«Весна — лето 2025»

Prefer Would rather Had better

SOS: A Review Game for ESL Students-Kids + Adults

Skills: Speaking/listening

Time: 15-20 minutes

Level: Low Intermediate to Advanced

Materials Required: White board and a list of questions in Power Point Presentation

I like to use this S-O-S game as a fun review game for ESL students to go over whatever we studied in the previous class. For example, maybe the grammar point was countable/uncountable nouns. It can get quite complicated, so it’s something I’d for sure want to review before moving on with new material.

I’m sure you know the game S-O-S from when you were a kid. Draw a 6×6 grid on the board. Give the grid numbers and letters to make it easier for the students to pick what box they want. Then, divide the students up into teams of 4 or 5 and give them each a symbol (triangle, square, star, heart, etc.). Then ask review questions, going from team to team in order. Simple, easy questions with a definite right or wrong answer are best to keep this game moving quickly. A correct answer gets them a square on the board, where you will put their symbol. You can do 6 or 7 rounds, and by this time the good teams will have 2 or 3 points. The top team gets a prize of some kind.

SOS Teaching Tip:

This game gets boring after 15 minutes or so, so don’t plan on playing this for an entire class. It works best as a warm-up review game. You can also teach the students the rules and have them play in groups of 4-5, which will make this activity far more student-centred. Give each group a list of review questions that you write up and print out and act as a referee, if necessary.

Procedure for SOS Review Game for ESL:

1. Prepare a list of review questions.

2. Put students into groups of 4-5 to play as a class, or have them play in small groups with each other.

3. Students do rock-scissor-paper and the first student answer the first question. If correct, they mark their symbol on the board. If incorrect, there is no penalty but they don’t get to mark the board.

4. The next student answers the next question and follows the same procedure.

5. The goal is to get as many 3-in-a-rows as possible with their symbol.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки






I prefer coffee … tea.
  • I prefer coffee … tea.


I’d rather you ( not tell, not to tell, don’t tell, didn’t tell) me the truth.
  • I’d rather you ( not tell, not to tell, don’t tell, didn’t tell) me the truth.

Didn’t tell

Would you rather we (not go, not to go, don’t go, didn’t go) out tonight?
  • Would you rather we (not go, not to go, don’t go, didn’t go) out tonight?

Didn’t go

I (had, would) rather study grammar than vocabulary.
  • I (had, would) rather study grammar than vocabulary.


It might be cold in Poland, so take some warm clothes. BETTER You …some warm clothes in case it’s cold in Poland.
  • It might be cold in Poland, so take some warm clothes. BETTER
  • You …some warm clothes in case it’s cold in Poland.

Had better take

I’d much rather stay in hotels than go camping when I’m on holiday. PREFER I much … than going camping when I’m on holiday.
  • I’d much rather stay in hotels than go camping when I’m on holiday. PREFER
  • I much … than going camping when I’m on holiday.

Prefer staying in hotels rather

I would rather be a vampire (to, than) a zombie.
  • I would rather be a vampire (to, than) a zombie.


I’d rather you (not to come, don’t come didn’t come.)
  • I’d rather you (not to come, don’t come didn’t come.)

Didn’t come

I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather … go to the cinema.
  • I don't fancy the theatre again. I'd rather … go to the cinema.


I'd rather speak to him in person …discuss things over the phone.
  • I'd rather speak to him in person …discuss things over the phone.


I prefer trains … cars.
  • I prefer trains … cars.


I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer (travel, travelling) by train.
  • I'm not a big fan of cars; I prefer (travel, travelling) by train.


I prefer Math… Biology.
  • I prefer Math… Biology.


If I had a choice I think I'd rather
  • If I had a choice I think I'd rather

(- live in London than in Paris,

- live in London to Paris,

- to live in London than in Paris.)

live in London than in Paris

They'd rather have lunch inside but I'd prefer (eating, to eat, eat) outside in the garden.
  • They'd rather have lunch inside but I'd prefer (eating, to eat, eat) outside in the garden.

TO eat

I would rather (learn, to learn) French than Spanish.
  • I would rather (learn, to learn) French than Spanish.


Would you rather (drive, to drive) a car or a motorcycle?
  • Would you rather (drive, to drive) a car or a motorcycle?


They would rather (play, to pay) soccer all day instead of studying.
  • They would rather (play, to pay) soccer all day instead of studying.


Would you prefer (stay, to stay) in or go out?
  • Would you prefer (stay, to stay) in or go out?


I would prefer (watch, watching, to watch) a movie.
  • I would prefer (watch, watching, to watch) a movie.

TO watch

I would prefer (drive, to drive, driving) the jeep.
  • I would prefer (drive, to drive, driving) the jeep.

TO drive

Would he prefer (dance, to dance, dancing) to a different song?
  • Would he prefer (dance, to dance, dancing) to a different song?

TO dance

I don’t prefer to play today. I’d prefer not to play today.
  • I don’t prefer to play today.
  • I’d prefer not to play today.

I’d prefer not to play today.

Dennis would prefer (spend, to spend, spending) his money at the mall.
  • Dennis would prefer (spend, to spend, spending) his money at the mall.

TO spend

. Would you rather (go, to go, going) to an Italian or a Japanese.
  • . Would you rather (go, to go, going) to an Italian or a Japanese.


. Would you rather (go, to go, going) to an Italian or a Japanese.
  • . Would you rather (go, to go, going) to an Italian or a Japanese.


She (would rather, prefer) eat a salad than a hamburger.
  • She (would rather, prefer) eat a salad than a hamburger.

Would rather

They (would rather, prefer) dogs. They don't like cats.
  • They (would rather, prefer) dogs. They don't like cats.


What is correct? I wouldn’t rather.. I don’t rather.. I would rather not .. I would rather not ..

What is correct?

  • I wouldn’t rather..
  • I don’t rather..
  • I would rather not ..

I would rather not ..

What is correct? I wouldn’t better.. I hadn’t better.. I’d better not .. I’d better not ..

What is correct?

  • I wouldn’t better..
  • I hadn’t better..
  • I’d better not ..

I’d better not ..

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