«Весна — лето 2025»

Off to school. Цикл уроков английского языка для 10 класса по учебнику New Millennium English по главе 1

цикл уроков по главе 1 по учебнику New Millennium 10 класс

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тема Город и мантия. Сравнение университетов

Класс 10

Цели: 1) научить сравнивать ун-ты Британии и России, оценивать плюсы обучения в Британии,

2) практиковать в чтении для удовольствия и с целью перевода, в различных видах работы с лексикой, в выражении и отстаивании своей точки зрения, чтении буклетов и брошюр

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Речевая разминка. Введение в тему.Работа в парах

Ex. 1 p.14

-Look at the picture and answer the questions

  1. Словарная работа. Ех.2 р.15

  • Let`s work with glossary. Translate the words

  1. Практика в чтении с общим и детальным пониманием прочитанного ex2A p14

2A. These questions will prepare students to read for information (leaflets and brochures). Discuss the questions with the whole class and note down Ss’ answers on the board. Then you might want to compare the notes with the facts from ТВ using an OHP transparency or the class board.

2B. Explain to the Ss that they are going to scan the mind map (a) and the leaflet (b) with the information about two famous universities very quickly and complete the chart. It is advisable to emphasise that the time will be very limited, and that they will need this information for further work.

Allocate five to seven minutes to do the work then ask someone to report the results.

The alternative may be that the class is divided into groups and each group will only read the information about one of the universities. Then Ss can

be paired and each partner will fill his / her empty boxes based on the other partner’s oral report.

3. Практика в говорении по теме. Выполнение Ех.3 р.15

3. Ss continue working in the same group or you can swap the groups.

  • Ask Ss to study the Language Support box and see whether the concept is clear.

  • Tell them to look through the texts again and answer the questions using the expressions with comparatives and connectives from the Language Support. It is possible to do it in writing, but with a prior oral discussion. You can then offer to report the ideas to the rest of the class.

Although this seems like a speaking exercise, Ss, in fact, will drill the new functions in what may be called context — this is one of the specific features of this textbook.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

- speaking Ех.3 р.13 (проверка в классе, парная работа)

- writing Ех.6 р.13 (собрать, выслушать одного учащегося)

- active vocabulary

Expressing and justifying opinions

What do you think about...?

Do you really think that...? I doubt that.

Yes, I see. But you haven’t convinced me yet...

I can agree with you, but only up to a point...

Don't forget that...

Perhaps you’re right, but what about...?

I know, but even so...

What makes you feel that...?

III. Итог. Домашнее задание

WB ex1,2,3 p.9

Слова и фразы

Ех3 р12 (на 5 и 4) диалог устно

(на 3) диалог письменно

Содержимое разработки

Тема Контрольная работа № 1 по чтению, аудированию по разделу « Хороший старт в жизни»

Класс 10

Цели: 1) контроль лексических и грамматических навыков по главе,

2) формировать навыки самоконтроля и самооценки, анализа и синтеза материала,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Контроль грамматических навыков

1. excitement

2. confusion

3. confident

4. domineering

5. cheerful

6. enthusiastic

7. proud

8. leaving

9. unemployed


11. confused

12. indifferent

13. educational

14. easily


2 Контроль лексических навыков


(2) of

(3) was

(4) than

(5) by

(6) code

(7) had

(8) have

(9) uniform

(10) allowed

(11) about

(12) to wear

(13) both

(14) forbidden

(15) much/(16) the

(17) blazer

(18) at

(19) style

III. Итог.

Содержимое разработки

Тема Контрольная работа № 2 по лексике и грамматике по разделу « Хороший старт в жизни»

Класс 10

Цели: 1) контроль лексических и грамматических навыков по главе,

2) формировать навыки самоконтроля и самооценки, анализа и синтеза материала,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Контроль навыков чтения

2 Контроль навыков письма

(ксерокопии с темами)

III. Итог.

Содержимое разработки

Тема Они путешествуют по миру

Класс 10

Цели: 1) познакомить с программами по обмену, со стереотипами о них, научить оформлять сочинение с формулировкой цели,

2) практиковать в чтении для удовольствия и с целью перевода, в различных видах работы с лексикой, учить делать пометки во время прослушивания, письме официальных заявлений,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Active vocabulary

adapt to


application form

apply for (a programme)

apply knowledge

be nominated for (a programme)

break a stereotype

build a bridge between the countries



Conditionals with if (not) and unless

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Речевая разминка. Введение в тему. Ex. 1 p.18

-Look at the picture and answer the questions

-Look at the blackboard. You see a text. Read the text and quess the theme of today’s lesson.

