Mass Media

- 1. Запишите, что относится к средствам массовой информации.
- 2. Выпишите английские выражения и их перевод плюсы и минусы СМИ (5,6,7 слайды)

Types of mass media
- Radio
- TV
- Newspapers and magazines
- Billboards
- The Internet

Say which of the mass media are
- The most useful
- The easiest to use
- The most common
- The most expensive
- The most modern
- The most interesting
- The most convenient
- The safest
- The cheapest
Give your reasons: I think newspapers are the most convenient mass media. It is broken to my home every day/ I can get a lot of useful information from newspapers.

Advantages of the mass media
- We can learn more about the society around us.
- We can travel round the world without wasting money.
- We can express our opinions.
- We can take part in shows and competitions.
- Students can make good use of the mass media to learn and find new friends.
During the SARS holiday, we do the HW by browsing the sku web site.this is one of the exaple of how studyents make good use of mass media.

There are some more advantages here:
Use: to rest,
to relax,
to try your luck,
to study at home,
to receive information,
to study foreign languages,
to get something for nothing,
to listen (to read) about famous people,
to listen (to read) about important events,
to keep fit.

Are there any disadvantages of the mass media? Think of them!
to get lazy,
to put on weight,
it’s a waste of time,
to get nervous,
to damage your eyes,
to sleep badly after horror films,
to learn about the bad side of life,
to watch films for adults,
to have no time to communicate with relatives and friends,
to have no time for sport activities
in the fresh air,
to stop writing letters to your relatives.