Festive time
6 класс

Look at the pictures. What holidays are people celebrating?


What do usually
people do

Fill in make or do :
..…the decorations
………… .the dusting
……… a phone call
………… your homework
……………… tea
………… .the gardening
…………… .a special dish
……… ..the washing up
…………… ..a cake
……… ..the shopping

Ex. 1 p.46 Check yourself:
make the decorations – украшать
make tea – заваривать чай
do the dusting – протирать пыль
make a special dish - готовить особенное блюдо
do your homework – делать домашнюю работу
do the washing up – мыть посуду
make a phone call – звонить по телефону
do the shopping – делать покупки
do the gardening – заниматься садоводством
make a cake – печь торт

Present Continuous Tense Affirmative – утвердительная форма
V ing
We/you/they are
read ing a book now .
now – сейчас
at the moment – в данный момент
to be is
I am read ing a book
now .
He/she/it is read ing a
book now .

Глагол TO BE – AM , IS , ARE
I am
We are
You are
You are
He is
They are
She is
It is

Look at the pictures
in your books.
What are the people
in the picture doing?
Ex.1 b) p.46

What are they doing?


![New words: spend – проводить (время) fried baby eels – жаренные молодые угри delicious [diliЅəs] – вкусный grapes [greips] – виноград excited [iksaitid] – взволнованный means – означает celebrate – праздновать council workers [kansl wɜ:kəz] – работники городских служб make preparations - готовиться celebration- празднование](http://fsd.intolimp.org/html/2018/02/12/i_5a81b6dcaf218/img_php0PelDw_Prezentaciya-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint_12.jpg)
New words:
spend – проводить (время)
fried baby eels – жаренные молодые угри
delicious [diliЅəs] – вкусный
grapes [greips] – виноград
excited [iksaitid] – взволнованный
means – означает
celebrate – праздновать
council workers [kansl wɜ:kəz] – работники городских служб
make preparations - готовиться
celebration- празднование

From: Rosa To: Lizzie Subject: Season’s greetings. Dear Lizzie,
A_ What about you? How are you spend ing New Year’s Eve? Whatever you are doing, have a wonderful time. I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
B_ We are very busy at the moment. Dad id doing the last minute shopping. Mum is making a special dish, fried baby eels. They’re delicious , honest! Aunt Betsie is making tea for everyone and Grandma is doing the gardening. Clara
and Steve are doing the washing-up. Steve’s also washing the grapes for tonight. In Spain, it’s good luck to eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve! As for the twins, they are making the decorations. They are excited . Spanish people call New Year’s Eve Nochevieja, which
means the old night. This is because the 31 st of December is the last night
of the old year.
C_ How’s everything back in New York? I hope the weather isn’t too cold. Here in Madrid, everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Eve. The shops are full of people. They are buying presents and food. Council workers are decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight’s celebrations in the Plaza del Sol.
All the best!

From: Rosa To: Lizzie Subject: Season’s greetings. Dear Lizzie ,
C1 How’s everything back in New York? I hope the weather isn’t too cold. Here in Madrid, everyone is getting ready to celebrate New Year’s Eve. The shops are full of people. They are buying presents and food. Council workers are decorating the streets and making preparations for tonight’s celebrations in the Plaza del Sol.
B2 We are very busy at the moment. Dad is doing the last minute shopping. Mum is making a special dish, fried baby eels. They’re delicious , honest! Aunt Betsie is making tea for everyone and Grandma is doing the gardening. Clara
and Steve are doing the washing-up. Steve’s also washing the grapes for tonight. In Spain, it’s good luck to eat twelve grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve! As for the twins, they are making the decorations. They are excited . Spanish people call New Year’s Eve Nochevieja, which means the old night. This is because the 31 st of December is the last night of the old year.
A3 What about you? How are you spend ing New Year’s Eve?
Whatever you are doing, have a wonderful time. I wish you
and your family a Happy New Year.
All the best!

1 Aunt Betsie is making tea for everyone. 2 Mum is making a special dish, fried baby eels. 3 Clara and Steve are doing the washing-up. Steve ’s also washing the grapes for tonight. 4 Dad is doing the last minute shopping. 5 Grandma is doing the gardening. 6 The twins are making the decorations.

Use the prompts to say what the people in the picture are doing. What are they celebrating?
- blow a party horn – дуть в рожок
- talk on the mobile
- dance
- play the drums – играть на барабанах
- eat a sandwich
- bring a cake
John is blowing a party horn.
Ex. 5. p.47.

An invitation card
Jeff and Lynn
Invite you to a Halloween 1
, October 31
Fancy dress
RSVP [email protected]

An invitation card
Jeff and Lynn
Invite you to a Halloween 1
, October 31
Fancy dress
RSVP [email protected]

- Ex. 1 p.46 – words
- Ex.1-3 p.29 (Wb)

Present Continuous Tense Negative – отрицательная форма
is not
V ing
I am not read ing a
book now.
We/you/they aren’t
He/she/it isn’t
read ing a book at the
read ing a book

Make sentences negative:
- He is blowing a party horn.
- Ann and Harry are doing the washing up.
- We are making a special dish.
4. She is doing the gardening now.
5. His mum is doing the shopping at the moment.
6. I am blowing the horn.

Подведение итогов:
Present Continuous Tense – настоящее продолженное время.(утвердительная и отрицательная формы).
Выражения по теме «Праздники».

- Ex. 1 p.46 – words
- Ex.1-3 p.29 (Wb)

1. She is making
a special dish.

2. They are doing

3. She is doing
washing up.

4. He is decorating
The new year tree.

5. She is doing
The dusting.

6. She is making a cake.

7. They are making
A special dinner.

8. They are dressing up.

9. He is doing
the gardening.

Make up questions:
- What …… Ann (do) now?
- …… . you ….. (listen) to music now?
- ……… . he ……………. (decorate) the New Year tree?
- 4. What … your mum …….(do)?
- 5. ……. Ann and Tom ……..(watch) the fireworks?
- 6. ……..your friends …….(watch) street parades?