«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработка урока "Путешествие по Англий"

Разработка урока в 10 классе на тему "Путешествие по Англий"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Класс: 11 «Б»

Преподаватель: Байдалина Айгуль Мырзабергеновна - учитель английского языка СШ имени А.С.Макаренко

Тема: "Путешествие по Австралии"


  • Обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Австралия”. Развить умение вести и поддерживать беседу на языке по материалу урока, соблюдать лексические, грамматические и фонетические нормы языка в монологическом высказывании.

  • Способствовать развитию языковой памяти, логического мышления и творческого воображения.

  • Укрепить и поддержать у учащихся стойкий интерес к изучаемому предмету через страноведческий материал. Расширить их познания об англоязычных странах.

Оснащение урока: план урока, карта и флаг Австралии, герб страны, плакат с девизом, со словами гимна на двух языках, аудиозапись гимна, карточки с лексикой, надписью “TV-Yakutia”, названиями рек разных стран, фотоаппарат.


I. Приветствие. Психологический настрой на урок

T: Good morning, children! Look at me, pleasе and smile. O.K. Thank you. How are you? (Children’s answers.)

II. Речевая разрядка

T: By the way, today is the last day of our long cold Yakut winter, at last spring is coming! I think, you are very glad to meet it, aren’t you? Why? (Children’s answers.)
– Now, read the motto of the lesson, pleas
е. “The more we learn different lands, the more we know each other”.
– Really, so! Thank you.

III. Вступительное слово учащихся об Австралии. Гимн Содружества

P1: Australia is a very interesting country. It is the largest island but the smallest continent in the world. It has its own customs, national culture, literature and traditions.

P2: There are many famous writers, poets, outstanding scientists, sportmen and politicians in Australia. But it would be better to listen to a poem about Australia. I should say it is a national anthem of this country.

P3: Words and music travelled around the world and today some of the English – speaking countries as America, Canada and even Mexico sing it with their own country’s names instead of Australia.


Oh beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain.
Australia! Australia! God shed his grace on thee.
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.


Бескрайними прекрасна небесами
Златыми кукурузными полями
Величьем пашен и багрянцем гор
Австралия, будь господом любима
И благостью и братством будь хранима
От сих гор до золотых озер.

T: Great! Isn’t it? (Сhildren’s answers.)

IV. Раскрытие задач и плана урока

T: Today, as you see, we are going to summarize the theme “Australia”. I think, you have learnt much about this interesting, unusual country. Here you see a plan of our lesson (читают план, вносят изменения) so, let’s begin our discussion.

V. Обобщение и систематизация материала по теме: “Крупные города и политическая система Австралии”

1. Чтение и перевод лексики по абзацам текста.

T: Children, at the previous lesson each of you worked with the extracts from the text about great cities, industrial centers and the political system of Australia, now you are divided in to 3 groups according to your extracts. I give you 3 cards.

Card № 1(a)

the capital of the state
to be situated in
is rich in
are mined
produce goods

Card № 2(b)

a self – governing state
the head of the state
consist of
is represented by
relations with

Card № 3(c)

the main occupation
wheat is grown
sheep stations
is developed
of British origin

2. Выполнение заданий, предъявленных группами учащихся по их абзацам.

а) Finish the sentences:

  1. There are 5 big cities in Australia…

  2. Sydney has about 3…

  3. Australia is rich in…

  4. Most of the factories are concentrated…

  5. They produce goods for…

  6. The main occupation in Australia is…

  7. The great sheep-farms are…

б) Agree or disagree:

  1. The population of Australia is 26 mln. people.

  2. Most of the inhabitants of Australia are of the British origin.

  3. The Commonwealth of Australia is a Socialist state.

  4. The King of France is the head of the country.

  5. Australia consists of 6 states and 2 territories.

  6. The Commonwealth looks after the education, police and health.

  7. There are 2 Houses in the Federal Parliament.

  8. The New Democratic Party is in the House of Representatives in Australia.

в) Экскурсия по городам Австралии (мини-ролевая игра).

