«Весна — лето 2025»

Птицы, животные и растения в геральдике городов ДФО

презентация НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. Птицы и животные на гербах

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Birds, animals and plants on the coats of arms of Russian Far East cities Made by DMITRII LUTSENKO © 2019

Birds, animals and plants on the coats of arms of Russian Far East cities


YAKUTSK. In the silver field is a black eagle supporting a red sable. Sable indicates the natural wealth of the Yakut land.


In the silver field is a black eagle

supporting a red sable. Sable indicates the natural wealth of the Yakut land.

CHITA. In the Golden field is a red-green fence  accompanied at the top by a red Buffalo head with silver eyes and tongue. The shield is crowned with a Golden crown  surrounded by a Golden Laurel wreath and entwined with a ribbon of the order of the October Revolution Buffalo head means the traditional occupation of cattle breeding of the Chita people


In the Golden field is a red-green fence

accompanied at the top by a red Buffalo head

with silver eyes and tongue.

The shield is crowned with a Golden crown

surrounded by a Golden Laurel wreath and entwined with a ribbon of the order of the October Revolution

Buffalo head means the traditional occupation of cattle breeding of the Chita people

MAGADAN. In the center of the red stripe is depicted a Golden deer, representing at the same time the two main sectors of the economy of the Magadan region — gold mining and reindeer husbandry.


In the center of the red stripe is depicted a Golden deer,

representing at the same time the

two main sectors of the economy of the Magadan region

gold mining and reindeer husbandry.

VLADIVOSTOK In the green field of the shield is a Golden tiger with red eyes and tongue, walking on a rocky slope


In the green field of the

shield is a Golden tiger with

red eyes and tongue,

walking on a rocky slope

KHABAROVSK. In the blue-gold field red fish-sturgeon. The shield surmounted by a crown . Shield-holders - black with silver  breast and claws, red eyes and tongue Himalayan bear and gold with silver breast and claws, red eyes and tongue Amur tiger.


In the blue-gold field red fish-sturgeon.

The shield surmounted by a crown .

Shield-holders - black with silver

breast and claws, red eyes and tongue

Himalayan bear and gold with

silver breast and claws,

red eyes and tongue Amur tiger.

ANADYR. In the blue shield is a Golden smiling bear with silver claws holding a red fish in a pole on the right. The brown bear symbolizes the power of Russia, as well as the rich natural environment of Chukotka. The fish in the bear's paws denotes Anadyr as the center of fish production.


In the blue shield is a Golden smiling bear with silver claws holding a red fish in a pole on the right. The brown bear symbolizes the power of Russia, as well as the rich natural environment of Chukotka. The fish in the bear's paws denotes Anadyr as the center of fish production.

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