«Весна — лето 2025»

Theme: Geography and Climate of Australia


Australia comprises a land area of about 7.692 million square kilometres.

Although this is just five per cent of the world's land mass (149.45 million square kilometres), Australia is the planet's sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It is also the only one of the largest six nations that is completely surrounded by water.

Australia's land mass is:

  • almost as great as that of the United States of America
  • about 50 per cent greater than Europe, and
  • 32 times greater than the United Kingdom.
Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки



Theme: Geography and Climate of Australia

Aims: to increase knowledge of pupil giving more information about Australia

-to bring up good attitude to the English speaking countries

To develop speech habits.



  • Good afternoon ,children!

  • Good afternoon, Teacher!

  • Sit down, please!


  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent?

  • Thank you, sit down)))

Checking up of the home works :

Exercises, Conditional sentences

Phonetic drill

[ t ] - [ d ] desert, coast, flat, deep, vast, island, due to the fact.

[∂]-[Ө] that , thank, that’s why, thanks, thanks to the fact.

[ w ] - world, wash, washed by, would.

II. Presentation:

For a start look at the screen and try to guess which continent has got all these nicknames. (The answer: It’s Australia.)It’s clear that today we are going to talk about Australia.Which nickname is the most helpful? Why?

4. Warm-up: 

Answer the questions:
1.Where is Australia situated?
2. What water bodies is it washed by?

III.Main part:

Introduction of the new lexical material


Australia comprises a land area of about 7.692 million square kilometres.

Although this is just five per cent of the world's land mass (149.45 million square kilometres), Australia is the planet's sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It is also the only one of the largest six nations that is completely surrounded by water.

Australia's land mass is:

  • almost as great as that of the United States of America

  • about 50 per cent greater than Europe, and

  • 32 times greater than the United Kingdom.

Geographical and climatic features

Australia is the smallest of the world's continents. It is also the lowest, the flattest and the driest.

The highest point on the Australian mainland is Mount Kosciuszko, New South Wales, at 2228 metres above sea level. The lowest point is the dry bed of Lake Eyre, South Australia, which is 15 metres below sea level.

Nearly 40 per cent of the total coastline length comprises island coastlines. Nearly 20 per cent of Australia's land mass is classified as desert. As well as having a low average annual rainfall, rainfall across Australia is also variable. The rainfall pattern is concentric around the extensive arid core of the continent, with rainfall intensity high in the tropics and some coastal areas.

Climatic zones range from tropical rainforests, deserts and cool temperature forests to snow covered mountains.

Within this climate, our plants and animals have evolved on a geographically isolated continent, through a time of a slowly drying climate, combined with continuing high variability. The uniqueness of much of Australia's flora and fauna is thus at least partly due to these features of our climate.

It is the world's largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2,000,000 square kilometers. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. Its population is very small for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

Thanks to Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique. Australia's geological isolation has resulted in many species not found elsewhere. The most peculiar feature in Australia's animals is pouch. The best-known are kangaroo, the ostrich , the koala bear, the possum. Possums live in Central and South Australia. They eat insects, berries, fruit, and dog food. Wild possums do not live very long. People kill possums as food.

The koala is the best known and most loved animals in Australia. They seldom drink, and take enough water from leaves. The koala sleeps in the trees for most of the day, but moves and feeds at night. A koala’s life in the world is about 12years, but they have been known to live for 15years in captivity.

Millions of years ago, Australia was part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland. But then Gondwanaland slowly moved and formed several different areas of land. So, Australia became cut off from the rest of the world. Probably, due to its geographical position, Australia was the last continent inhabited by the white man. In 1768 Capitan Cook sailed from England to the Pacific Ocean. For many months the sailors didn't see any land. In 1770 the sailors saw the land with many different trees and beautiful flowers on the coast. It was Australia.

Traditional skyscrapers and not very tall buildings like the famous Opera Theatre in Sydney, resembling a windblown sail, are being built in Australian cities today. Vacationing in Australia is quite diverse (you can do a lot of things during your vacation in Australia): sea cruises in yachts and motor launches, fishing, windsurfing and play golf. When you get tired of that, you can go diving and watch life underwater or enjoy the picturesque of the coastal mountains from a sports plane.

2.check up understanding of text

Now you know much about Australia. Remember all the information and try to realize it. Answer the questions using cause and effect relations:

- Why is Australia called the Land Down Under?

- Why isn’t life easy in Australia?

- How big is Australia?

- Where is Australia situated?

- Why is January the hottest month in Australia?

- Where are the seasons the other way round in Australia?

- What can you say about Australian animals? Are they different from those on other continents?

- Can you name the bird living in Australia which cannot fly?

- What animals are represented on the emblem of the country?

- In what do Australians spend their week-ends?

- Why Australians produced so mane good athletes?

3.Having test yourself

What Do You Know about Australia?

