«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест "Plural form of nouns"

тест содержит 4 задания на множественное число существительных и притяжательный падеж

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1. Use in the plural.

1. The sheep is in the field. _______________________________________________________________________

2. The postman delivers letters. ____________________________________________________________________

3. The roof of this house is bad._____________________________________________________________________

4. This is a lovely city. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. That house is old. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Who is that man?______________________________________________________________________________

7. that is his photo. _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Here is your toy. ______________________________________________________________________________

9. His son-in-law is there. _________________________________________________________________________

10. This woman is a teacher._______________________________________________________________________

2. Choose the right variant.

1. The police believes / believe the man is a thief. 2. My scissors doesn’t / don’t cut well. 3. The news isn’t / aren’t very good. 4. The people you want to see is / are here. 5. This / these advice is / are ridiculous. 6. The cups is / are full. 7. Her hair is / are long. 8. Has / have the police got enough evidence? 9. His knowledge leaves / leave much to be desired. 10. Does / do the child like to bathe? 11. Does / do his advice help you? 12. Is / are his trousers new? 13. Does / do the furniture cost much? 14. His wages isn’t / aren’t very high. 15. The cattle is / are on the farm. 16. Does / do the information need checking? 17. Has / have the men got good jobs? 18. His foot hurts / hurt. 19. Is / are the women on a diet? 20. Does / do the work give him pleasure?

3. Choose the right variant.

1. My aunt is my ... sister.

1. aunt's             2. grandfather's         3. mother's                 4. brother's

2. My cousin is my ... daughter.

1. aunt's         2. mother's             3. sister's            4. brother's        5. father's

3. My mother has a sister, her son is my ... nephew.

1. mother's         2. aunt's             3. sister's            4. brother's

4. My ... father is my father-in-law.

1. uncle's            2. husband's                  3. father's                 4. brother's

5. My father has a brother, his daughter is my ... niece.

1. father's           2. uncle's            3. brother's                4. grandmother's

6. My ... parents are my grandparents.

1. niece's            2. brother's        3. sister's            4. friend's       5. mother's

7. My ... children are my grandchildren.

1. mother's         2. daughter's         3. father's

4. Choose the right variant.

1. the shade of the tree - ...                         2. the economy of the country - ...

1. the tree's shade                                        1. the country's economy

2. the trees' shade                                        2. the economys' country

3. the trees's shade                                      3. the countrys' economy

4. -                                                                   4. -

3. the work of the next week - ...               4. the toys of my children - ...

1. the next's week work                                1. my children toys

2. the next week's work                                2. my childrens' toys

3. the next weeks' work                                3. my children's toys

4. -                                                                   4. -

5. the bedroom of my sisters - ...               6. the hobby of my wife - ...

1. my sister's bedroom                                 1. my wife's hobby

2. my sisters' bedroom                                 2. my hobby's wife

3. my sisters's bedroom                               3. my wifes' hobby

4. -                                                                   4. -

7. the holiday of three weeks - ...              8. the photo of her boyfriend - ...

1. the three weeks' holiday                         1. her photo's boyfriend

2. the three weeks's holiday                       2. her boyfriend's photo

3. the holiday's three weeks                       3. her boyfriends' photo

4. -                                                                   4. -

9. the decision of the government - ...      10. the wedding of Tom and Jane -

1. the governments' decision                     1. Tom's and Jane's wedding

2. the government' decision                       2. Tom and Jane's wedding

3. the government's decision                     3. Tom and Janes' wedding

4. -                                                                   4. -

11. the bottom of the box - ...                      12. the car of the Millers - ...

1. the box's bottom                                       1. the Millers's car

2. the boxs' bottom                                       2. the Miller's car

3. the box' bottom                                         3. the Millers' car

4. -                                                                   4. -

13. the umbrella of Professor Jones - ...

1. Professor Jones' umbrella

2. Professor's Jones's umbrella

3. Professor Jones's umbrella

4. -

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