«Весна — лето 2025»

Test Yourself: Modal Verbs

Тестовые задания на систематизацию и обобщение модальных глаголов. Ключи прилагаются.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Modal Verbs

  1. Write the statements (a) in the negative, (b) as questions, and (c) in the past.

Example We can take photos in the church.

a We can’t take photos in the church.

b Can we take photos in the church?

c We could take photos in the church.

  1. We have to leave early.

a ________________________________________________________________________.

b ________________________________________________________________________?

c ________________________________________________________________________.

  1. He has to work at weekends.

a ________________________________________________________________________.

b ________________________________________________________________________?

c ________________________________________________________________________.

  1. She can stay out after midnight.

a ________________________________________________________________________.

b ________________________________________________________________________?

c ________________________________________________________________________.

  1. They’re allowed to get up late on Saturdays.

a ________________________________________________________________________.

b ________________________________________________________________________?

c ________________________________________________________________________.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, have to, and be allowed to. More than one answer may be possible.

Example You have to wear a seat belt when you go by car in Britain.

  1. Some British children _____________ wear a uniform at school.

  2. _________ you __________ smoke when you were a teenager?

  3. I _____________ get up very early yesterday morning.

  4. You can work in the park but you _____________ skateboard or play football.

  5. His parents are quite strict. He _____________ tidy his room, do the washing-up and take the dog for a walk every day.

  1. Write what the following signs mean. More than one answer may be possible.


NO SMOKING You can’t smoke. OR

You aren’t allowed to smoke.

1. SILENCE ______________________________________________________________


THE ANIMALS __________________________________________________________


AT THE RECEPTION __________________________________________________________


WELCOME __________________________________________________________

  1. Drinking

water ______________________________________________________________

  1. Match a sentence (1-5) to a meaning (a-e). One example has been given.







You should eat more fruit and vegetables.

You mustn’t drink when you drive.

You don’t have to pay at the museum.

You must be home by midnight.

I must write to my sister.

a a strong obligation to do something

b advice on what to do

c a personal obligation

d a strong obligation not to do something

e no obligation

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to.

Example We must have a party soon.

  1. It’s my Dad’s birthday next week. I ___________ buy him a present.

  2. All my clothes are too small for me. I __________ lose some weight.

  3. My doctor is worried about my weight. She says I _________ go on a diet.

  4. _________ you _________ travel about in your job?

  5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. I __________ work late.

  6. We need to save some money. We _________ have any more expensive meals in restaurants.

  1. Write advice for the following situations using should.

Example I’m so tired.

You should go to bed early tonight.

1. My car has been stolen.


  1. I’ve got an exam next month.


  1. I feel ill. I think I’ve got flu.


  1. I’m bored. I want to find a new hobby.


  1. I want to buy a car but I haven’t got enough money.


  1. I had a big argument with my boy friend last week.


7. Translate these sentences.

  1. You mustn’t travel abroad without a passport.


  1. She’ll have to buy a new car next year.


  1. I am free on Saturday because I don’t have to work at the weekend.


  1. You should wear a suit to your interview.


  1. You aren’t allowed to eat and drink in the museum.


8. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in brackets.

Example Smoking is forbidden. (allowed)

You aren’t allowed to smoke.

  1. It’s OK to open the window. (can)

You _______________________________________________________________________

  1. I advise you to take more exercise. (should)

You _______________________________________________________________________

  1. My parents made me have violin lessons when I was a child. (have to)

I __________________________________________________________________________

4. Tourists are required to carry a passport at all times. (must)

Tourists ____________________________________________________________________

5. It’s against the law to drink and drive. (must)

You _______________________________________________________________________

  1. It isn’t necessary to book a table at the restaurant. (have to)

You _______________________________________________________________________

  1. Children are welcome to eat in the bar. (allowed)

Children ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Am I required to get a visa for Brazil? (have to)

Do ________________________________________________________________________

  1. It isn’t a good idea to do exercise after a big meal. (should)

You _______________________________________________________________________

  1. My teachers let me leave school early yesterday afternoon. (allowed)

I __________________________________________________________________________

  1. Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

Example It’s snowing and you aren’t wearing a jacket. (must, very)

You must be very cold!

  1. All the lights are off and no one is answering the door. (can’t, at home)


  1. He looks like her and he’s too young to de her husband. (must, son)


  1. I don’t know where the cat is. (could, under the bed)


  1. Whose car is that outside our house? (might, neighbours’s)


  1. I can hear louse playing the violin. (must, practice for the exam)


  1. They’re only in their fifties but neither of them work. (can’t, retired)


  1. We’ve got a letter with the postmark Edinburgh. Who do you think it’s from? (could, William)


  1. I’ve tried phoning the office several times but there’s no answer. (might, have lunch)


  1. Complete the sentences using must, can’t, could, or might. Sometimes more than one modal verb is possible.

Example I’m not sure if he’s a singer or a musician.

