«Весна — лето 2025»

Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Articles

All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner.

The articles a, an and the are determiners.

Other determiners are words like this, that, my, your, his, her,.etc

That is to say; a singular countable word can not be used in a sentence without a determiner.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner.  The articles a, an and  the  are determiners. Other determiners are words like this, that, my, your, his, her ,..etc That is to say; a singular countable word can not be used  in a sentence without a determiner.  11/09/17

All singular countable nouns must be modified by a determiner.

The articles a, an and the are determiners.

Other determiners are words like this, that, my, your, his, her ,..etc

That is to say; a singular countable word can not be used in a sentence without a determiner.


The Indefinite Article  The indefinite article “ a ” or “ an ” is used; Before singular countable nouns to mean one . It is not used before uncountable and plural nouns. Australia is a continent. Turkey is a  country in Asia. 11/09/17

The Indefinite Article

The indefinite article “ a ” or “ an ” is used;

  • Before singular countable nouns to mean one . It is not used before uncountable and plural nouns.

Australia is a continent.

Turkey is a country in Asia.


An  is used before a word that begins with a vowel sound ( a, e, i, o, u).
  • An is used before a word that begins with a vowel sound ( a, e, i, o, u).

When words begin with “h” or “u”, either a or an can be used depending on the sound.

an uncle a home

a university a union

an hour an honourable man


To introduce a subject that has not been mentioned before; I saw a  snake. I caught a  fish yesterday. With an expression of a definite quantity in the singular;
  • To introduce a subject that has not been mentioned before;

I saw a snake.

I caught a fish yesterday.

  • With an expression of a definite quantity in the singular;

A dozen a ton a half a third

A mile a thousand a hundred

A pound


With some expression of quantity; a great many a great deal a couple of a few a lot of three times a day a number of a little a pair of fifty miles an hour With names of professions; He is an engineer.  When “a” or “an” means per;
  • With some expression of quantity;

a great many a great deal

a couple of a few a lot of three times a day a number of

a little a pair of fifty miles an hour

  • With names of professions;

He is an engineer.

  • When “a” or “an” means per;

Julie earns $500 a week.


In exclamations with “What + a countable noun  What  a  lovely  day ! What  a  terrible  sweater ! What  a  pity ! What  a  nonsense ! Note: In some languages, one and a , an are the same word. In English a , an for the indefinite is more common. We use one
  • In exclamations with “What + a countable noun

What a lovely day ! What a terrible sweater !

What a pity ! What a nonsense !

Note: In some languages, one and a , an are the same word. In English a , an for the indefinite is more common.

We use one if we want to be precise, and we want to emphasize one , not two , or three , or four.

He drives a Volswagen.

She has got one Rolls-Royce, two Cadillacs and three motorbikes.




The Definite Article “The” The definite article the can be used before any noun, singular, plural, countable and uncountable when the noun is specific .  The island,  the islands,  the water  The definite article “the” is used; When there is only one of the thing mentioned: (Unique objects ) The  sun is shining.   The moon is full tonight. The  sky is blue.   The  government The  King       The  president  11/09/17

The Definite Article “The”

  • The definite article the can be used before any noun, singular, plural, countable and uncountable when the noun is specific .

The island, the islands, the water

The definite article “the” is used;

When there is only one of the thing mentioned: (Unique objects )

The sun is shining. The moon is full tonight.

The sky is blue. The government

The King The president


2. When it is clear to both the speaker and the listener which thing or person is referred to; Could you open the  door, please? (Both the speaker and the listener know which door it is.) Pass the  salt, please. Did you read the  book  I gave yesterday? Have you heard the  news  about them? 11/09/17

2. When it is clear to both the speaker and the listener which thing or person is referred to;

Could you open the door, please?

(Both the speaker and the listener know which door it is.)

Pass the salt, please.

Did you read the book I gave yesterday?

Have you heard the news about them?


3. Before a noun mentioned for the second time: A bird flew into the classroom. The bird sat on my desk.  4. Before superlative adjectives: The biggest island is Greenland. The most beautiful coral island is very small.  11/09/17

3. Before a noun mentioned for the second time:

A bird flew into the classroom.

