«Весна — лето 2025»

Мини-спектакль для 4 класса «The Farm»

Данное мероприятие может быть использовано на открытом уроке, а так же как концертный номер на открытии «Недели английского языка».

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Мини-спектакль для 4 класса «The Farm»

Данное мероприятие может быть использовано на открытом уроке, а так же как концертный номер на открытии «Недели английского языка».

Цель мероприятия:

повторение и закрепление пройденного лексико-грамматического материала.



-расширять активный словарь;

-совершенствовать навыки монологической речи.


-развивать коммуникативные навыки;

-развивать творческие способности учащихся;

-развивать навыки самостоятельной работы и работы в группе.


-воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

-воспитывать чувство товарищества;

-воспитывать чувство личной ответственности.

Форма проведения: учащиеся разыгрывают мини-спектакль.

Оснащение: маски персонажей, рисунок тележки.

Действующие лица:












Old man(без слов)

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a hen

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a duck

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a goose

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a sheep

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a goat

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a cow

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 6(cow): And the cow lows mo-oh!

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a cat

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 7(cat): And the cat meows mi-aow!

Pupil 6(cow): And the cow lows mo-oh!

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a dog

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 8(dog): And the dog barks bo-ow!

Pupil 7(cat): And the cat meows mi-aow!

Pupil 6(cow): And the cow lows mo-oh!

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself an ox

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 9(ox): And the ox steps the ground,

Pupil 8(dog): And the dog barks bo-ow!

Pupil 7(cat): And the cat meows mi-aow!

Pupil 6(cow): And the cow lows mo-oh!

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a cart

With the money he could spare.

Pupil 10(cart): And the cart squeaks and creaks,

Pupil 9(ox): And the ox steps the ground,

Pupil 8(dog): And the dog barks bo-ow!

Pupil 7(cat): And the cat meows mi-aow!

Pupil 6(cow): And the cow lows mo-oh!

Pupil 5(goat): And the goat skips and jumps,

Pupil 4(sheep): And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Pupil 3(goose): And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Pupil 2(duck): And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Pupil 1(hen): And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

All together: Struts around his little farm.

Слова для учащихся:

10.And the cart squeaks and creaks,

Struts around his little farm.

9. And the ox steps the ground,

Struts around his little farm.

8. And the dog barks bo-ow!

Struts around his little farm.

7. And the cat meows mi-aow!

Struts around his little farm.

6. And the cow lows mo-oh!

Struts around his little farm.

5. And the goat skips and jumps,

Struts around his little farm.

4. And the sheep bleats ba-ah!

Struts around his little farm.

3. And the goose guggles ga-ah!

Struts around his little farm.

2. And the duck cries qu-a-ck!

Struts around his little farm.

1. And the hen – cluck! cluck! –

Struts around his little farm.

Storyteller: Once a good old man

Didn’t know how to fare,

So he bought himself a dog

With the money he could spare.

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