«Весна — лето 2025»

Материал к научно-практической конференции для младших школьников "Что такое Великобритания"

материал к проекту и презентации "Что такое Великобритания"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Научно-практическая конференция младших школьников

«Я познаю мир»

«Что такое Великобритания»

секция «Английский язык»


Бердникова Ангелина

Польская Аделина

4 класс, МБОУ СОШ № 21

с. Красносельское, Динской район

Научный руководитель:

Худаева Ольга Владимировна,

учитель английского языка

с. Красносельское, 2016 г.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………7

Chapter 1.……………………………………………………………………….8

Chapter 2………………………………………………….…………………….9




«Что такое Великобритания»

Бердникова Ангелина

Польская Аделина

4 класс, БОУ СОШ № 21

Краткая аннотация

Данная работа представляет собой исследовавние различной информации по теме «Великобритания», которая позволяет изучить географическое положение этой страны, какие основные части составляют страну, кто возглавляет Великобританию, основные традиции и праздники, виды спорта, которыми занимаются англичане.


«Что такое Великобритания»

Бердникова Ангелина

Польская Аделина

4 класс БОУ СОШ № 21


Цель данной работы: познакомиться с островом Великобритания, выяснить его географическое положение, площадь территории, известные достопримечательности столицы, традиции и праздники англичан.

Объект исследования: остров Великобритания.

Для выполнения поставленной цели были определены следующие задачи.


  • изучить научно-популярную и учебную литературу по теме исследования;

  • познакомиться с сайтами, содержащими полезную информацию по выбранной теме;

  • найти, выбрать и обобщить необходимую информацию по теме.

Методы исследования:

  • метод зрительного восприятия информации (работа с познавательной литературой);

  • метод передачи информации с помощью практической деятельности;

  • метод теоретического уровня (изучение и обобщение собранного материала).


Полученные данные: изучив и обобщив полученную информацию можно сделать следующие выводы:

  • Великобритания – это остров;

  • Площадь Великобритании 244 тыс. кв. км.;

  • Столица Великобритании – Лондон;

  • Основные части: Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия;

  • Главные праздники – Рождество, Хэллоуин и другие

  • Глава государства – Королева или Король


«What is Great Britain»

section «English»


Berdnikova Angelina

Polskaya Adelina

4 form, school № 21

Krasnoselskoe, Dinskoy district

Krasnoselskoe, 2016


Good afternoon! Let me introduce our project. We have an English lessons at school twice a week and we have been learning English since the second form, and in our textbooks there is no enough information about Great Britain and English people. We want to know more. Our aim is to find and learn some more information and interesting facts about this country. So we want to know:

  • What is Great Britain;

  • What is it geographical position;

  • How many parts are there in Great Britain;

  • What is its capital;

  • Who is in the head of the state;

  • What are the main holidays and traditions in Great Britain;

  • What sports do English people like to play.

We have read some books about Great Britain, looked through some interesting sites in Internet and have found a lot of useful information. Now you can listen to what we found. Let’s invite our guest.


Chapter 1

Gooday Ladies and Gentlemen! My name is Great Britain and my official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is my flag and state emblem. I am an island and my territory is about 244 thousand square kilometers. My population is over 67 million people. I consist of 4 parts, they are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. My official language is English. My climate is damp and mild because of Golf Stream. From Europe I am separated by the English Channel. My big rivers are the Thames and the Severn. There are many lakes on my territory, they are: the Lake District, Loch Ness and Loch Lomond and they are very beautiful. People like to have rest there. My highest mountain is Ben Nevis. The biggest cities are Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and others. I am a constitutional monarchy, this means, that a monarch is the Head of the State. Now the Queen Elizabeth the Second is the head of the State, but her power is limited by the Parliament. London is the capital. It is situated on the River Thames, and it is one of the largest cities in the world. There are four parts in London. They are the City, the East End, the West End and Westminster. The City is the commercial part of London. There are many banks and offices there. The most famous places of interest are in the West End. They are the British Museum, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square and a beautiful Hyde Park. The Port of London is in the East End and there are many docks and others industrial areas. The last part of my capital is Westminster. Buckingham Palace – the Queen’s resident, British Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey are there. Westminster is the church, were English kings or queens were crowned and many famous people are buried. And this is my parts: England, its capital London, its flag and emblem; Scotland, its capital Edinburgh, its flag and emblem, Wales, its capital Cardiff, its flag and emblem, and Northern Ireland, , its capital Belfast, its flag and emblem. And now some words about my holidays and traditions.


Chapter 2

There are many traditions in my country and they play a very important part in the life of my people. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and have kept them up for hundreds of years. In English homes the fireplace has always been the centre of interest in the room. For many months of the year people like to sit round the fire in the evening. Another old tradition is 5 o’clock tea. People like to have tea with cakes. There is a new tradition in England now. Every year a large number of veteran cars drive from London to Brighton. The run takes place on the first Sunday in November and begins at 8 o’clock in the morning from Hyde Park.

One of the most impressive ceremonies is Changing the Guard, which takes place at Buckingham Palace every day at 11.30.

And now some words about my holidays. There are only six public holidays in Great Britain. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday, and Late Summer Bank Holiday. Besides them, there are also other holidays such as: New Year’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, All Fools’ Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Halloween. The most favourite children’s holidays are Christmas and Halloween. On Christmas they like to get presents from Santa Claus, usually he puts them into the stockings on the fireplace. On Halloween children make from pumpkin a face and put into it a candle. People dress up as witches and ghosts and have parties. Group of children also play “trick-or-treat” on their neighbours, going from door to door and people give them sweets or money.

Many famous people are from Great Britain. They are Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Lewis Carol, Agatha Christy, Princess Diana, Angelina Jolly. Popular musicians are Sir Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and many others.

The most popular sport in my country is football. Children and grown-ups play this game everywhere. Many children play for their schools and grown-ups play for their work places. Also there are many professional football club. The other popular games are cricket and Rugby.

That is all. I try to tell you some important words about Great Britain.



Thank you our Great Britain. After this very interesting story we can make the main conclusions:

  • Great Britain is an island;

  • It is separated from the Europe by English Channel;

  • There are four main parts in this country: they are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland;

  • The capital of Great Britain is London;

  • The head of the state is the King or the Queen;

  • The main holidays are Christmas, Halloween and others;

  • English people like to play football very much.

That is all. Thank you very much.



  1. Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A., English Ш, учебник английского языка, Москва, «Просвещение».

  2. Vereshchagina I.N., O.V. Afanasyeva., English IV, учебник английского языка, Москва, «Просвещение».

  3. Учебное пособие Great Britain, Москва, Дрофа, 2009

  4. В.В.Ощепкова, Britain in Brief., книга для чтения, Москва, «Просвещение», 1993 г.

  5. http://www.educationuk.org/russia/articles/uk-key-facts/

  6. www.google.ru/

  7. http://londonmania.ru/stories/famous-british?page=1

  8. http://adelanta.info/encyclopaedia/bomonde/


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