1.When did Capitan Cook discover Australia?

a)1788 b)1770 c)1779

2.Which is/are popular Australia animal(s)?

a) Koala b) Kangaroo c) Emu d) all of the above

3.What is the official language in Australia?

a) French b) German c) English

4.What is the capital of Australia?

a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra

5. Where is the famous Opera Theatre situated?

a) In Sydney b) in Melbourne c) in Canberra

6. What can you do during your vacation in Australia

a) sea cruises in yachts and motor launches

b) fishing c) windsurfing and play golf d) all of the above

7. What else you can you do when you get tired?

a) enjoy the picturesque of the coastal mountains from a sports plane

b) go diving c) watch life underwater d) all of the above

IV. Conclusion:


What have you learnt during the lesson? What was your favourite activity?


3. Giving home tasks

The lesson is over good-bye

Read and understand


Australia comprises a land area of about 7.692 million square kilometres.

Although this is just five per cent of the world's land mass (149.45 million square kilometres), Australia is the planet's sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It is also the only one of the largest six nations that is completely surrounded by water.

Australia's land mass is:

  • almost as great as that of the United States of America

  • about 50 per cent greater than Europe, and

  • 32 times greater than the United Kingdom.

Geographical and climatic features

Australia is the smallest of the world's continents. It is also the lowest, the flattest and the driest.

The highest point on the Australian mainland is Mount Kosciuszko, New South Wales, at 2228 metres above sea level. The lowest point is the dry bed of Lake Eyre, South Australia, which is 15 metres below sea level.

Nearly 40 per cent of the total coastline length comprises island coastlines. Nearly 20 per cent of Australia's land mass is classified as desert. As well as having a low average annual rainfall, rainfall across Australia is also variable. The rainfall pattern is concentric around the extensive arid core of the continent, with rainfall intensity high in the tropics and some coastal areas.

Climatic zones range from tropical rainforests, deserts and cool temperature forests to snow covered mountains.

Within this climate, our plants and animals have evolved on a geographically isolated continent, through a time of a slowly drying climate, combined with continuing high variability. The uniqueness of much of Australia's flora and fauna is thus at least partly due to these features of our climate.

It is the world's largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great deserts cover nearly 2,000,000 square kilometers. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. Its population is very small for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe droughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

Thanks to Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique. Australia's geological isolation has resulted in many species not found elsewhere. The most peculiar feature in Australia's animals is pouch. The best-known are kangaroo, the ostrich , the koala bear, the possum. Possums live in Central and South Australia. They eat insects, berries, fruit, and dog food. Wild possums do not live very long. People kill possums as food.

The koala is the best known and most loved animals in Australia. They seldom drink, and take enough water from leaves. The koala sleeps in the trees for most of the day, but moves and feeds at night. A koala’s life in the world is about 12years, but they have been known to live for 15years in captivity.

Millions of years ago, Australia was part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland. But then Gondwanaland slowly moved and formed several different areas of land. So, Australia became cut off from the rest of the world. Probably, due to its geographical position, Australia was the last continent inhabited by the white man. In 1768 Capitan Cook sailed from England to the Pacific Ocean. For many months the sailors didn't see any land. In 1770 the sailors saw the land with many different trees and beautiful flowers on the coast. It was Australia.

Traditional skyscrapers and not very tall buildings like the famous Opera Theatre in Sydney, resembling a windblown sail, are being built in Australian cities today. Vacationing in Australia is quite diverse (you can do a lot of things during your vacation in Australia): sea cruises in yachts and motor launches, fishing, windsurfing and play golf. When you get tired of that, you can go diving and watch life underwater or enjoy the picturesque of the coastal mountains from a sports plane.


1. Answer the questions using cause and effect relations:

- Why is Australia called the Land Down Under?

- Why isn’t life easy in Australia?

- How big is Australia?

- Where is Australia situated?

- Why is January the hottest month in Australia?

- Where are the seasons the other way round in Australia?

- What can you say about Australian animals? Are they different from those on other continents?

- Can you name the bird living in Australia which cannot fly?

- What animals are represented on the emblem of the country?

- In what do Australians spend their week-ends?

- Why Australians produced so mane good athletes?

Having test yourself

What Do You Know about Australia?

1.When did Capitan Cook discover Australia?

a)1788 b)1770 c)1779

2.Which is/are popular Australia animal(s)?

a) Koala b) Kangaroo c) Emu d) all of the above

3.What is the official language in Australia?

a) French b) German c) English

4.What is the capital of Australia?

a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Canberra

5. Where is the famous Opera Theatre situated?

a) In Sydney b) in Melbourne c) in Canberra

6. What can you do during your vacation in Australia

a) sea cruises in yachts and motor launches

b) fishing c) windsurfing and play golf d) all of the above

7. What else you can you do when you get tired?

a) enjoy the picturesque of the coastal mountains from a sports plane

b) go diving c) watch life underwater d) all of the above

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