«Весна — лето 2025»

План-конспект урока (6 класс)

План-конспект урока в 6 классе по теме "Как питаться правильно". Цель: предполагает, что к окончанию урока учащиеся будут уметь рассказывать о правильном питании и составлять правильное меню.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

«Как питаться правильно» 6 класс

Место урока: 5/9

Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: традиционный.

Форма работы: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная

Цель: предполагает, что к окончанию урока учащиеся будут уметь рассказывать о правильном питании и составлять правильное меню.


Образовательная: содействовать развитию навыков коммуникативной компетенции учащихся посредством совершенствования навыков говорения, лексических и грамматических навыков, а также навыков чтения.

Воспитательная: содействовать формированию правильной привычки питаться здорово.

Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, мышления и воображения у учащихся, а также развитию коммуникативной компетенции у учащихся.

Оборудование: доска, мел.

Дидактический материал: учебник, тетрадь, наглядный и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Организационно-мотивационный этап.

Введение в тему урока и определение целей.

- Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? Look at the blackboard! You can see some proverbs. Let’s discuss what proverbs mean. Can you guess what the topic of our lesson today is?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

You are what you eat.

Eat to live, not live to eat.

- Right, it is about healthy diet.

- Tody we are going to talk about how to eat healthy. Now the aims for the lesson today are: to improve your oral speech, to revise grammar and to make some healthy menu.

Речевая зарядка.

Совершенствование лексических навыков.

- Now, look at the blackboard and put the following food into two columns (healthy/unhealthy)

Проверка домашнего задания.

Выявление уровня сформированности грамматических навыков.

- At home you were to do ex. 2, p.26 WB

  1. Операционно-познавательный этап

Формирование грамматических навыков.

- I’ll give you the cards. Your task is to choose the correct word for each sentence.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

Развитие лексическихнавыков

- Well done! Now let’s work in pairs. Check how healthy your partner’s diet is.

Ex.3a, p.151

Ex. 3b, c, p.151

  1. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап.

Подведение итогов, объяснение д/з, выставление отметок.

- Now I want you to express your attitude and your mood to what you’ve done at the lesson. Think and complete the following sentence: Today I’ve learnt about….

- Open your record-books, please. Write down your hometask. Your hometask is ex.2, 3, p. 28-29 WB you shoulod make up a healthy menu for your fmily for a day. Decide how many meals you are going tohave and what they are.

- Your marks are.. Goodbye!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

You are what you eat.

Eat to live, not live to eat.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

1.A bad pupil wil make few/a few mistakes in a simple test.

2.Most kids take little/a little sugar in their tea.

3. Someone who doesn’t like milk drinks little/a little of it.

4.Children like to get few/a few presents for their birthday.

5. There’s little/a little dust in a messy boy’s room.

6. A quiet person talks little/a little.

7. Everybody needs few/a few friends.

8. Few/a few teenagers really like tidying up.

9. A mother of three children will have little/a little free time.

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