The bird sat on my desk.

4. Before superlative adjectives:

The biggest island is Greenland.

The most beautiful coral island is very small.


3. Before a noun mentioned for the second time: A bird  flew into the classroom. The  bird  sat on my desk.  4. Before superlative adjectives: The  biggest  island is Greenland. The  most  beautiful coral island is very small. 11/09/17 14

3. Before a noun mentioned for the second time:

A bird flew into the classroom.

The bird sat on my desk.

4. Before superlative adjectives:

The biggest island is Greenland.

The most beautiful coral island is very small.



5. Before names of musical instruments He plays the  piano  I can’t play the  gui tar  6.Before decades and centuries: The 1800s,  the  twenties,  the twentieth century  11/09/17 14

5. Before names of musical instruments

He plays the piano

I can’t play the gui tar

6.Before decades and centuries:

The 1800s, the twenties,

the twentieth century



7 .   Before expressions of time and place: The morning   the future the  N orth  the top The afternoon    the present  the  S outh  the front The evening    the past the  E ast  the back The  W est    the bottom  11/09/17 14

7 .   Before expressions of time and place:

The morning the future

the N orth the top

The afternoon the present

the S outh the front

The evening the past

the E ast the back

The W est the bottom



8 .   Before ordinal numbers (the definite article is not used with cardinal numbers.) Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers The first chapter Chapter One The second day Day Two The sixth lesson Lesson six  9 .   When speaking about a specific noun: Coffee originated in Ethiopia (general) The  coffee I had this morning was Brazillian (specific) Sugar costs 50 cents a pound (general) The  sugar that he bou g ht last night was covered with ants.  11/09/17 14

8 .   Before ordinal numbers (the definite article is not used with cardinal numbers.)

Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers

The first chapter Chapter One

The second day Day Two

The sixth lesson Lesson six

9 .   When speaking about a specific noun:

Coffee originated in Ethiopia (general)

The coffee I had this morning was Brazillian (specific)

Sugar costs 50 cents a pound (general)

The sugar that he bou g ht last night was covered with ants.



** If the noncountable noun is followed by a descriptive adjective clause or phrase, we use the article ‘ the ’. 10 .Before names of countries, states, cities, universities colleges, and schools that contain the word ‘of’ and before conutries that have a plural name or have an adjective in the name, except for Great Britain: The  United States of America The  state of Florida / The  Netherlands The city of Boston / The  Philippines The  University of Texas / Texas University The  United Kingdom  11/09/17 14

** If the noncountable noun is followed by a descriptive adjective clause or phrase, we use the article the ’.

10 .Before names of countries, states, cities, universities colleges, and schools that contain the word ‘of’ and before conutries that have a plural name or have an adjective in the name, except for Great Britain:

The United States of America

The state of Florida / The Netherlands

The city of Boston / The Philippines

The University of Texas / Texas University

The United Kingdom



11 .When a proper noun is used as a modifier for another noun, the always precedes the proper noun. The Simiths’ house The Egyptian pharaohs The European Community  11/09/17 14

11 .When a proper noun is used as a modifier for another noun, the always precedes the proper noun.

The Simiths’ house

The Egyptian pharaohs

The European Community



12.The always precedes ‘same’ and ‘only’ This story is almost exactly the  same  as a story I read last year by a different author. He is the  only  person in the office who smokes.  13.  Articles are usually not used with parts of the body or clothing when the owner of the parts of the body or clothing is known. In these cases a possesive adjective is usually used. Julia cut her hair I wore my  best pants.  11/09/17 14

12.The always precedes ‘same’ and ‘only’

This story is almost exactly the same as a story I read last year by a different author.

He is the only person in the office who smokes.

13.  Articles are usually not used with parts of the body or clothing when the owner of the parts of the body or clothing is known. In these cases a possesive adjective is usually used.

Julia cut her hair

I wore my best pants.



