«Весна — лето 2025»

План конспект "Gardens of Britain" 8 класс

План-конспект урока по совершенствованию навыков чтения, а также говорения.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

«Великобритания -страна садов»

Место урока: 5/9

Тип урока: урок применение знаний и умений.

Вид урока: традиционный.

Форма работы: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная

Цель: предполагает, что к концу урока учащиеся будут знать о разных видах садов в Великобритании и смогут составить диалог на основе текста.


Образовательная: способствовать развитию навыков чтения с целью извлечения необходимой информации.

Воспитательная: содействовать расширению кругозора учащихся.

Развивающая: способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, мышления и воображения у учащихся.

Оборудование: доска, мел, колонка.

Дидактический материал: учебник, тетрадь, наглядный и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Организационно-мотивационный этап.

Введение в тему урока и определение целей.

- Good afternoon, boys and girls! Look at the board, please! There are some pictures on the blackboard. Guess what is the topic of our lesson? … Good! Today we will read and speak about gardens of Britain.

Речевая зарядка.

Совершенствование лексических навыков.

- At first you will answer my questions: 1- Is there a garden near your house? Are there a lot of flowers in your town or city?

Проверка домашнего задания.

Выявление уровня сформированности грамматических навыков.

- At home you were to do ex.3a p.154

  1. Основной этап урока.

Развитие грамматических навыков.

- I’ll give you the cards. Your task is to use the correct verb forms using sequence of tenses.


  1. I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

  2. I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

  3. It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

  4. I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

  5. I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …

Развитие навыков чтения.

А) Предтекстовый этап. Снятие языковых трудностей.

- Look at the blackboard, please! Here some words, let’s read them, repeat after me, then read individually.

Exbury, Hampshire, lionel de Rothschild, extravaganza, idykically, Beaulieu River, hectares, rhododendrons, yew tree, iris, Windsor, Berkshire, Endeavour, lilac, Crarae

  1. Текстовый этап. Прослушивание и прочтение текста.

- Listen and read the texts.

  1. Послетекстовый этап. Контроль понимания прочитанного текста.

Answer the questions ex.2a,b p.160.

Now let’s make a dialogue ex. 3a, p.163. see the task.

  1. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап.

Подведение итогов, объяснение д/з, выставление отметок.

- Now I want you to express your attitude and your mood to what you’ve done at the lesson. Think and complete the following sentence: Today I’ve learnt about….

- Open your record-books, please. Write down your hometask. Your hometask is ex.4, p.163. write about a garden you saw once and liked very much, use the plan in ex.3a

- Your marks are.. Goodbye!



13 FEBRUARY 2024


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …


1.“I’ve got a task to challenge your sporting abilities”. - I said ….

2.I think I won’t win because that will be unfair to women. - He thought he ….

3.“It presented me with a dilemma” said Tony. - He said that …

4.“I don’t like people whon ever stop talking” she said. - She sais that …

5.“I met a woman who can speak five languages” she said. - She said that …

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