I’m a med student. I still can’t believe it! It’s the end of my first year already! It’s probably been the best year of my life!!! The different culture, country, people….I have friends from every corner of the planet nearly and it’s absolutely amazing! And of course I’m studying hard as well, though it gets harder towards the summer finals!. Just wanted to say thank you Guy for helping me to get my dream. I love it here. I’ve settled in so well. I love my studies and there’s great crick to be had as well…..all our international friends got together to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us it was great fun!

Grace Ryan, 2nd Year Med Student, PJSU Kosice

- Watch the video and say what it is about

-Why do you think students take part in these programmes?

- The spelling in these lessons in SB is American English, as the programmes we are speaking about are American.

  1. Практика в чтении с общим и детальным пониманием прочитанного ex2 p18-19

Tell Ss that they have very little time to read the texts. It is not important to understand every detail. They should be only able to answer the questions. Questions 2, 3. 4 in Text A go beyond the text, so the students are expected to read and interpret the text.

2A. Possible answers

1 They are going to study in another country.

2 Yes, as they have seen many things, which we haven’t seen.

3 Problems connected with the language, local traditions, food, cultural differences, etc.

4 They cannot have this experience in any other way.

2B. Answers

1 No, they didn't. The only feelings they had were ‘cold war' related.

2 As they said, ‘They started putting faces and names to a country that during their childhood v/as their enemy,’ i.e. it stopped being an abstract idea.

3 They know a lot about Russia, and even the youngest one when she hears the news about Russia on TV, recognises the country and says it's v/here her big sister lives.

4 She began to learn art, which may change her whole life

3. Словарная работа Выполнение Ех.3D р.19

- Match the expressions and their meanings

4. Практика в аудировании с дет.пониманием. Выполнение Ех.3 р.19

3 A. Let Ss brainstorm very quickly ideas in pairs or small groups and make lists, then put the ideas on the board avoiding repetitions.

B. Tell Ss they are going to listen to a person in charge of the exchange programmes for secondary school students. When listening for the first time, ask only to compare their predictions with what the officer really thinks of the


C. Let Ss go over the questions. Play the recording for the second time and tell the students to take notes to answer them


1.There are two main goals: for Russians to learn more about the United States and for Americans to break stereotypes about Russians.

2.The person needs to demonstrate good command of English, ability to adapt to a very different way of life, ability to make friends, to represent their own country and flexibility.

3.The desire to know more about the USA. Also the participants bring their knowledge back to Russia and try to apply it in their home country.

4.The major problem is adaptation to a new situation and to new people.

5.Americans had no idea of real Russia and Russians during the Soviet period and Russian children have learnt a lot about the real America.

  1. Практика в письме. Сочинение формулировки цели. Выполнение Ех.4 р.20

- Read the statement of purpose and pay attention to

The organization of the text

Linking words

Points the author mentions

  • Write the essay

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

- speaking about a university

III. Итог. Домашнее задание

На «3» С.20 №4в (письмо)

На «5» С.20 №4в (письмо), WB с.11

Содержимое разработки

Тема Программа по обмену студентами

Класс 10

Цели: 1) познакомить с программами по обмену, со стереотипами о них, научить оформлять сочинение с формулировкой цели,

2) практиковать в чтении для удовольствия и с целью перевода, в различных видах работы с лексикой, учить делать пометки во время прослушивания, письме официальных заявлений,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Active vocabulary

adapt to


application form

apply for (a programme)

apply knowledge

be nominated for (a programme)

break a stereotype

build a bridge between the countries



Conditionals with if (not) and unless

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Речевая разминка. Введение в тему.

2) Imagine, you are in a foreign country and you must think about the place where you’ll live. You need to think about …. 3) If you are an exchange programme pupil, you’ll go to school. You need to think about …

4) What will you do in your free time? You need to think about …

5) In a new country you’ll communicate with other pupils an you make….

What are we going to speak about?

Today we’ll make up an exchange programme for our foreign friends

  1. Практика в говорении на основе изученного

Исследовательский метод. Student 1. I have found Abraham Lincoln’s words about success on the Internet, «Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing».

Student 2. Let us see what Universities our students would prefer if they had a chance. I ‘ve carried out a survey into the types of Universities students of our lyceum prefer. Look at the diagram which describes their preferences. A large majority of students choose Universities of Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge. You can see that Princeton and Massachusetts Universities are popular too.(Приложение 2)

Teacher : Now Valya ( Student 3) is going to tell you about her research. Take sheets of paper and write down the most important information about Universities in English-speaking countries -the year of foundation, the place of location, the type of University, the number of students and teachers. (Приложение 3).

