«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест времена года 3 класс

Тест к учебнику Верещагиной И.Н. 3 класс. Можно использоватьв начале 4 класса

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1.True or false?

  1. There are twelve months in a year. __________

  2. In GB there are three summer months. _________

  3. There are thirty days in June. _________

  4. June comes after September. ___________

  5. In GB May is the first summer month. ________

  6. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in February. _______

  7. There are two seasons in GB. _________

  8. Winter is the hottest season of the year. ________

  9. In winter it rains and snows in GB. _________

  10. British people celebrate Christmas on the twenty fourth of December. ________

  11. Halloween is on the thirtieth of October. ____________

  12. Thanksgiving Day is in September. ______________

  1. Заполни предложения словами something или anything.

  1. Is there _________________ on the table?

  2. Give me _______________ to eat. I’m very hungry.

  3. We didn’t have ________________ for dinner yesterday.

  4. Can you see ________________ in my hand?

  5. Tell me _________________ about him.

  1. Исправь ошибки в предложениях. Зачеркни неправильное слово и напиши сверху правильное.

  1. There aren`t some apples on the table.

  2. There isn’t no juice at home.

  3. I didn’t want to say nothing to you.

  4. Is there something in your box?

  5. She took anything from the table.

  1. Поставь предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. Mary has got something in her bag. – Mary ______________ __________________________________ in her bag.

  2. She is reading something. – She _______________________

  3. Somebody lives in this house. - _______________________ __________________________ in this house.

  4. I have got some English books. - ______________________ _________________________English books.

  5. Last week she gave me some money. – Last week _________________________________________money.

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