the zoo? Yes, there is.

Is there a giraffe in the zoo? No, there isn′t.

Is there the sun in the sky? Yes,____________

Are there lots of birds near the house? No, ____________

Are there any cups on the table? No,______________

Is there a tiger in the shop? Yes, ____________

Are there ten desks in the room? Yes,___________

Is there a sofa in the bedroom? No,____________

Are there seven boys in the park? Yes, ____________

Is there TV set in the kitchen? No,_____________

6) Исправь ошибки.

1) There is two cats under the tree.

There are two cats under the tree

2) There are a flower pot on the floor.


3) There is three cars in the yard.


4) There is two birds in the tree.


5) There is three umbrellas in the corner.


6) There are a boy and four girls in the classroom.


7) There is five apples and a cake on the table.


8) There are a slide and two swings next to my house.


7) Вставь There is / There are.

__________ a white car near the house.

__________ many children in our school.

__________ a toy boat and two monkeys in the box.

__________ seven trees behind the school.

__________ a cat on the sofa.

8) Переведи с русского языка на английский язык.

 На столе яблоко. There is an apple on the table.

 Под деревом большая собака._________________________

 В парке много детей. _________________________

На дереве птичка._____________________________

В коробке мяч.________________________________

В комнате нет дивана.__________________________

7) Опиши картинку,используя There is / There are. Слова ниже помогут тебе.

a house , three black and white cats, a green tree , a flower bed, two girls, a brown dog, a funny boy, the trees, flowers, behind, next to, under, between.









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