«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест (страноведение, США) 7 класс

Тестнаправлен на развитие познавательных способностей учащихся.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Смазнева Наталья Павловна, учитель английского языка Английский язык, 7 класс

( страноведение, США)


  1. It has stripes for colonies and stars for states.

  1. a map B) a flag

C) an emblem D) a pair of jeans

  1. Which state in the USA is closest to Russia?

  1. Massachusetts B) Montana

C) Florida D) Alaska

3. Alaska – Juneau, Montana – Helena, Wyoming – Cheyenne, Florida - ?

A) Miami B) Orlando

C) Tallahassee D) Jacksonville

4. What city is known for its “gangster history”?

A) Chicago B) Boston

C) Los Angeles D) San Francisco

5. How old is the USA as an independent country?

A) more than 500 B) more than 400

C) more than 200 D) more than 300

6. Independence Day is….

A) an old tradition B) an official holiday

C) a native custom D) an international festival

7. He took command of the American Continental army, and the War of Independence began.

A) Admiral Nelson B) George Washington

C) George Marshal D) Dwight Eisenhower

8. “The Boston Tea Party” is a….

A) fighting B) competition

C) festival D) monument

9. People of France presented it to the US hundredth birthday.

A) the Liberty Bell B) a baseball cap

C) the Statue of Liberty D) the Decloration of Independence

10. Mount Rushmore has huge stony faces of presidents. They are..

A) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, J. Adams

B) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt

C) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, F.D. Roosevelt

D) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, H. Truman

11. General Sharman is the name of a ..

A) man B) tree

C) ship D) woman

12. Began programming computers at 13, the founder of software corporation.

A) Bill Gates B) Harrison Ford

C) Walt Disney D) Betsy Ross

13. The first …… were made in 1873 in California by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis.

A) overalls B) baseball caps

C) sportswear D) jeans

14. In 18th jean material was used to make work clothes for

A) drivers B) travellers

C) tourists D) gold miners

15. There are about 800 …… a year in the USA. It looks like a windy funnel and acts like a hoover.

A) earthquake B) tornadoes

C) storms D) eruption


  1. It has stripes for colonies and stars for states.

  1. a map B) a flag

C) an emblem D) a pair of jeans

  1. Which state in the USA is closest to Russia?

  1. Massachusetts B) Montana

C) Florida D) Alaska

3. Alaska – Juneau, Montana – Helena, Wyoming – Cheyenne, Florida - ?

A) Miami B) Orlando

C) Tallahassee D) Jacksonville

4. What city is known for its “gangster history”?

A) Chicago B) Boston

C) Los Angeles D) San Francisco

5. How old is the USA as an independent country?

A) more than 500 B) more than 400

C) more than 200 D) more than 300

6. Independence Day is….

A) an old tradition B) an official holiday

C) a native custom D) an international festival

7. He took command of the American Continental army, and the War of Independence began.

A) Admiral Nelson B) George Washington

C) George Marshal D) Dwight Eisenhower

8. “The Boston Tea Party” is a….

A) fighting B) competition

C) festival D) monument

9. People of France presented it to the US hundredth birthday.

A) the Liberty Bell B) a baseball cap

C) the Statue of Liberty D) the Decloration of Independence

10. Mount Rushmore has huge stony faces of presidents. They are..

A) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, J. Adams

B) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt

C) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, F.D. Roosevelt

D) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, H. Truman

11. General Sharman is the name of a ..

A) man B) tree

C) ship D) woman

12. Began programming computers at 13, the founder of software corporation.

A) Bill Gates B) Harrison Ford

C) Walt Disney D) Betsy Ross

13. The first …… were made in 1873 in California by Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis.

A) overalls B) baseball caps

C) sportswear D) jeans

14. In 18th jean material was used to make work clothes for

A) drivers B) travellers

C) tourists D) gold miners

15. There are about 800 …… a year in the USA. It looks like a windy funnel and acts like a hoover.

A) earthquake B) tornadoes

C) storms D) eruption

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