«Весна — лето 2025»


the love story.For the home reading subject with different subjects

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Teсhnological card №

Subject: Practical course

Group: 26 Ә



The theme of the lesson: “THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE” by O. Wilde

The aim: Students will be remember the story “THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE” by O. Wilde

Educational aim:

  • Students will be able to retell “THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE” by O. Wilde

  • Students will be able to use English equivalents of new words.

  • Students will be able to use the new words in their own sentences.

Up-brining aim:

  • To bring-up the their interest to learning English

  • to be  active and attentive.

  • To bring-up students to help each other in difficult situation.

Developing aim:

  • To develop pupils' speaking, listening, reading, writing skills on the theme.

Practical aim:

  • to teach pupils to use the new lexical material in their oral and written speech; answer the questions.

The technology of the lesson.

Methods of teaching:

  • Answer the question.

  • Explanation.

  • Demonstration.

  • Doing exercises.

The type of the lesson: Traditional

The form of the lesson: Practical lesson

Visual AIDS: Card, music

Flash cards: book, portrait of author



- Organization moment

- Motivation

- Situation

- Presentation

- Consolidation

- Creative exercises

- Approaches and activities

- Assignment by oneself

- Education value of the lesson

- Evaluation

- Reflection

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organizing moment (5 min)

Good morning! How are you? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? What’s the weather like today?

II. Checking home task

  1. At the last lesson we passed “THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE” by O. Wilde. What was your hometask. Oh, presentation about author? Ok lets’ start. I hope it will be interesting. Ok we have finished with it. Is it clear? I think you understand who is O. Wilde.

  2. Ex 3

Give the Kazakh equivalents of the following words, expressions and turns from the text; Make three sentences with everyone their these turns:

depend on smth. – ____________________________________;

suffer smth. – _______________________________________;

shake one’s head – __________________________________;

there is a (no) way how to do smth. – ___________________;

it is pleasant to do smth. – _____________________________;

compared to smth./smb. – _____________________________;

fall asleep – _________________________________________;

feel a sharp pain – __

III. Warm-up

Stand on line

Tell the students to stund up. Explain that they must get in a line in order of their age. Get them to order according to: 1. First letter of their name 1. Date of birth 3. Number of letters in their name

IV. The new theme

Today we will remember about “THE NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE” by O. Wilde

What do you remember about the text? What about this text? Why he wanted to find a rose? What do you think about his decision?

Ok good. Now lets’ do some exercise.

V. Consolidating exercises

1) Why was the young student upset?

The young student was upset, because ______________________________________________.

2) Why did the Nightingale make up her mind to help the student?

The Nightingale made up her mind to help the student, because _________________________.

3) What way out did the rose-tree propose to the Nightingale?


4) It was a great sacrifice for the bird, wasn't it? Why did she still decide to make it?


5) Why was the Nightingale's sacrifice made in vain?


True or False

  1. She said that she would dance with me if I brought her a red rose.

  2. "The Prince gives a ball on Saturday night.

  3. "For a red rose? How funny." The little butterfly laughed loudly.

  4. She flew over the garden like a shadow and like a shadow she passed through the wood.

  5. When she had finished her song the student got up, and pulled a note-book and a pencil out of his bag.

  6. But the rose-tree cried to the Nightingale, "Press closer, little Nightingale, or the night will come before the rose is finished."

  7. The daughter of the Professor was sitting in the doorway and her little dog was lying at her feet.

  8. I am afraid it will not go with my dress” said daughter of the Professor

  9. he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty newspaper, and began to read

  1. T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T 8 T 9 F

  2. Tasks in the text:

  1. Follow through the text how the author describes the appearing of a red rose. What does the writer compare the colour of the rose with?

  2. Follow through the text how the song of the Nightingale was changing. What did she sing about at the beginning of the night and at the end of it?

  3. Find in the text the sentences which prove that life was very dear to the bird but she thought love to be more important.

  4. Do you think the young people were really devoted to each other? Did the red rose really mean a lot to the girl? Use the text to prove your answers.

Now I want show a video of this text. Then we will a game Kahoot.

VI. Marking students

So your marks for today.

VII. Giving homework

  1. Retell the story of the person: 1) the nightingale; 2) girls; 2) young man.

VIII. Conclusion

Thank you for the lesson. You all worked hard and tried to do your best. – It was pleasant for me to listen to all your opinions. I think you are good readers and I hope you will remain the same ones.

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