He might be a singer or a musician. OR

He could be a singer or a musician.

  1. We’re absolutely sure they’ve got our money.

They _______________________________________________________________________

  1. Perhaps she’ll arrive this afternoon.

She ________________________________________________________________________

  1. It’s impossible that they are brother and sister.

They _______________________________________________________________________

  1. I’m not sure if he’s Spanish or Italian.

He _________________________________________________________________________

  1. I can’t believe that’s he’s the new manager.

He _________________________________________________________________________

  1. I’m certain that she’s in the office.

She ________________________________________________________________________

  1. Perhaps the bag belongs to Helen.

The bag _____________________________________________________________________

  1. I’m convinced that it’s his fault.

It __________________________________________________________________________

  1. Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

Example She didn’t reply to my letter. (can’t, receive)

She can’t have received it.

  1. Why aren’t they speaking to each other? (might, have an argument)


  1. I have just seen a bank robbery. (must, be frightened)


  1. I don’t want my dinner. (can’t, finish already)


  1. She walked straight past me without saying hello. (can’t, see)


  1. The team lost 5-0. (must, play badly)


  1. They’ve bought two new cars and a boat in the last month. (could, win the lottery)


  1. They came back from holiday three days early. (might, have bad weather)


  1. Where’s my calculator? (could, leave it at school)


  1. Complete the sentences with must or can’t and a suitable verb.

Example You have been working for hours. You must be exhausted.

  1. They have only just got married but they ____________ very happy because they spend a lot of time apart.

  2. They’re always very well-dressed. They ______________ a lot of money on clothes.

  3. Their children don’t go to school. Their parents ______________ them at home.

  4. That can’t be Maria, because she’s away on holiday. She _______________ her twin sister, Andrea.

  5. It must be very difficult working in the day and at night. You _____________ a lot of time to relax.

  6. I only put the food in the oven ten minutes ago, so it ______________ hot enough yet.



1. a. We don’t have to leave early.

b. Do we have to leave early?

c. We had to leave early.

2. a. He doesn’t have to work at weekends.

b. Does he have to work at weekends?

c. He had to work at weekends.

3. a. She can’t stay out after midnight.

b. Can she stay out after midnight?

c. She could stay out after midnight.

4. a. They aren’t allowed to get up late on Saturdays.

b. Are they allowed to get up late on Saturdays?

c. They were allowed to get up late on Saturdays.


1. have to

2. Were you allowed to?

3. had to

4. can’t /aren’t allowed to

5. has to


1. You can’t / aren’t allowed to talk.

2. You can’t / aren’t allowed to feed the animals.

3. You have to leave your bags at the reception.

4. You don’t have to be a member to use this club.

5. You can drink this water.

4. 2d, 3e, 4a, 5c


1. must

2. must

3. have to

4. Do you have to?

5. had to

6. mustn’t

6. (Possible answers)

1. You should go to the police.

2. You should start revising.

3. You should take an aspirin.

4. You should try learning a language.

5. You should get a loan from a bank.

6. You should phone him.


1. You can open the window.

2. You should take more exercise.

3. I had to have violin lessons when I was a child.

4. Tourists must carry a passport at all times.

5. You mustn’t drink and drive.

6. You don’t have to book a table at the restaurant.

7. Children are allowed to eat in the bar.

8. Do I have to get a visa for Brazil?

9. You shouldn’t do exercise after a big meal.

10. I was allowed to leave school early yesterday afternoon.


1. They can’t be at home.

2. He must be her son.

3. It could be under the bed.

4. It might be the neighbours’s.

5. She must be practice for her exam.

6. They can’t be retired.

7. It could be from William.

8. They might be having lunch.


1. They must have our money.

2. He might / could arrive this afternoon.

3. They can’t be brother and sister.

4. He might / could be Spanish or Italian.

5. He can’t be the new manager.

6. She must be in the office.

7. The bag might / could belong to Helen.

8. It must be his fault.


1. They might have had an argument.

2. You must have been frightened.

3. You can’t have finished already.

4. She can’t have seen you.

5. They must have played badly.

6. They could have won the lottery.

7. They might have had bad weather.

8. You could have left it at school.


1. can’t be

2. must spend

3. must teach

4. must be

5. can’t have

6. can’t be

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