School at KAU 10B 2019-2020 Zalgarayeva G.A.
Hand-out English language Number of credits: 3 Academic year 2019-2020 Subject: Vocabulary Teacher: Zalgarayeva Gulzira Aydynbayevna Level: Upper-Intermediate Group: 10B2 |

Vocabulary work
Look at the stages of life. Which one are you in?
In pairs match the activities to the stages of life above
-start a family; -crawl; -retire; go to school; -graduate; - learn to read and write; -get a part-time job; -get married; -get a promotion; -get a job |
A person normally starts a family in adulthood.
Exercise 1. Choose the correct word in the Student’s book exercise 1 on page 98.
The village elder/native plans the day’s hunt
He wants to get thrilled/close to the tribe.
Some people find it difficult to keep/hang track of their time.
He likes providing/sharing things with his friends.
It seems that time has no supply/meaning to Onwas.
Other tribes raise sheep and grow crops/animals.
They never plan/invite for the future.
I want to see the tribe in person/people.
The man gathers/picks up his bow and sets off to hunt.
The children don’t go to school and do as they please/feel.
Physical characteristics
Exercise 2. Complete the table. Use the following words:
hair lips age eyes face height nose complexion skin |
___________ child, young man or woman, middle-aged, old, in his/her late/early twenties
___________ tanned, dark, pale
___________ tall, short, of average height
___________ skinny, plump, overweight, thin, slim, athletic, well-built
___________ oval, round, long
___________ full, thin
___________ brown, big, small, hazel
___________ big, flat, hooked
___________ curly, short, straight, long, wavy, bald, frizzy, fair, dark, shoulder-length
special features wrinkles, freckles, glasses, beard, moustache
Exercise 3. Speaking. Use words from Exercise 2 to describe the people in the pictures:
Exercise 4. Choose the correct adjective.
Ulan behaves properly and sensibly. easygoing/arrogant/responsible
Sultan doesn’t keep things clean and organized. forgetful/annoying/messy
Dana feels uncomfortable with other people. ambitious/sensitive/shy
Assel never lies. truthful/open-minded/bold
Aizhan uses her common sense to solve problems. grumpy/sensible/self-confident
Damir likes being with people. impatient/generous/social
Askar always embarrasses people with what he says. carefree/rude/brave
Zulfia thinks she is the best. arrogant/frank/honest
Natalya takes pride in her looks. bossy/vain/stingy
Kanat has very good manners. mean/polite/outgoing
Yerasyl enjoys telling people what to do. helpful/bossy/noisy
Max is always nervous or worried. anxious/noisy/sad
We use –ing adjectives to describe wthat smb/smth is like. He’s an interesting person. (What is helike?) We use –ed adjectives to describe feelings. He feels frightened. (How does he feel?) |
Jarkin gets easily annoyed/annoying.
He’s confused/confusing about her behavior.
She’s an amused/amusing person.
Roza is very interesting/interested in Math.
The news is shocking/shocked!
He’s such a boring/bored person.
Exercise 7. Writing. Write an article describing your family members. Tell the class.
crawl[krɔːl] | еңбектеп жүру | ползать |
get a promotion [ɡet ə prəˈməʊʃn] |
жарнама алу | получить повышение по службе |
hazel[ˈheɪ.zəl] | қой көз | карий |
hooked [hʊkt] | имектеу | крючковатый |
wrinkle[ˈrɪŋkl̩] | әжім | морщины |
freckles[ˈfrekl̩s] | сепкіл | веснушки |
arrogant[ˈær.ə.ɡənt] | тәкаппар | высокомерный, надменный |
grumpy [ˈɡrʌmpi] | ашуланшақ | сердитый, раздражительный |
vain[veɪn] | атаққұмар | тщеславный |
stingy[ˈstɪndʒi] | сараң | скупой |
Main literature
Aspect for Kazakhstan, Grammar schools, 10th grade Student’s Book, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Express Publishing
Addtional literature
Stuart Redman, “English vocabulary in use”, Cambridge University, Press, 2010