Student 4. I ‘d like to give you some recommendations. If you are planning to go to Universities in English-speaking countries, bear in mind that there is no difference between colleges and Universities there, as they all can give their students higher education. After graduating from University you can get the degree of either a Bachelor or a Master. It depends on how long you’ve studied there and which programme you’ve chosen. Don’t forget that the level of applicants should be rather high. You’ll have to take the TOEFL examination, which is usually taken by students who don’t live in English-speaking countries. After taking exams you’ll have to write letters of application to as many colleges and Universities as you like. Don’t forget about letters of recommendation from your teachers. You are sure to write an essay for the University Committee, for example "Why do I want to study here?” or "Books I like reading” or "My future plans”.

3. Словарная работа Выполнение Ех.3D р.19

- Match the expressions and their meanings

4. Практика в аудировании с дет.пониманием. Выполнение Ех.3 р.19

3 A. Let Ss brainstorm very quickly ideas in pairs or small groups and make lists, then put the ideas on the board avoiding repetitions.

B. Tell Ss they are going to listen to a person in charge of the exchange programmes for secondary school students. When listening for the first time, ask only to compare their predictions with what the officer really thinks of the


C. Let Ss go over the questions. Play the recording for the second time and tell the students to take notes to answer them


1.There are two main goals: for Russians to learn more about the United States and for Americans to break stereotypes about Russians.

2.The person needs to demonstrate good command of English, ability to adapt to a very different way of life, ability to make friends, to represent their own country and flexibility.

3.The desire to know more about the USA. Also the participants bring their knowledge back to Russia and try to apply it in their home country.

4.The major problem is adaptation to a new situation and to new people.

5.Americans had no idea of real Russia and Russians during the Soviet period and Russian children have learnt a lot about the real America.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Рефлексия.

Teacher: Let’s sum up. So, what are the steps for those who want to participate in Student Exchange Programme?

Choose the colleges & Universities you would prefer to study at

- Choose the programme you would like to take part in

- Take the TOEFL examination

- Write letters of application

- Send letters of recommendation

- Write statements of purpose

- Receive letters from colleges & Universities and make a choice. (Приложение 5

- speaking about a university

III. Итог. Домашнее задание

Лексика по разделу

Содержимое разработки

Тема Проект «Английский вокруг нас»

Класс 10

Цели: 1) учить писать о своей школе,

2) практиковать в работе в группе,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Речевая разминка. Введение в тему.

  • What can you say about your school?

  • What do(don`t) you like about your school?

  1. Подготовка к проекту


Tell Ss what they are going to do. If possible show booklets of the kind. Explain

that the product should meet certain criteria. It should be interesting, attractive,

neat, reader-frtendly, informative.

Divide the class into several groups. Mixed ability groups are preferable as they give an opportunity for each student to participate

  1. Самостоятельная работа в группах

Enourage Ss to speak only English. This is one of the points of evaluation.

  1. Презентация проекта.


Pin the poster on the board or show them in other classes or in the teachers' room. It possible award a small prize for the best part of the poster.

If school facilities allow, place the poster on the internet. Perhaps somebody overseas will be interested in establishing contacts with your school

  1. Оценивание результатов


Give Ss five to seven minutes to do self-evaluation with the self-evaluation card. If possible photocopy the forms in advance.

It is very important to explain to Ss what it is and encourage them to reflect on what they are doing. They might not be objective but it will make them think about their work.

It is good if your Ss are mature enough to discuss the results of self-evaluation. But DO NOT insist on it.

  1. Выполнение работы над ошибками в контрольной работе.

III. Итог. Домашнее задание


Содержимое разработки

Тема Первые дни в школе. Урок 2

Класс 10

Цели: 1)познакомить с учебником, помочь определиться с учебными стратегиями на новый учебный год, активизировать used to,

2) практиковать в чтении для удовольствия и с целью перевода, в различных видах работы с лексикой, в ведении дневника,

3) воспитывать любовь и уважение к языку и культуре, аккуратность, толерантность и взаимоуважение.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент

  2. Основная часть

  1. Речевая разминка

How did you feel on your first day at school after summer holidays?

How did you feel on your first day at a new school?

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

Active vocabulary

be anxious (about) be bored (by. with) be cheerful be confident (about) be confused (about) be delighted (with) be enthusiastic (about) be excited (by, about) be frustrated (by. with) be inspired (by) be nervous (about) be proud (of)

- практика в написании диктанта

We all were delighted with the concert. I`m so excited about this film. He`s not very confident about computers. I was a little confused about who is who. I stopped being anxious about my lessons.

-WB ex6 p5 (фронтальный опрос)

- рассказ о чувствах в первый день учёбы(индивидуальный опрос)

3. Практика в чтении с общим и детальным пониманием прочитанного ex3 p9

Allow Ss a few minutes to answer the questions in pairs or individually, then discuss the answers in class.


Lessin, glassroom, milbonbilltonwillion, yeflowwellies tea-cher; there's puddles = there is Puddles

The words are new for the small child, he doesn't know exactly what they mean. Besides, he is confused and nervous.

