«Весна — лето 2025»

Мероприятие посвященное В.Шекспиру.

Целью данного мероприятия явилось расширение кругозора и повышение интереса учащихся к иностранному языку и страноведению.

Работы учащихся, как и презентация, открывают возможности учителю и учащимся во внеклассной работе по английскому языку, так как выходят за рамки программного материала, помогая более углублённого закрепить свои знания по теме « В. Шекспир».

Это позволяет более глубоко проникнуть в творчество великого английского драматурга, автора ярких комедий, трагедий, лирико-философских сонетов.

При работе по подготовке мероприятия отбирались только те произведения, которые соответствуют возрастному потенциалу учащихся и вызывают у них большой интерес.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Проведение мероприятия, посвященного произведениям великого английского писателя В.Шекспира.

Ход мероприятия:

I. Организационный момент.

  • вступительное слово библиотекаря;

  • выступление учителя. П. Основная часть. 1)Биография писателя.

Презентация с сообщениями учащихся на английском языке.

2) Сонеты В.Шекспира.

Чтение сонетов учащимися (6 учащихся)

3) Комедии ( обзор произведений, подготовленных учащимися на английском языке)
-"Двенадцатая ночь" отрывок из фильма

  • "Укрощение строптивой" - II --"Комедия ошибок" - II --"Зимняя сказка" - II -

  • "Много шума из ничего " - II -

  • "Венецианский купец" - II -

4) Трагедии ( обзор произведений, подготовленных учащимися на английском языке )

- "Король Лир" - II -
-" Гамлет" - II -
-"Отелло" - II -
-"Ромео и Джульетта" - II -
-"Макбет" - II -
-"Антоний и Клеопатра" - II -

5) Викторина (по произведениям В.Шекспира)

- Знаете ли вы В.Шекспира?

6) Отношение учащихся к произведениям великого английского драматурга.
III. Итог урока ( самооценка учащихся)

Do You Know That.

...William Shakespeare was born on April 23,1564 and died also on this date, April 23, 1616? ...John Shakespeare, the great playwright's father, could not write?

...William Shakespeare left the Grammar School where he studied when he was 13 year old and never went to school again?

...William Shakespeare travelled up to London on foot without much money in his pocket because he wanted to become an actor?

...William Shakespeare began to work in London holding horses of those Londoners who came to see the play at the theatre?

...the signatures of the greatest English men and women cover the walls and the ceiling of the room in which Shakespeare was born?

...Karl Marx and Frederick Engels often quoted William Shakespeare in their works?


...William Shakespeare is called the Bard of Avon?

...William Shakespeare laid the scenes of his plays in Africa, in Asia Minor and in many parts of Europe, yet never left England?

...the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre came to the Soviet Union and showed several plays by

Shakespeare among which were Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and Twelfth Night?


...it would be difficult to find a theatre in the Soviet Union which has not at some time or other staged Shakespeare's plays?

...Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado

About Nothing and Twelfth Night are among the plays staged in the Soviet Union?

...some screen versions of Shakespeare's works have appeared in our country and that among them we find Romeo and Juliet, the Bolshoi Theatre's famous ballet production?

...the first Shakespeare film produced in the Soviet Union was Twelfth Night and that Othello was the first attempt to screen a Shakespeare tragedy?

...the works of William Shakespeare have been published in the U. S. S. R. in more than 2,000,000 copies in 27 languages?



Do You Know Shakespeare?

  1. What girl falls in love with a man before she sees his face or knows his name?

  2. Who looks at his hands and says," This is a sorry sight"?

  3. What character says he may turn pale with anger, sickness, or hunger but not with love?

  4. Who calls his own murder' foul and most unnatural"?

  5. Who says as he dies: I kiss"d thee ere I kil d thee: no way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss4?

  6. In which play do three males wear feminine clothes?

  7. In which play do three females dress as males?

  8. What character is willing to buy, sell, talk and walk with his enemies, but not eat, drink nor pray with them?.

  9. Whose last words are,' Thus with a kiss I die"?

10.Who says,4 How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!"?

11.What girl tells a young man when he first kisses her that he kisses ' by the book"?

12.Which father has three daughters?

13.Who is the villain whom everyone trusts and no one suspects until the end? 14. What is it a philosopher cannot endure patiently?

