«Весна — лето 2025»

Spotlight 11. Module 6. Communication. Modular test

Примерные задания контрольной работы по английскому языку по теме "Communication" к учебнику Spotlight 11.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

11 form. Module 6. Communication

1.Fill in: bruised, streaming, capital, stained, satellite, telescope, longs, overcame.

  1. Do you know what the ... city of Croatia is?

  2. I like to look at the stars through my ... .

  3. Jane ... many obstacles to succeed as an actress.

  4. Oh dear! I’ve got a ... cold..

  5. Sam ... to become a fire fighter.

  6. The door had a beautiful ... glass panel in it.

  7. The moon is the Earth’s ... .

  8. Tom was battered and ..., but alive.

2. Report the following sentences.

  1. I’m watching a documentary on TV”, Andrew said.

  2. I will get a new job soon”, he said.

  3. Have you ever been to China?” she asked me.

  4. How long is the journey going to take?” we asked.

  5. When does the last train to Liverpool leave?” the woman asked.

  6. Did you see the sign, madam?” the policeman asked me.

  7. I am coming home on the 10th”, she said.

  8. We arrived six days ago”, they said.

3. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1 Don’t talk … to your parents ,it’s rude.

2 She never talks … to anyone.

3 We don’t want to read that book, but the teacher talked us… it.

4 Let’s meet in a café and talk … this problem.

5 She wants to cut her hair, but I talked her … it.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. They assured me ….. their willingness to help.

2. Dad insisted ….. driving us to the beach.

3. You should apologize ……Maggie……..the rude comments you made.

4. She complains ………chest pain.

5. We complained to the manager …..the restaurant’s poor service.

5. Match to form exchanges.

1 I’m so sorry. A Yes, that’s right.

2 He said you had bad manners. B That’s all right.

3 What does it mean? C I do apologise.

4 Did you say Sunday? D I can’t believe he did it.

5 It’s so rude! E I don’t know.

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