«Весна — лето 2025»

The dairy tale of 21 century

задание на конкурс "Я-учитель 21 века" среди педагогов английского языка организаций профессионального образования.на активизацию и развитие творческого потенциала педагогических работников, выявление и поддержку талантливых педагогов посредством презентации задания- сочинить сказку 21 века,

The fairy tale of 21 century- Helping the planet Earth.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

The fairy tale of 21-st century “Helping planet Earth”.

Our whole life like a beautiful fairy tale right in front of us. Life is a fairy tale that is all twisted and turned. All that matters is the lessons we learn. ‘Cause we are all unfinished stories, songs, fairy tales waiting for the best part to come along.

Yes, we are all amazing pictures, movies that is drawn. We can be anything we want. Now is your time. It is your life. No one is living it but you. In your hands is your chance to live the fairy tale you choose.

Fairy tale is like music. There is so much still unsung. Make it magic. There is so much still to come. We are waiting for the best life to come along. Yes, I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Here is my fairy tale about what we are doing to safe our wonderful world. How we are helping planet Earth.

If we want to save planet Earth there are many simple things! With the support of our friends and family, team together we create our team of “Earth Heroes”. Luckily, there are so many little things and ideas, even the youngest can do to help. From conserving water and energy to recycling and reusing. Here are my ideas.

We always turn off the lights. Remind kids to turn lights off when they leave a room, as well as the TV or radio when they are finished watching or listening. There are many easy ways to use less electricity.

The quick increase Earth’s temperature is causing lot of problems for plants, animals, human and the nature. Yes, we always plant a tree. Trees and plants help to absorb the dioxide in the atmosphere. We start driving our car less. There are many ways to get around, that not involve driving! Carpooling is also a great way to get around and gives us extra time to spend with our friends and family.

We know about www.epost.ca. This saves trees by having family’s bills emailed to us instead of coming in the mail on paper.

As our human population grows, so always do demands on the Earth to help us live with light, water, heat and food. The Earth can only reproduce these things so fast and if we do not work hard and constant all of us we could run out.

We always use less heat and air conditioning. Heating our homes in the winter and cooling them off in the summer takes a lot of energy, which is very hard on planet Earth. We always dress for the weather. Instead of turning on the fireplace, we put on a sweater or use a blanket to keep warm.

Something as simple as turning off the water while brushing teeth makes a huge difference for planet Earth. Doing this one thing helps us save up to 25 gallons of water each month, we also shorten shower by a minute to save up to 150 gallons of water a month. By just doing and informing about those two things we are doing a huge part to save Earth. We know another great way to save water is by turning off the running water while we lather our hands with soap and then turn it back on to rinse our hands. Always make sure to tighten any taps that are dripping water.

We stop using plastic because plastic wraps, containers and water bottles are polluting our oceans and land and it is causing harm to humans, animals and plants all around the world.

We get reusable water bottles for us and our family. There are many cool water bottles available that we can use again to help reduce plastic pollution. This can be as simple as saving the plastic water bottle from our lunch yesterday, cleaning it and reusing it tomorrow. If we have to get rid of a plastic water bottle, we always remember to recycle it.

We bring reusable bags to the grocery store. We always remind parents to bring bags from home to the grocery store. We can buy cloth bags from the grocery store or reuse the plastic ones we have at home. Yes, when buying fruits and vegetables, we should be careful of using too much plastic, save where we can. Maybe that avocado does not need to go in a plastic bag…

Always we recycle any plastic bottles and bags we have at home. We should part do our part to keep plastic out of the oceans and off the land by recycling all the plastic in our home.

Often we bring homemade lunches to school, colleges, instead of bringing plastic-wrapped “lunchables” to school, college, we pack a healthy homemade lunch in a reusable Tupperware container. This keeps that plastic wrap and packaging out of the garbage cans.

The human population is growing so fast and so is the amount of things we use and throw away every day. The Earth does not keep up with all of our garbage, so we have to start thinking of ways to reduce, reuse and recycle what we use.

Our mission is ask parents to help us create a recycling program at home. We work together with our family to decide what items can be recycled, such as newspaper, cans, glass and plastic bottles. We ask our parents to look into the recycling rules in our city and keep as much out of our garbage cans as possible. We ask ourselves before recycle something – can we reuse this?

Our patents help us find the place in our neighborhood to recycle old batteries and electronics that we do not need anymore such as televisions, computers, etc. We do our part to keep these harmful products out of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and off the land.

We start a compost at our house and we ask parents to help us start a compost system in our backyard for all fruits and vegetable peelings and scraps. Composting is very good for the land because it is full of nutrients. We can also use the compost to fertilize our own garden.

We get a library card instead of buying loads of books we will only read a few times, have us borrow them. Then buy us copies of only our favorites. It will save money and trees. We say “No, thank you” to plastic straws at restaurants, extra napkins at concession stands, plastic bags at shops.

How we get out in nature, we point out children various birds and animals in the park. We hike a local trail and teach them about the plants or trees along the way. We go out in the backyard to catch butterflies, ladybugs or fireflies before setting them free, of course. The more children learn about nature, the more they will grow to appreciate all living things and the more they will want to help protect them.

We respect planet Earth. The more we keep our Earth clean the happier it will be. We do our part by making sure we do not leave garbage lying around, we always clean up the area where children play. Instead of watching TV tonight or playing indoors why not go outside and play. There are many great things that we can do outside like playing a sport, walking with our dog, going to the beach or playing outdoor games. Not only will the Earth love us being outside, yes, we will feel great playing out in the fresh air.

Planet Earth gives us everything we need to live a happy, healthy life, but sometimes we do not know how to say thank you for everything Earth gives us. We need to do what we can to show planet Earth we are grateful for what we have.

We can write a fairy tale and write the story living all of this life in all its glory. We can grab the chance and have it all, take the time to make the time, to make each moment count.

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