«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработка урока на тему "What colour is your pet?"

Учащиеся на уроке закрепляют название домашних животных, учатся распознавать письменную форму прилагательных цвета и использовать их для описания домашних животных.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit:

Unit 4 The world around us

School: Grammar school #40, Taraz


Teacher name: Sharifulina L.R.

Grade: 1

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

What colour is your pet?

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • use 70 % words in short exchanges;

  • identify the written form of colours.

Most learners will be able to:

  • use 90 % words in short exchanges;

  • identify the written form of colours with some support.

Some learners will be able to:

  • use 100 % words in short exchanges;

  • identify the written form of colours with no support.

Language objective

Learners can: name and describe pets

Subject-specific vocabulary & terminology: What colour is your pet? ‘What pet is it’

Useful sets of phrases for dialogue and writing: It’s a +colour + pet.

Previous learning

  • Weather adjectives: windy, rainy, cold, hot, cloudy, snowy

  • Oral form of 10 colours

Assessment criteria

  • identify and name the initial letters, sounds of topic vocabulary;

  • identify and colour pictures of topic vocabulary correctly;

  • pronounce words and expressions intelligibly;

  • make statements using topic vocabulary correctly;

Values links:

Lifelong learning

Cross-curricular links:

World cognition, Art

ICT skills:

Using videos, pictures, working with URLs

Planned timings

Planned activities



7 min

(W) Greeting

T. greets Ls; Ls respond to greetings and take their places.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ls: Good morning, teacher.

  • Ls listen and sing “Good morning, Mr. Rooster” song

T: How are you, boys and girl?

All Ls shows feedback cards. Some of the Ls respond either orally: Sugessted learners responses:

Ls: I’m fine!/ I’m great.(green) /I am not good. (red)

(W) Daily Questions

T: What day of the week is today?

  • Ls look at the picture on the board and give responses.

Sugessted learners responses:

Lr: Today is Monday. Monday is red.

Lr: Today is Tuesday. Tuesday is green.

Lr: Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is blue.

T: Look at the window. How’s the weather today?

Sugessted learners responses:

Ls: Today is sunny/ cold/ windy/ snowy.

(W) Goal setting:

  • I know/ I don’t know/ I want to know.

T. gives each student an uncolored picture of a pet with a word of colour written on it. Then asks:

Revision of previously taught vocabulary: I know

T: What pet have you got?

Ls: I’ve got a cat/dog/ bird/tortoise/ mouse/fish/spider/parrot/rabbit.

Ls guess the objective of the lesson: I don’t know

T: What colour is your pet?

Ls: I don’t know/ white (some Ls can already read and name the colour)

I want to know…

Sugessted learners responses:

Lr: Recognise words of colours

Lr: Colour my pet correctly


feedback cards

Coloured cards “Days of the week”

18 colourless pictures of pets

Middle (25)

5 min

(P) Pre-teaching

  • Ls play a memory game of ‘Go fish’ in pairs. Ls take turn to turn over two images and then turn them back over. Ls are looking for /need to remember images that both indicate a pet and its colour.

10 pair of cards:

1. a cat [It is a cat]

6. a tortoise [It is a tortoise]

2. a bird [It is a bird]

7.a snake [It is a snake]

3. a spider [It is a spider]

8. a dog [It is a dog]

4. a dog [It is a dog]

9. a mouse [It is a mouse]

5.a parrot [It is a parrot]

10.a fish[It is a fish]

8 min

(W/I) Phonetic drill

  • Ls look at the sounds and repeat the sound after the teacher

[j],[dʒ], [æ], [i:], [ә:], [ɔ], [au], [әu], [ai]

  • Ls find and point to sounds in the table “English sounds”

(D/I/f) Introduce the vocabulary

  • Colours (written form/ transcription)

Ls read the sounds in words after the teacher. Then read the whole transcription of the word.

1. Pp Pink [pink]

6. Ww White [wait]

2. Pp Purple [ˈpә:pl]

7. Bb Brown [braun]

3. Oo Orange [ˈɔrindʒ]

8. Bb Blue [blu:]

4. Rr Red [red]

9. Bb Black [blæk]

5. Gg Green [gri:n]

10. YyYellow [ˈjelәu]

A table “English sounds” in Ls “ABC” exercise books


1 min

(W) Brain Breaks

  • Ls listen, watch, say animal sounds and do animal movements: “ If You're a Kid ”


3 min

(W/I) Vocabulary practice

  • All Ls read the words of colours (written form) with the teacher

  • Some of Ls read the words of colours individually


8 min

(I)/(f) Formative assessment task

  • Ls identify the colours of animals according to the initial letter of /transcription/ written form of words. Then colour the animal accordingly and answer the question “What pet is it?”, making basic personal statements about objects using “It is a + colour + pet” Answers:

1. It is a pink cat.

6. It is a green tortoise.

2. It is an orange bird.

7. It is a purple snake.

3. It is a red spider.

8. It is a black dog.

4. It is a brown dog.

9. It is a white mouse.

5. It is a yellow parrot.

10. It is a blue fish.

  • Self-assessment and success criteria

Ls exchange and evaluate their worksheets.

Learners achieve these lesson objectives if they

81% - 100% - identify 9-10 topic vocabulary

Ls colour the door of pet shop with green color

51% - 80% - identify 6-8 topic vocabulary

Ls colour the door of pet shop with blue color

Learners are working towards these lesson objectives if they

21% - 50% - recognize and identify 4-5 topic vocabulary

Ls colour the door of pet shop with red color

0% - 20% - recognize and identify less than 4 topic vocabulary

Ls draw a cross on the door of pet shop.


A learner

colours the pets correctly and response correctly ‘It is a/ an + colour+ pet’

FA worksheets “Pet shop”


3 minutes

Reflection. Revisit Learning Goals. Feedback.

  • T asks Ls to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson. Ls colour the pictures of pets that they get at the beginning of the lesson.

  • Ls check their pictures. If the answer is correct Ls stick a feedback card on the line of success on the board (green – the goal is achieved/ red – the goal is not achieved)

  • Good bye song. Ls sing ‘Goodbye Song for Kids’

18 colourless pictures of pets


Feedback cards


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check
ICT links:

  • Support

less able Ls – greater support by means of prompts, visual aids.

  • Challenge

more able Ls – independent work on definite tasks with little/no support

  • through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

  • through observation

  • through formative assessment

  • Positive behaviour: Ls will be praised specifically and rewarded appropriately for effort, correct answers, and obeying the teacher promptly.

  • FA task and warming up activity develop Ls’ critical thinking skills and understanding about academic honesty

  • Make a dynamic break (brain breaks) in the middle of the lesson

  • Monitor classroom space when Ls start moving during dynamic break.

  • Work with the TV not more than 10 minutes

  • Ensure proper ventilation

  • Check sockets’ safety

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