P1: We are representatives of the Youth newspaper and Sakha – TV. Our group is going to make pictures and to do interesting programme about the principal cities of Australia. What wonderful places can you advice us to show for our TV – lovers and why? (children’s answers)

P2: Well, not so many big cities in Australia. I’d like to advise you to begin your visit from Canberra, the Federal capital of the country. It is an industrial, cultural and financial centre of Australia.

P3: Canberra is proud of its National University and students have a good opportunity, I should say, to get brilliant education without leaving home. The National Gallery is known all over the world. It has more than 70.000 art objects in its collection.

P4: After Canberra you may visit Sydney, the second secret capital of Australia. They call it “Australia’s first Lady” and it is also a tour-business centre.

P5: The next is, certainly, Brisbane. It is situated in the eastern Australia and on the Pacific Ocean it offers everything for sport and adventure: sailing, surfing, diving and just golden sand if you like to dream in the sun.

VI. Пауза-релаксация

Children, stand up, please!
Put your hands above the heads!
Breath deeply 3 times
Shake your hands! Smile! How do you feel yourselves now?

Thank you. Sit down. Let’s continue the lesson.

VII. Контроль знаний по теме урока.

1. Викторина.

Children, I want you to play a game – the Australia Quiz or short “Brain Ring”, will you? You have a chance to show your knowledge of Australia.

Australia Quiz

  1. What kind of State is Australia?

  2. What does Australia consist of?

  3. What is the area of this country?

  4. What is the population of Australia?

  5. Which part of the continent forms plateau?

  6. Where do the Central Lowlands lie?

  7. Which is the hottest month in Australia?

  8. Look at the table and say which rivers are not in the Commonwealth of Australia?

  9. What is the national symbol of this country?

  10. Who was Australia discovered by and when?

  11. Name please the main cities of Australia?

  12. What is the capital-city of the country?

  13. How many hot deserts are there in Australia?

  14. What unusual animals live in Australia?

  15. How many Houses are there in the Federal Parliament?

2. Сюрприз. “Визит в Австралию”.

T: I have a surprise for you, children. Some of your friends have visited Australia and they’d like to tell us about their impressions.

P1: Well, I did not meet the Australia who invented the sun, but now I am sure that it was invented by an Australian. “What do you think of our Sun?” – was the typical question, proudly asked as though by the inventor or discoverer. Really Australia gets too much sun!

P2: I want to say some words about the housing in Australia. It is really good. Not as strongly built as in Canada or Russia, but they do not need to be – because of the weather.

P3: As for me I liked the countryside. It is different – the wonderful, evergreen trees against the hot, brown earth has a beauty of its own. I loved the coast-greener, with lanes, cliffs, great beaches. And the knowledge that there are thousand of miles untouched by man.

P4: As for me I took part in a day trip to the Blue Mountains and visited Featherdale wildlife Park. I saw kangaroos, koalas, wombats and almost all the exotic birds.

P5: Oh, I was greatly surprised that Australia with one \ third of the population of Britain, has more politicians. But I was pleased to see that nobody takes any notice of them.

P6: As for population of Australia we met the unusual mix of people – kind, rude, friendly, helpful and sometimes even aggressive. But there is one unwritten law that expects everybody – to help their neighbours and will not allow class or social pretension.

T: Thank you. But it seems to me there are no problems in this country. Am I right?

No, you are not right, because in Australia the areas with dry climate have a problem of clean drinkable water. Besides, many kinds of wild animals, birds and plants are disappeared today. The main occupation of the population is agriculture, but good and rich soil is very expensive today.

3. Выводы по теме.

Thank you children, but have you really believed that your friends visited Australia? (Сhildren’s answers.)

You are right! Certainly, not. It was just a joke! But would you like to visit Australia? And why? (Сhildren’s answers.)

VIII. Заключение

T: The lesson is over. You are brilliant students! Thank you very much.

Австралия, будь господом любима
И благостью и братством будь хранима
От синих гор до золотых озер.

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