Lesson, classroom, yellow wellingtons, teacher, there are puddles.

4. Активизация used to на основе изученной лексики

- How did you feel at school when you was small and what has changed since then?

-work in pairs and discuss your feelings when you were children

Do the written work on the slide (презентация самостоятельно)

5.Практика в письме. Дневниковые записи. Ех5 р10

What have you learnt about diary style?

III. Итог. Домашнее задание

WB ex3, 5 p.4 (на 3)

Ex.5B p.10 письмо (на 5 и 4)

Содержимое разработки

Start anew First day at school Form 10 Teacher Boidariko L.G.

Start anew

First day at school

Form 10

Teacher Boidariko L.G.

Задачи: развивать лексические навыки и навыки чтения; c формировать навыки аудирования; активизировать грамматические навыки по теме Present Perfect
  • Задачи: развивать лексические навыки и навыки чтения; c формировать навыки аудирования; активизировать грамматические навыки по теме Present Perfect
What was your first day at school ? Was it wonderful? Was it not so good?
  • What was your first day at school ?
  • Was it wonderful?
  • Was it not so good?
At this lesson we will be talking about good and bad things on the first day at school.
  • At this lesson we will be talking about good and bad things on the first day at school.
Match the words to make up the word combinations

Match the words to make up the word combinations

  • To wear
  • Previous
  • Elective
  • Important
  • To feel
  • To please
  • To make
  • To learn
  • Nervous
  • Discipline
  • Reason
  • Uniform
  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Subjects
  • School
Agree or disagree with my statements. We will have a talk about your school life.

Agree or disagree with my statements. We will have a talk about your school life.

  • You have to wear a school uniform.
  • Life isn’t worth living without school friends.
  • You try to get better results to please your parents.
  • Parents always support you in different situations.
  • It is not easy to make new friends.
  • You have some elective subjects this school year.
  • You often feel nervous at school.
  • You never quarrel with your friends.
Check up your homework.

Check up your homework.

  • 1. Are the statements from ex.5 p.9 true or false?
  • 2. Translate the words and phrases from ex.6 into Russian.
  • 3. Decide whether Wendy comes from the UK or the USA.
Complete the word web with the words from ex.6 and ex.5 schoolmates homework schedule uniform newcomer SCHOOL semester Elective subjects marks Report card education class knowledge

Complete the word web with the words from ex.6 and ex.5








Elective subjects


Report card




Listen to three teenagers talking about their first day at school.

Listen to three teenagers talking about their first day at school.

  • Ex.10 p.11
  • Ex.11 p.11

Содержимое разработки

Vocabulary Lesson 1-2 Off to school


Lesson 1-2

Off to school

Task 1 Переведите предложения:

Task 1

Переведите предложения:

  • Мальчик расстроен , потому что он получил плохую оценку.
  • Ученики полны энтузиазма в начале нового учебного года ( a new school year).
  • Учительница была очень довольна , потому что большая часть её учеников сдала экзамены на отлично.
  • Мальчик нервничал перед контрольной. (Прошедшее время).
  • Петя и Вася скучают на уроке, потому что они не сделали домашнее задание.
  • Девочка была смущена и беспокоилась в свой первый день в школе, потому что она пока ещё никого не знала.
  • Спортсмен чувствует уверенным , потому что он много тренируется.
Task 2

Task 2

  • волновался чувствую себя уверенно.
  • Раньше мне нравилась но я не испытываю никакого энтузиазма.
  • раньше мы одевали
Home task Ex. 5 B – письменно. Дневник. Описать первые 5 дней нового учебного года. Что вы чувствовали, посещая занятия по русскому, литературе, математике, истории? Использовать новую лексику (чувства). 2. WB ( рабочая тетрадь): упражнения к уроку 1-2 ( Unit 1).

Home task

  • Ex. 5 B – письменно.

Дневник. Описать первые 5 дней нового учебного года. Что вы чувствовали, посещая занятия по русскому, литературе, математике, истории? Использовать новую лексику (чувства).

2. WB ( рабочая тетрадь): упражнения к уроку 1-2 ( Unit 1).

School classes Russian language classes – уроки русского языка Literature - литература Mathematics - математика History - история Physical education – физ-ра English classes – занятия по английскому языку Geography - география Chemistry - химия Information technology - информатика Biology - биология

School classes

Russian language classes – уроки русского языка

Literature - литература

Mathematics - математика

History - история

Physical education – физ-ра

English classes – занятия по английскому языку

Geography - география

Chemistry - химия

Information technology - информатика

Biology - биология

Содержимое разработки



  • Choose the colleges and universities you would like to study at
  • Choose the programme you would like to take part in
  • Take the TOEFL examination
  • Write letters of application
  • Send letters of recommendation
  • Write statements of purpose
  • Receive letters from colleges and universities and make a choice

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