14 .National groups The British  drink far too much tea. The  Turkish  are known to be very brave.  15 .Classes of people The  rich / the  old / the educated The  poor / the young / the  accused  16. Before geographical areas, but not before names of the continents: The  Middle East Asia The  Orient  Europe  17.  Before names of oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, and plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes.   The  Pacific Ocean The  Gulf of Mexio  The  Appalachian Mountains 11/09/17 14

14 .National groups

The British drink far too much tea.

The Turkish are known to be very brave.

15 .Classes of people

The rich / the old / the educated

The poor / the young / the accused

16. Before geographical areas, but not before names of the continents:

The Middle East Asia

The Orient Europe

17. Before names of oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, and plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes.

The Pacific Ocean The Gulf of Mexio

The Appalachian Mountains



The  Hawaiian Islands The  Great Lakes The  Mississippi River The  Black Sea x  Mount Everest x  Manhattan Island x Lake Michigan  18. Before the names of ships, trains, planes, and people’s family names (the definite article isn’t used with the names of people and names of magazines.)  The  Browns  The  Mayflower Micheal Keaten The  Orient Express The  Titanic  Newsweek 11/09/17 14

The Hawaiian Islands

The Great Lakes

The Mississippi River

The Black Sea

x Mount Everest

x Manhattan Island

x Lake Michigan

18. Before the names of ships, trains, planes, and people’s family names (the definite article isn’t used with the names of people and names of magazines.)

The Browns The Mayflower Micheal Keaten

The Orient Express The Titanic Newsweek



ARTICLE  On the radio  Newspapers  ( the  Times )  The whole family  ( the  Smiths )  Title without name The  Queen  The  President The  Queen  The  President 5. Plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes;  The  Canary Islands The  Himalayas The  Great Lakes  The  Canary Islands The  Himalayas The  Great Lakes  6 .  Well – known buildings The  Eiffel Tower The  World Trade Center The  Eiffel Tower The  World Trade Center  11/09/17 14


On the radio

Newspapers ( the Times )

The whole family ( the Smiths )

Title without name

The Queen

The President

  • The Queen The President

5. Plural names of mountains, islands, and lakes;

The Canary Islands

The Himalayas

The Great Lakes

  • The Canary Islands The Himalayas The Great Lakes

6 . Well – known buildings

The Eiffel Tower

The World Trade Center

  • The Eiffel Tower The World Trade Center



7. Well – known buildings  The  Eiffel Tower The  World Trade Center  8. Zoos  The  London 200  11/09/17 14

7. Well – known buildings

The Eiffel Tower

The World Trade Center

8. Zoos

The London 200



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11/09/17 14



1. ... English book we are reading now in class will be translated into  Russian ...next year. 2. Where is ... credit card? I can’t pay for ... CD. 3 . I have got ... elder sister  living in Canterbury. 4 . I’m afraid I can’t answer ...  question. 5 . My father is ... children’s doctor. 6 . Open ... magazine at ... page 1 7 and look at ... photo. 8. She is ... kind and gentle woman. 9. ... cell phone is ... telephone you can take with you to any place. 10. Let’s go to ... country and have ... picnic. 11. Yesterday I bought oranges for 30 rubles ... kilo. 1 2 . ... tiger belongs to ... cat family. 1 3 . Do you know where ...  oldest university in Europe is? 1 4 . I am to make ... speech tomorrow at ...  meeting. 11/09/17 14

1. ... English book we are reading now in class will be translated into Russian ...next year.

2. Where is ... credit card? I can’t pay for ... CD.

3 . I have got ... elder sister living in Canterbury.

4 . I’m afraid I can’t answer ... question.

5 . My father is ... children’s doctor.

6 . Open ... magazine at ... page 1 7 and look at ... photo.

8. She is ... kind and gentle woman.

9. ... cell phone is ... telephone you can take with you to any place.

10. Let’s go to ... country and have ... picnic.

11. Yesterday I bought oranges for 30 rubles ... kilo.

1 2 . ... tiger belongs to ... cat family.

1 3 . Do you know where ... oldest university in Europe is?

1 4 . I am to make ... speech tomorrow at ... meeting.



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