15.Who shortly before he dies says he has a joyful heart because he never, in all his life, found a man false to him? 16.Who "loved not wisely but too well?"

17.Who in speaking of his wife says,' She is my goods, my chattels, my field, my barn. My horse, my ox, my ass, my any thing?"


  1. Juliet, in Romeo and Juliet

  2. Macbeth.

  3. Benedict, in Much Ado About Nothing.

  4. The Ghost, in Hamlet.

  5. Othello, in Othello.

  6. The Merry Wives of Windsor.

  7. The Merchant of Venice.

  8. Shylock, in The Merchant of Venice.

  9. Romeo's in Romeo and Juliet.

  1. King Lear.

  2. Juliet, in Romeo and Juliet.

  3. King Lear.

  4. Iago, in Othello.

  5. Toothache, in Much Ado About Nothing.

  6. Marcus Brutus, in Julius Caesar.

  7. Othello.

  8. Petruchio, in The Taming of the Shrew.

William Shakespeare


Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, Some in their wealth, some in their body's force, Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill, Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;

And every humour hath his adjunct pleasure, Wherein it finds a joy above the rest; But these particulars are not my measure: All these I better in one general best.

Thy love is better than high birth to me, Richer that wealth, prouder than garments' cost, Of more delight than hawks and horses be; And having thee, of all men's pride I boast:

Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take All this away, and me most wretched make.

Кто знатностью кичится, древним родом, Богатством кто своим, кто - силой тела, Кто - платьем, сшитым по последней моде, А кто - охоту хвалит то и дело.

У каждого в душе своя отрада В которой наслажденье он находит, Но это не мое, не та услада -Меня с ума совсем другое сводит.

Твоя любовь важней, чем положенье, Ценней богатства, дорогих нарядов, Милей охоты время провожденья; Моя душа лишь ей навеки рада.

И эти ценности в твоей лишь воле, Отнимешь их, и вновь я нищ и болен.

Shakespeare’s Theatre

The First Permanent theatre in London was built by carpenter, James Burbage, who was also a part-time actor. OF this two sons, Richard, was the first leading English actor. He created the roles of Hamlet, Lear, Othello, and Richard III. The Building which the elder Burbage built in 1576 was known simply as 'The Theatre'.

Soon a lot of other theatres appeared. They were the Curtain, the Rose, the Swan, the Globe, the Fortune and the Hope. None of them survived but the copy of the Swan. As in Greece, there were no woman on the stage. As plays were valuable properties they were kept in manuscripts as long as possible.

In London Shakespeare began to act and to write plays and soon became an important member of a well-known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the River Thames. In 1813 he stopped writing and went to live in Startford where he died in 1616.

Four hundreds years later his plays are still acted-not only in England bit in the whole world.

The Shakespeare's Globe was rather different from modern theatres. The plays were performed in the open air and the audience got wet if it rained. There was no scenery, very few pops, and the only lighting was the daylight that came from the open roof above. Woman in those days weren't allowed to act in public and all the parts were played by men.

The memorial to William Shakespeare is the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The present building was constructed in 1932. The first building was opened on Shakespeare's birthday in 1879 and destroyed by fire in 1926.

The bronze statue of Shakespeare, presented to Statford by Lord Ronald Sutterland Gower in 1888. Shakespeare's figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare's famous characters.

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies(such as Othello, Macbeth), 17 comedies(such as As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing), 10 historical plays(such as Henry 4, Richard 3)

A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in the Poet's Corner in Westminister Abbey. In 1997, Shakespeare's Globe was restored.

Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of a very successful acting company. It's highly probably that The Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet and some other plays be Shakespeare were performed for the first time on this stage.

The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, published in 1623. Although it was grouped among the comedies, after this genre was defined as the tragicomedy. The first three acts are filed with intense psychological drama, while the last two acts are comedic and supply of happy ending.

The play begins with appearance of two childhood friends: Leontes, King of Sicilia, and Polixenes, the King of Bohemia. Polixenes is visiting the kingdom of Sicilia, and is enjoying catching up with his old friends. However, after nine months, Polixenes yearns to return to his own kingdom to tend to affairs and see his son. Leontes desperately attempts to get Polixenes to stay longer, but is unsuccessuful.

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