«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработка дидактического материала по теме "SOCIAL WELFARE"

В практикуме представлен текст социальной и психологической направленности из оригинальных английских и американских источников, упражнения для обучения специальной лексике, разнообразные задания для выработки навыков чтения, говорения и письма. Отличительная черта заданий – их коммуникативный творческий характер.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


Read the text and say what a social policy is and which social policies there are.

Types of Social Policy

A social policy is a decision made by public or governmental authorities, regarding the assignment and allocation of resources, rights, and responsibilities, expressed in laws and governmental regulations.

A social policy is created when a legislative body enacts a law, usually at the national level but in some cases, at the regional or city level. Once the law is enacted, high-level government officials and various governmental legal departments will usually prepare a set of rules and regulations that clarify the provisions of the law and describe in detail how the law is to be implemented.

Lawmakers and government officials formulate policies on a wide variety of topics. Thus, there are public policies on international relations, economics, the tax structure, the military, environmental safety, education and the like.

For the most part, social policies address issues related to the social well-being of people within society. Social policies focus on such concerns as marriage, divorce, adoption, domestic abuse, the special needs of the elderly, juvenile delinquency, mental health, discrimination against minority groups, training and job opportunities for the disadvantaged, economic assistance to the poor,

availability of the affordable housing, immigration, and other similar concerns.

The term social welfare policy is often applied to those social policies that focus primarily on the distribution of economic benefits to those in need (e.g. public assistance, food stamps, subsidized housing, subsidized health care, or subsidized child care).

Clearly, the vast majority of social policies are public policies. However, some social policies fall into the category that can be called private social welfare policy (nongovernmental social policy). In this category are the national-level policies of large private agencies, the policies of fund-raising organizations and policies formulated by community-wide social welfare planning bodies.

The European commission on unification of social policies distinguishes two different types of social welfare policy.

The first, known as the Bismarck policy (named after its founder, the German chancellor Bismarck), links social support to work performance and record. Social benefits are earned through lifetime contributions into the welfare system. Social security payments are made out of insurance funds, managed jointly by employers and employees. It is also believed that these funds should not receive support from the budget. Underprivileged households can benefit from national

solidarity plans, implemented through local welfare agencies or charitable organizations.

The second type, known as the Beveridge plan, is based on the right of every individual to social support in the event of an illness, retirement, or in any other circumstances that limit their ability to provide for themselves.

The countries that have chosen this system have mandatory disability insurance plans and provide the elderly with so-called “social pensions,” as opposed to “professional pensions.” Funding for such a system comes through taxation. The Beveridge plan is thus based on national solidarity and equitable distribution of benefits.

Reading comprehension

I. Are the following statements true or false?

1. Lawmakers provide social policies covering different spheres of the life of a society.

2. Social policies do not touch upon the issues of marriage, divorce, adoption, etc.

3. The term social welfare policy means the same as the notion of social policy.

4. The private social welfare policy is often called nongovernmental social policy.

5. There is the single approach to social welfare policy according to the European commission on unification of social policies.

6. According to the Beveridge plan, insurance benefits must be paid to the rich and the poor on the same terms.

II. Complete the sentences using the text.

1. A social policy is a decision made by ____.

2. Social policies focus on such concerns as ____.

3. The term social welfare policy is often applied to ____.

4. The first type, known as the Bismarck policy, links ____.

5. The second type, known as the Beveridge plan, is based on ____.

Vocabulary focus

I. Match English and Russian equivalents.

1) allocation a) проблема, вопрос

2) governmental regulation b) купоны на бесплатную еду

3) lawmaker c) государственный чиновник

4) government official d) возможности трудоустройства

5) tax structure e) распределение

6) issue f) преступность среди несовершеннолетних

7) legislative body g) система налогов

8) job opportunities h) субсидированное жилье

9) juvenile delinquency i) законодательный орган

10) food stamps j) положение, условие

11) subsidized housing k) постановление правительства

12) provision l) законодатель, парламентарий

II. Here are the definitions to the notions. Work out the notions. Words for reference: benefit, social pension, law, the disadvantaged, professional pension.

1. A rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves.

2. Without the money, possessions, education, opportunities that the average person has.

3. An amount of money that is paid regularly to people who are unemployed, ill, or too old to work.

4. Insurance against being unable to work because of an illness, injury, or medical condition.

5. An amount of money paid regularly by the government to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill.

III. Make word combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.

1) governmental a) abuse

2) domestic b) support

3) special c) contributions

4) lifetime d) department

5) social e) needs

IV. Insert the necessary preposition.

1. A social policy is a decision made ___ public or governmental authorities.

2. ___ the most part, social policies address issues related ___ the social wellbeing

of people ___ society.

3. Lawmakers and governmental officials formulate policies ___ a wide variety ___ topics.

4. The European commission ___ unification ___ social policies distinguishes two different types ___ social welfare policy.

5. The term social welfare policy is often applied ___ those social policies that focus primarily ___ the distribution of economic benefits to those ___ need.

6. Some social policies fall ___ the category that can be called private social welfare policy.

7. The first type, known ___ the Bismarck policy (named ___ the German chancellor Bismarck), links social support ___ work performance and record.

8. Social benefits are earned ___ lifetime contributions ___ the welfare system

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