«Весна — лето 2025»

My pets and wild animals

Бұл тақырыпты бастауыш сыныпқа сабақ беретін ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімдері сабақтарына пайдалануға болады.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Long-term plan unit: My pets and wild animals

School : 137

Date: 15.12.2017

Teacher name: Kenzhebek Bulbul

Grade: 1

Number present: 


Theme of the lesson

Pets and wild animals

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.S1 make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

1.L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

To consolidate the language of the module : to develop fine motor skills through craftwork; to produce a project about their toys

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • listen and repeat the transports

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name some transports

Some learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name all transports

Success criteria

to name 5 objects correctly

Value links

Good citizenship and positive behavior

Cross curricular links


Thinking skills


Previous learning




Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 minutes

10 minutes

1 T:Good morning , children

Cl: Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you!

Good morning . good morning

We are glad to see you!

2. Review Commands …

3. Phonetic drill:

On the board there are some letters. I show one by one, pupils need name the letters.

Dd Oo Mm Ss Pp Cc Tt Rr Gg

Words for the game: train, dog, duck, parrot, hamster, cat, kite, robot, doll.

Revision colours: white, blue, red, green, yellow

I show pictures and ask: “What colour is it?”. Pupils name the colour

Today we talk about pets. Our theme is “My pet”


New words:

On the board there are pictures with new words.

A dog a cat a hamster a parrot a horse

  1. I name the words, pupils repeat after me (word by word)

  2. Pupils answer the question “What’s this?” for each picture

  3. Reading the words after me

  4. Working with book. Page 49

Visual aids: rabbit, fish, cat, dog, mouse,parrot,spider


10 min

5 minutes

10 min


T: Children, are you tired? Do you want to relax? And now animals will help us to relax. It’s time to  sing a song. Stand up, please! Sing and repeat the actions! Thanks! Take your seats!

5.Let’s start our lesson with the crossword. Look at the board. Here you can see 3 pictures. What are they?

- ученики разгадывают кроссворд устно вместе, выводится ключевое слово.

T: Well done! Let’s read the key word.


T: What’s the Russian for “Pet”?

T: So the topic of our lesson is my pet. Today we’re going to read, listen and speak about pets.

Guessing game “Bingo”

Children are given pictures with sports. They listen to the teacher and raise the picture

Pupils sing a song according to the video

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet together !

6.Look and match the pictures!

Ending the lesson.

Ask pupils to draw their favourite animals


  • Was the lesson difficult for you?

  • Did you get anything new and interesting for you?

  • Did you have enough time for writing task?

  • Did you like to work with cards and pictures?

The lesson is over goodbye!

Object sinroom cards

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