English-Russian Dictionary “Design”
adjacent | смежный, примыкающий |
analysis | анализ |
architectonic | архитектоника |
arrangement of industrial form | компоновка |
assortment(range of products) | ассортимент |
backyard | задний двор |
bark | кора |
bench | скамья |
birdhouse | скворечник |
block | брусок |
bough | сук |
branch | ветка |
bud | бутон |
bureau | бюро |
bush | кустарник-растение |
CAD (computer-aided design) | автоматизация проектирования |
cane | колышек (палка) |
chromatics | цветоведение |
colour scheme | цветовая схема |
comfort | комфорт |
composition | композиция |
compost | компост |
coniferous | хвойный |
construction | конструкция |
consumer | потребитель |
culture | культура |
curb | бордюрный камень |
decor | декор |
design | дизайн, проект |
design-concept | дизайнерская концепция |
designer | дизайнер |
dig up | выкапывать |
DIY (do-it-yourself) | сделанные своими руками |
drain | дренаж |
dwelling | жилище |
effort | усилие |
employ | применять, использовать |
environment design | городской дизайн |
equipment | оборудование |
fashion | мода |
fertilizer | удобрение |
flatten | разравнивать |
floral containers | цветочные контейнеры (лотки) |
flower border (flowerbed) | цветочная рамка (клумба) |
flowering plants | цветущие растения |
foliage | листва |
forest | лес |
forks | вилы |
fountain | фонтан |
frontyard | передний двор |
function zona | функциональная зона |
gardening | садоводство |
glade | поляна |
graphic | графический |
gravel | гравий |
greenhouse | оранжерея, теплица |
grove | роща |
hardscape | малые архитектурные формы |
hedge | живая изгородь |
herb | трава |
hoe | мотыга, тяпка |
horticulture | садоводство |
hose | шланг |
hue | оттенок |
image | образ |
implement | воплощать в жизнь |
inanimate | неодушевлённый |
inspiration | вдохновение |
land planning | землеустройство |
landscape | ландшафт, пейзаж |
lawn | газон |
lawnmower | газонокосилка |
lay-out documentation | конструкторская документация |
leaf | лист |
liquid | влага |
log | бревно |
luminary | светильник |
maintain | поддерживать, сохранять |
manure | удобрение |
masonry | каменная кладка |
master planning | основное планирование |
material | материал |
model (mock-up modeling) | макет, модель |
model building | макетирование |
modelling | моделирование |
modification | модификация |
nature | природа |
nomenclature | номенклатура |
nutrient | питательное вещество |
orchard | сад |
ornamental trees | декоративные деревья |
outer sheath | внешняя оболочка |
patch of grass mown | клочок скошенной травы |
patent service | патентная служба |
pathway | тропинка, дорожка |
patio | внутренний дворик, патио |
pattern | шаблон, образец |
perennials | многолетники |
pesticide | пестицид |
pond | пруд |
pot | горшок |
product | изделие, продукт |
project, design | проект, разработка |
property | свойство |
proportion | пропорци |
prune | обрезать |
quality | качество |
rake | грабли |
recreation area | зона отдыха |
redesign | модернизация |
rely on | полагаться |
requirements | требования |
root | корень |
runoff | поток |
rural landscape | сельский ландшафт |
scale | масштаб |
seasoned gardener | опытный садовник |
seedlings | рассада, саженцы |
seeds | семена |
shears | садовые ножницы |
shed | сарай |
shoot | побег |
shovel | совок |
shrub | кустарник-дерево |
sideyard | боковой, примыкающий двор |
site planning | планирование участка застройки |
softscape | зеленые насаждения |
soil/dirt | почва/грязь |
sow | высевать |
spade | лопата (заступ) |
spray | распылять |
sprouts | ростки |
stalk | черенок |
stem | стебель |
stub | пень (обломок пня) |
stump | пень |
style | стиль |
styling | стайлинг |
technology | технология |
test sample | образец продукции |
texture | текстура |
transition | перемещение |
trellis | решётка |
trim (bushes) | подравнивать (кусты) |
trowel | шпатель, мастерок |
trunk | ствол |
twig | веточка |
typification | типизация |
undergrowth | подлесок |
unity | единство |
urban landscapes | городской ландшафт |
vegetable patch | овощная грядка |
visual | визуальный |
watering can | лейка |
weeds | сорняки |
wheelbarrow | тачка |
wildlife | живая природа |
wood | лес |
wooden fence | деревянный забор |
yard | двор |
English- English Dictionary “Design”
landscape - an area of countryside or land of a particular type, used especially when talking about its appearance
design - the art or process of making a drawing of something to show how you will make it or what it will look like
The basic elements of landscape design are: colour (colour theory), form, line, scale, texture.
Scale is simply the size of one component relative to adjacent components.
Plant related vocabulary:
a bud: the structure on a plant that encloses an undeveloped flower or leaf
a leaf: a flat green structure attached to a plant
a seed: the grain part of the plant that is put in the ground in order to grow a new plant
soil/dirt: the top layer of the earth surface, often brown in color, where plants are grown
sprouts: the first signs of a plant growing of of the dirt before leaves are formed
weeds: wild plants that are not wanted in a garden
Gardening tools:
a rake: a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at the end, used to gather leaves or to loosen or smooth soil
(a pair of) pruning shears: garden scissors with strong blades used for cutting plants
a hoe: a tool with a long handle and thin metal blade that is often used to break up dirt or make rows in a garden
a hose: a flexible pipe used to water a garden or lawn
a lawn mower: an electric, gas, or man powered machine that is pushed over grass in order to cut it
a shovel: a tool with a handle and a broad scoop or blade used for digging and moving material in a garden
a spade: a tool like a shovel, with a handle and a broad scoop or blade that is used for digging, a spade id smaller than a shovel and handheld
a trowel: a small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade used for scooping or spreading dirt
a watering can: a container often metal or plastic usually with a long spout with a nozzle that is used to water plants by hand
a wheelbarrow: a one or two-wheeled cart with handles at the back, used to move small loads that are difficult or too heavy to carry by hand
Other gardening vocabulary:
a birdhouse: a box or small house-like structure with one or more small entry holes, made as a place for birds to nest
compost: a mixture of decaying organic vegetable materials, like leaves, used to provide nutrients to soil
a pot: a ceramic container that small plants are put in to grow
manure: animal waste or dung used to fertilize soil and to provide nutrients to soil
a shed: a small structure found in a garden that is built for storage
Voronina M.V.