«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест по теме "Еда" Module 3 (к учебнику Spotlight-4)

Тест по теме «Еда» Module 3. Цель: контроль лексических навыков по теме «Еда», грамматических навыков по теме "Много" (a lot / many / much), Present Simple (построение предложений)

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Module 3.  Портфолио «Еда»


1 Make up a cluster «Food» 8 words

2. Write in English





3)24 £

4)7£ 10 p




4)1£20 p

3. Choose and write: a lot / many / much:

1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.

2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.

3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home?

4. How ______________ milk do you drink every day?

  1. Look, read and write Yes or No.



  1. There are a lot of tomatoes. __

  2. There is a lot of olive oil. _____

  3. There is a lot of bread. ______

  4. There is a lot of butter. ______

1There is a lot of bread. ______

2There are a lot of tomatoes. __

3There is a lot of butter. ______

4There is a lot of cheese. ______

5. Match the phrases (Соотнесифразы).



1 May I leave the classroom?

a) I think only 2.

1 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

a) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!

2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

b) Yes, but don’t be too long.

2How many lemons do we need?

b) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.

3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

c) No, you may not. Eat it in

the kitchen!

3 May I taste the apple pie now?

c) I think only 2.

4 How many lemons do we need?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

4 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

  1. Make up negative and interrogative sentences



She drinks coffee every morning



I eat bread every day



Module 3.  Портфолио «Еда»


1 Make up a cluster «Food» 8 words

2. Write in English





3)24 £

4)7£ 10 p



3)10 £

4)1£ 20 p

3. Choose and write: a lot / many / much:

1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.

2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.

3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home?

4. How ______________ milk do you drink every day?

  1. Look, read and write Yes or No.



1There are a lot of tomatoes. __

2There is a lot of olive oil. _____

3There is a lot of bread. ______

4There is a lot of butter. ______

1There is a lot of bread. ______

2There are a lot of tomatoes. __

3There is a lot of butter. ______

4There is a lot of cheese. ______

5. Match the phrases (Соотнесифразы).



1 May I leave the classroom?

a) I think only 2.

1 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

a) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!

2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

b) Yes, but don’t be too long.

2How many lemons do we need?

b) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.

3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

c) No, you may not. Eat it in

the kitchen!

3 May I taste the apple pie now?

c) I think only 2.

4 How many lemons do we need?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

4 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

  1. Make up negative and interrogative sentences



She drinks coffee every morning



I eat bread every day



Module 3.  Портфолио «Еда»


1 Make up a cluster «Food» 6 words

2. End the phrases



  1. a packet of…

  2. a jar of…

  3. a tin of…

  4. a bottle of…

  1. a loaf of…

  2. a bar of…

  3. a carton of…

  4. a kilo of…

3. Choose and write: a lot / many / much:

1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.

2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.

3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home?

4. How ______________ milk do you drink every day?

4Look, read and write Yes or No.



  1. There are a lot of tomatoes. __

  2. There is a lot of olive oil. _____

  3. There is a lot of bread. ______

  4. There is a lot of butter. ______

1There is a lot of bread. ______

2There are a lot of tomatoes. __

3There is a lot of butter. ______

4There is a lot of cheese. ______

5. Match the phrases (Соотнеси фразы).



1 May I leave the classroom?

a) I think only 2.

1 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

a) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!

2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

b) Yes, but don’t be too long.

2How many lemons do we need?

b) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.

3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?

c) No, you may not. Eat it in

the kitchen!

3 May I taste the apple pie now?

c) I think only 2.

4 How many lemons do we need?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

4 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?

d) Sure. That’s 67 pence.

  1. Make up negative and interrogative sentences



She drinks coffee every morning



I eat bread every day



7)Напиши любые 3 неправильных глаголы, напиши их 3 формы

2. Find the odd word out (Найдилишнееслово):

1) a carton of milk / yogurt /chicken

2) a packet of meat / spaghetti /biscuits

3) a jar of cola / honey / jam

4) a bottle of lemonade / water / flour

3. Choose and write:How much / how many.

1. ______________ cheese have you got?

2. _________________ milk is there in the fridge?

3. _________________ apples do you need for your cake?

4. _______________ pepper do you add (добавляешь) in your porridge?

5. ____________ packets of biscuits have you got?

6. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Gg.

Fridge, mango, green, orange, garden, gym, magic, sugar.



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