«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработки открытых уроков для 10 класса

Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку для 10 класса по теме “Виды молодежных субкультур и индивидуальность молодых людей”

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Министерство образования РД

Муниципальное Образовательное Учреждение

Средняя Общеобразовательная Школа №17 им Казиахмедова С.Г.

« Subcultures AND YOUNGSTERSindividuality»

Учитель: Юсуфова Д.Ю.

Дербент – 2017

Цель урока: обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Виды молодежных субкультур и индивидуальность молодых людей”, совершенствовать навыки и умения.

Задачи урока:


  • систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Виды молодежных субкультур”;

  • научить работать с различными заданиями в формате ЕГЭ;

  • активизировать работу каждого учащегося.


  • развивать лексические навыки говорения;

  • развивать навыки аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации и детального понимания содержания по прослушанному и по прочитанному

  • развивать мышление, логическую догадку, фантазию при изучении иностранного языка.


  • воспитание уважения, толерантности к попыткам самовыражения молодежи, понимания этих попыток;

  • прививать любовь и желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы.


  • умение оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Аспекты языка: лексика.

Виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо.

Режим работы: индивидуальный, фронтальный.

Виды упражнений: языковые, условно речевые.

Оборудование: учебник “English 10–11” (Кузовлев В.П.), activity book “English 10–11”, презентация по теме “Молодежные субкультуры”, карточки.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие и определение темы урока.

- Good morning boys and girls! Good morning teachers. I am very glad to see you, today we will have an unusual lesson, because we have guests at our lesson and I think during this 45 minutes you will show all your skills and do all your best. As usual, firstly you should try to define the theme of our lesson and for doing it and giving the close opinions I offer you to listen to the poem by Charles Kingsley and define the idea of our lesson. Have a look, listen and say

Young and Old  
~Charles Kingsley
When all the world is young lad,
 And all the trees are green;
 And every goose a swan, lad,
 And every lass a queen;
 Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
 And round the world away;
 Young blood must have its course, lad,
 And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,
 And all the trees are brown;
 When all the sport is stale, lad,
 And all the wheels run down;
 Creep home, and take your place there,
 The spent and maimed among:
 God grant you find one face there,
 You loved when all was young.

-1. What kind of human states are compared in this poem?

2. What do young people have and do not have the elderly ones? Lets name this features …

3. What is the aim of our lesson?

4. What is the aim of being representatives of any subculture?

II. Повторение материала по теме “Что такое субкультура?” (Работа со словарем. Определение значения слова по Кембриджскому тезаурсу и словарю Ожигова)

- You know that a lot of young people belong to different subcultures. What is a subculture? Choose the right characteristics of this word.

Учащиеся выбирают характеристики понятия “субкультура”.

Subculture is ….

1. a way of life.

2. a way for teenagers to express their individuality.

3. the total of the inherited (унаследованный) ideas, beliefs, values and knowledge.

4. any group within a larger complex culture which has interests that vary from those of the mainstream culture.

5. the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by the members of the group.

6. a group with distinct styles, behaviors and interests.

- So what are the four main features of any subculture? (Слайд №7)

Учащиеся называют 4 главные черты любой субкультуры. (Image, ideas, lifestyle, music)

III. Закрепление лексики по теме “Виды субкультур”.

- Well, you know a lot about what a subculture is. Name members of the subcultures that are on the board.

Учащиеся называют представителей субкультур, представленных на доске. (A skinhead, a hippie, an emo, a mod, a punk, a goth)

- What other members of subcultures do you know?

Учащиеся называют тех представителей субкультур, которых они еще знают. (A raver, a biker, hacker, a rocker, …)

- Did you know that some famous people belonged to different subcultures when they were young? For example, Bill Clinton, the American ex-president.

Учащиеся с Алина и Камилла с докладом о субкультурах.)

IV. Работа с текстом “Subcultures

Анализ текста по вопросам на карточках.

Text analysis (Subculture)

What is the title of the text?

What subcultures are mentioned in this text?

How are stereotypes imposed on young people?

Whom are young people try to imitate in their life style?

What beliefs have different subcultures?

What subcultures are mentioned in this text and how does the author characterize them?

What does the author think about representatives of subcultures?

V. Задание ЕГЭ (определение видом субкультур и соотношение микротемы и прочитанных коротких текстов, взаимопроверка)

Guess in which text you can find the answer on the following questions.

