«Весна — лето 2025»

The theme: “What would you like to eat?” the 3rd grade

The theme: “What would you like to eat?” the 3rd grade

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

The theme: “What would you like to eat?”

Aim: name meals, use countable and uncountable nouns with much/many, develop speaking, answering the questions using some/any and active vocabulary; to bring them up to be attentively and have healthy food.

Visual aids: song, pictures of food, cards

Type of lesson: speaking and listening, individual and team work


  1. Introduction

Greet pupils. Today we’ll have competition between two teams “Food’ and ‘’Drink”. Are you ready?

Teacher divides them into two teams with cards.

  1. Listening to song: “The food song”

Do you like this song?

Are you hungry?

Let’s go to supermarket?

Who wants?

  1. Have you got…?

Have you got any oranges?

Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t

Have you got any chocolate?

Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t

  1. How much? / How many? Translate into English


  1. How much water do you drink every day? – I drink one liter every day.

  2. How many bananas do you eat every day?

I eat two bananas every day.

  1. How much milk do you drink every day?

I drink a glass of water every day.

  1. How many sandwiches do you eat every day?

I eat two sandwiches every day.

Meat, cheese, bread, rice, cakes, fizzy drinks, sweets, hamburgers.

  1. Which team is quicker?”

Answer the questions:

  1. What restaurant can you order vegetable curry and rice in? (In Indian restaurant)

  2. Translate Fizzy drinks (газдалган сусын)

  3. Biscuits come from … (Wheat)

  4. Waitress (Даяшы кыз)

  5. Cheese comes from … . (cow)

  6. Shubat comes from … (camel).

  7. What do people eat in China? (bowl of rice)

  8. Egg comes from (hen)

  9. Noodles (лапша)

  10. Name fast food (cheeseburger, hamburger).

  11. We take pasta from … (tomatoes).

  12. What restaurant can you order pizza and spaghetti in? (In Italian restaurant)

  1. Give past forms of the verbs

Clean, do, make, work, buy, go, have, play, sell, say, study, listen, run, paint

  1. Conclusion.

Our competition is over. You have tried and been active. Let’s listen to members of jury.

(The members of jury will count scores and determine winners).

You should eat healthy food to be strong and slim. Thank you for your participation. Good-bye!

Zhanaozen school-gymnasium

The theme: “What would you like to eat?”

(competition between teams)

Form 3a

Uzganbayeva M.K.

Zhanaozen, 2017









Zhanaozen school-gymnasium

The theme: “What would you like to eat?”

(competition between teams)

Form 3a

Uzganbayeva M.K.

Zhanaozen, 2017

Have you got any…?

How much/



into English

Answer the




Past forms of the verbs

(14 verbs)


Have you got any…?

How much/



into English

Answer the




Past forms of the verbs

(14 verbs)


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