«Весна — лето 2025»

Урок по теме: « Reading? It’s great! » (New Millennium, English, 6 Form, UNIT 2).

Обобщающий урок по теме: « Reading? It’s great! » ( Millennium, English, 6 Form, UNIT 2).

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Choose a book first  Look and find :    1.a story about  detectives and spies  2. a book about a real  person  3. a story about monsters  4. a book about historical  events and places.  5. a fairy tales  6. a story about wildlife  7. a book about space a e d c b f 1 a  2 e  3f 4g  5d  6b  7c  g

Choose a book first Look and find :

1.a story about

detectives and spies

2. a book about a real


3. a story about monsters

4. a book about historical

events and places.

5. a fairy tales

6. a story about wildlife

7. a book about space







1 a 2 e 3f

4g 5d 6b 7c


Listen and find a good book for these children   Meg Jane Max Mike  Meg “Star Weekend” Jane “The last of the Mohicans” Max “Five famous Fairy Tales” Mike “Sherlock Holmes Stories”

Listen and find a good book for these children





Meg “Star Weekend”

Jane “The last of the Mohicans”

Max “Five famous Fairy Tales”

Mike “Sherlock Holmes Stories”

Famouse writers and poets.  English-speaking countries and Russia are famous for their writers and poets  English  Russian William Shakespear A. Pushkin Robert Burns I. Turgenev Mark Twain A. Chekhov Jack London L. Tolstoy Agatha Christie M. Sholokhov Johan Rowling S. Esenin John Escott M. Bulgakov Robert Stevenson   Who is your favourite writer?

Famouse writers and poets.

English-speaking countries and Russia are famous for their writers and poets

English Russian

William Shakespear A. Pushkin

Robert Burns I. Turgenev

Mark Twain A. Chekhov

Jack London L. Tolstoy

Agatha Christie M. Sholokhov

Johan Rowling S. Esenin

John Escott M. Bulgakov

Robert Stevenson

Who is your favourite writer?

M.A.Sholokhov.   … . one of the  greatest Russian  writers of the XX centure. 1905-1984


… . one of the

greatest Russian

writers of the XX centure.


. He was born on the 24th of May in stanitsa Veshenskaya, Rostov Region.

. He was born on the 24th of May in stanitsa Veshenskaya, Rostov Region.

He received a good education in the gymnasium in Voronezh Region.

He received a good education in the gymnasium in Voronezh Region.

In 1920 Sholokhov joined the Red Army and during the civil war he came to Moscow.  There he began writing short stories.

In 1920 Sholokhov joined the Red Army and during the civil war he came to Moscow.

There he began writing short stories.

Then he returned to his native village and started working at his great novel «And Quiet Flows the Don»

Then he returned to his native village and started working at his great novel «And Quiet Flows the Don»

Sholokhov wrote about the beauty of the Quit Don, about Don Cossacks, about history, customs, traditions and life on the Don Land.

Sholokhov wrote about the beauty of the Quit Don, about Don Cossacks, about history, customs, traditions and life on the Don Land.

1965 years Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to the Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov for the novel «And Quit Flows the Don».

1965 years Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to the Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov for the novel «And Quit Flows the Don».

. M.Sholokhov worked till the last years of his life.  He died in 1984 and was buried in his native village Veshenskaya.  People of the Don Region are proud of their countryman.

. M.Sholokhov worked till the last years of his life.

He died in 1984 and was buried in his native village Veshenskaya.

People of the Don Region are proud of their countryman.

Sholokhov’s other works are:  - «The Fate of the Man»- «Судьба  человека»   - « The Upturned Soil »-  «Поднятая целина»  - «The Don Stories»- « Донские  рассказы »  -«They were Fighting for the Motherland» - « Они  сражались  за  Родину ».

Sholokhov’s other works are:

- «The Fate of the Man»- «Судьба человека»

- « The Upturned Soil »-

«Поднятая целина»

- «The Don Stories»-

« Донские рассказы »

-«They were Fighting

for the Motherland» -

« Они сражались за Родину ».

Answer the questions. Where was Sholokhov born?  a) Rostov  b) Chertkovo  c) Veshenskaya 2.  When was he born?  a) 1920  b) 1905  c) 2000 3.  Where did he begin writing short stories?  a) London  b) Moscow  c) Veshenskaya 4. What is the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” about?  a) monsters  b) Don Cossacks  c) space

Answer the questions.

  • Where was Sholokhov born?

a) Rostov

b) Chertkovo

c) Veshenskaya

2. When was he born?

a) 1920

b) 1905

c) 2000

3. Where did he begin writing short stories?

a) London

b) Moscow

c) Veshenskaya

4. What is the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” about?

a) monsters

b) Don Cossacks

c) space

A Book Review.

A Book Review.

Our Book Fair is over.     You are super!     Good luck and Good buy!

Our Book Fair is over. You are super! Good luck and Good buy!

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