«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест для школьников 11 класса

Тесты для школьников 11 класса. На английском языке очень легкий

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Name: Class:

Conditionals (1-2)

A) Choose the correct item and underline it:

  1. If I move / I’ll move to Boston, I live / I’ll live on Main Street.

  2. If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.

  3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center ville.

  4. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.

  5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I write / I’ll write to her.

  6. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.

  7. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they don’t go / won’t go to work.

  8. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he buys / he’ll buy a motorcycle.

E) Match the two halves of the sentences:

Sam is thinking about his camping holiday with Andy.

1. If it’s sunny, a) we’ll make a fire.

2. If it rains, b) we’ll be able to see the stars.

3. If the sky is clear, c) we’ll go skating.

4. If the lake freezes, d) we’ll sit outside.

5. If the sea is clean, e) we’ll need an umbrella.

6. If we get cold, f) we’ll go swimming.

1. ..d… 2. ……. 3. …… 4. ……. 5. …….. 6. ………

H) What would you do in each situation? Write UNREAL PRESENT situations.

* call an ambulance * complain to the manager * run away

* try to catch it * ring the police

* walk to the nearest garage to get some

1. You find a fly in your soup. If I found a fly in my soup, I would complain to the manager.

2. You see a burglar breaking into your house.


3. You see a mouse in your kitchen.


4. Your car runs out of petrol.


5. You see an accident.


6. You see a ghost in your room.


I) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

Sarah is a bored teenager. If she …. joined… (join) a club, she ……………………… (make)

more friends. She ………………………………. (enjoy) herself if she …………………….. (go)

out more. Her schoolwork is suffering too. If she ………………………………….. (study) more,

she ………………………………….. (have) better marks and she ………………………. (enter)

university. Unfortunately, she is becoming overweight. She ………………………………. (feel)

fitter if she ……………………………….. (start) swimming, and she …………………….. (get)

thinner if she ……………………………… (stop) eating so much chocolate.

K) Use the correct tense:

  1. The teacher will be very angry if you …………………………… (not do) your homework.

  2. If he ……………………………….. (tell) me, I could help him.

  3. If you don’t water the flowers, they ………………………………………… (die).

  4. If you didn’t water the flowers, they …………………………………………(die).

  5. I ……………………………………….. (come) if I had time.

Find the translations to these words:

  1. Ecology-

  2. Pollution-

  3. Government-

  4. Recycle-

  5. Increase-

  6. Computer addict-

  7. Global warming-

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