«Весна — лето 2025»

Сабақ жоспары: First light

Жаңа сөздерді жаттауға үйрету, Оларды қолдануға үйрету,

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The first flight.

Сабақтың мақсаты: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта

отырып, жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс істеу

Еңбекті сүюге тәрбиелеу

Оқушылардың мәдени әдеби өй-өрісін


Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Грамматикалық таблица

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі


Сабақ барысы:

  1. Ұйымдастыру

А) амандасу

Б) жоқтарды белгілеу

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “The first flight.”.

  1. Жаңа сабақ

Exercise 1 Work in pairs and discuss what the words given below mean.

The earth , hot-air balloon, birds .envy ,tragic, gasses, basket, balloon

Exercise 4 Read the text "How a Balloon Flies" and find answers to the questions given

A balloon flies because the widely separated molecules of a thin gas such as hydrogen or helium, or of the heated air that expands inside the bag, are less dense and thus lighter than those of the air outside the bag. In attempting to rise or escape from its confinement, the buoyant lightweight gas or heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

Normally, when something soars skyward, it does so by virtue of its aero­dynamic design. Like an airplane, it is lifted by the effect of outside forces, usually wind, upon its surface. It does not soar because it is lighter than the surrounding atmosphere. Even a feature in the breeze is an aerodynamic form. It flies solely by the force of air currents playing upon it. If the breeze stops, the feather slowly floats to earth.

On the other hand, a balloon's buoyancy is static, not dependent on a dynamic force such as wind or motor. A balloon rises because it is filled with gas or heated air that is thinner in density and thus lighter in weight than the surrounding atmosphere.

Because of this static, or self-sustaining lift, a balloon is sometimes called an aerostat, and the science of ballooning, aerostation. Balloonists also may be called aeronauts, from the Greek words aero (of the air) andnautes (sailor).

IV. Пысықтау

Exercise 3 Answer the questions

How does a balloon fly?

What is it filled with?

Who are aeronauts?

Who are balloonists?


  1. Exercise 6 Guess the meanings of the underlined words in the sentences taken from the text.

a) heated air lifts the balloon along with it.

b) it is lifted by the effect of outside forces usually wind

  1. If the breeze stops, the feather slowly floats to the earth.

  2. The pilot may be referred to as an aeronaut or a balloonist.


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