In which text can you find the description of the:

  1. goth?

  2. mod?

  3. skinhead?

  4. raver?

  5. hacker?

  6. Biker?

He is a wizard of the computer community, he knows how his computer works. He can do things with it that seem “magical”.

He is one of a gang of white boys characterized by closely cropped hair, heavy boots, and braces and a nationalist and racist agenda.

He is a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life, especially attending “Rave” parties.

Elements of the lifestyle include music, clothes (often tailor-made), dancing and motor scooters.

He is characterized by black clothes and deathly white make-up.

He is a member of a motorcycle gang.

VI. Диалог субкультур (представителей субкультур)


Goth:Hello, I am from England. Your style is so cute and unusual for people. Are you emotional?

Emo: Yes. I am one of Emos and I am really emotional. I think you are Goth.

Goth: I am really one of them. Where are you from?

Emo: I am from Russia. Do you like your style and what do you want to tell by?

Goth: I like black dressing, strong music and I like watching horrors. And you?

Emo: I like to be very quick, listen to music, and being under emotions sing songs. This way..(поет песню)

Punk: oh, what interesting girls. You are not like these unprincipled people of our form. You are like me. I don’t want to be in this crowd of excellent pupils.

Emo: And what do you want?

Punk: I want the attention of society.

Emo: What do you give yourself to this society?

Punk: I show it, that it cant be indifferent to everything. YOU, PEOPLE, NEED TO FIGHT and have your own opinion to everything.

Goth: friends, don’t you think that we with our individuality can be dangerous for society?

Punk: No. I think that we must express our views, but at the same time live in peace and harmony. It is very important.

VII. Аудирование. Раздел ЕГЭ. Взаимопроверка по ключам.

Now you’ll listen to some opinions on choosing a subculture by teens. You should match their attitudes (1-5) with the statements (A-F). Приложение 2 (Слайд №14)

Приложение 2

Speaker 1: It seems to the kids that the parents are always saying NO! That everything about us, our hair, our music, our clothes, the way we talk, our heroes, our dreams, all are considered bad by the generation who can’t stop patting itself on the back over how democratic and liberal it is.

Speaker 2: You want to know when you are 14, 15, 16, 17, you want to know who you are and try out all sorts of options. The way you look, or the way you dress will tell you and everybody else something about the person you need to be.

Speaker 3: In many ways the elder generation cannot understand the younger, because so much has increased in complexity. Besides the youth always tends to change the world.

Speaker 4: A subculture is a way of life. It isn’t a fan club, it is a real life. It seems to them that the parents are always saying: NO! That everything about them: their hair, their music, clothes, the way they talk, their dreams are considered bad by grown-ups. The young people are unsure of where they are going. So it is a way of having something that they can say they belong to and that they are “whatever”.

Speaker 5: You are unsure of where you are going. Some people know exactly where they are going but most teenagers don’t have any idea, that’s why they choose subculture.



Which speaker says that …

A. The teens want to change the world?

B. When you are a teen, you what to know who you are?

C. Some people know where they are going, but most teens don’t have any idea?

D. It seems to the teens that the parents are always against?

E. A subculture is a way of life, a real life?

F. All subcultures are awful?

VIII. Закрепление материала по теме “Характеристика представителей различных субкультур”. Развитие лексических и грамматических навыков с помощью задания B4–B10 из ЕГЭ.

- Read a text below. Use the words from the right column in the correct form. (Слайд №13)

I have never supposed that there are so many music styles and so many 1) _______ around us. I have only known something about 2) ____, they are the people who like to wear the 3) ______ black and lots of silver jewellery. It seems to me, that I begin to 4) ______ why this subculture is so 5) ______ among teenagers and young people. They start to analyze their 6) ___ and become 7) _________ with it.

  1. culture

  2. gothical

  3. black

  4. misunderstand

  5. popularity

  6. live

  7. satisfy

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.

I am quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. Now I would like you to give a mark to yourself and your classmates.

Учитель предлагает учащимся оценить свою работу на уроке и работу своих одноклассников.

IX. Домашнее задание.

Write about your own attitude to any subculture. (сочинение по форме ЕГЭ ) план и клише представлены учителем на карточках со ссылкой на сайт «Я решу ЕГЭ».

X. Рефлексия.

1. Did you like our lesson?

2. Did you like your working at our lesson?

3. Describe your mood. Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you gloomy? Are you surprised? Are you funny?


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