«Весна — лето 2025»

Life on the streets (разработка урока)

Урок "Life on the streets" разработан для 11 класса по учебнику "Spotlight" V. Evans. Цель урока - формирование коммуникативной компетенции. Выполнение обозначенной цели обусловило постановку следующих задач:

образовательные: совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения (ЛЕ по теме Life in town), формировать навыки поискового чтения; совершенство-вать навыки монологической речи; совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи;

развивающие: развивать языковую догадку, умение анализировать, сравни-вать, делать выводы; содействовать формированию самостоятельной позна-вательной деятельности;

воспитательные: расширять общий кругозор учащихся; развивать умение внимательно слушать и слышать; способствовать развитию культуры взаи-моотношений при работе в парах, группах; воспитать интерес к языку.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

ГБОУ БРГИ №1 имени Рами Гарипова

Шакиров И.М.,

учитель английского языка

Life on the streets (11 класс)

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции.


образовательные: совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения (ЛЕ по теме Life in town), формировать навыки поискового чтения; совершенство-вать навыки монологической речи; совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи;

развивающие: развивать языковую догадку, умение анализировать, сравни-вать, делать выводы; содействовать формированию самостоятельной позна-вательной деятельности;

воспитательные: расширять общий кругозор учащихся; развивать умение внимательно слушать и слышать; способствовать развитию культуры взаи-моотношений при работе в парах, группах; воспитать интерес к языку.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Форма урока: работа с фотографиями, ответы на вопросы учителя, фронтальная, работа в группах.

Дидактическое и материально-техническое обеспечение: слайды, карточки-задания, видеозапись.

Межпредметные связи: искусство, география

Формирование универсальных учебных действий:

коммуникативные: умение участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблемы;

регулятивные: целеполагание, планирование, прогнозирование, коррекция, оценка.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Приветствие. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Good morning! Take your seats, please. How are feeling? I am very glad to see you. Hope everybody is alright.

Ss: I’m fine/ OK/ Thanks, and you?/

OR: We are well, thank you. And what about you? etc.

T: Thanks a lot. I’m alright and I would like you to read the tongue twister written on the board to improve your pronunciation. Could you, please, translate it. Can you tell me what sounds we are practicing?

You know New York.
You need New York.
You know you need unique New York.

Ss: We are practicing the sound [j]

T: Now I want you to read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Well done!

Ознакомление с темой и задачами урока

T: Of course, New York is unique, as well as London or any other place on the globe and many people come to live to big towns and cities. Is it easy to live in the town? What do you think? Why?

Ss: In my opinion, people are fond of living in big cities because it is more comfortable and convenient here.

Ss: Living conditions are much better in towns and cities in comparison to villages.

T: I agree with you but if you look at the photos presented on the screen you can have second thoughts. These photos were taken in the streets of London by an amateur photographer Lee Jeffries. Who do you see in these pictures? What do they look like? How do you think they are feeling? Please, describe them. (Учитель предлагает учащимся описать фотографии, представленные в презентации)

Ss: People in the pictures are sad, ill. They don’t look happy.

Ss: They are wearing dirty clothes.

Ss: They have awful scars.

T: Who do you think they are?

Ss: I think they are homeless.

T: Right, they are homeless people. Unfortunately, homeless people are a common sight of a modern city nowadays. Now watch a video fragment on this topic. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VVeXr1t0t4) I hope it will help you understand the theme of our lesson. Try to guess what topic we are going to discuss today.

Ss: Today we are going to talk about the reasons why people become homeless, why they start to live on the streets.

  1. Основная часть урока

Лексическая работа

T: Before we start reading a text concerning this problem I'd like to introduce some new words which will help you understand the text in the first place and then you will be able to offer your opinions on this topic I guess.

(Учитель дает объяснение новых слов. Ученики переводят их, проговаривают про себя, потом делают упражнения с ними)

T: Copy them into your vocabularies while I will be explaining their meanings.

abandoned • disused

fully-furnished • pedestrianised

posh • residential

rough • run-down

squat •well-lit

T: Please, repeat them after me. Read the words one by one.

Использование новых лексических единиц.

T: Try to make up word-combinations using these adjectives and the nouns given below.:

streets, houses, building, warehouses, illegal, area, neighbourhood, flat

Keys: abandoned houses, disused warehouses, rough area, posh houses, pedestrianised area, illegal squat, well-lit streets, run-down building, fully-furnished flat.

T: Now I think you are ready to do Ex. 5 on p. 85 in your textbooks. Use the phrases you have made up to complete the sentences.

Чтение текста и проверка понимания прочитанного.

T: On p. 84 of your textbooks there is a picture. Can you see it? Now read the title of the text. It is called “A life on the streets”. Could you guess what this text is about?

Ss: In my view, the text is about a beggar because in the picture I see a person who is sitting on the street and asking for money.

Ss: I think it is about a homeless person because in the picture there is one.

T: Right. Let’s read it. If there are words you don’t understand, try to guess their meaning. Raise your hand if this doesn’t help and I’ll be right there to give you a helping hand.

(Ученики читают текст «A life on the streets».)

T: I see you all have read the text and now I want to check if you have under-stood it. Look at Ex. 3 on p. 84 in your books. There are questions which you have to answer choosing the correct variant.

(Ученики делают упражнение 3 на странице 84.)

Обсуждение текста.

T: I am going to ask you some questions. Listen attentively and try to give detailed answers.

(Фронтальная работа. Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя по содержанию текста.)

T: How old is Jasmine?

Ss: She is twenty-two.

T: Why was Jasmine placed in foster care?

Ss: Jasmine’s parents died when she was very little so she lived with foster parents.

T: Why did she go to London?

Ss: She wanted to be independent and she thought London was the right place to start a new life.

Ss: In London she hoped to find a job, some accommodation.

T: Could she make it in London?

Ss: Her money ran out because she paid for rooms in hotels. She couldn’t find a job as nobody wanted to take her on. She had no fixed address.

T: Where does she spend her nights?

Ss: There are some squats in abandoned houses, empty office buildings, disused warehouses around the city centre.

Ss: She spends the odd night in a hostel for homeless people.

Ss: If the weather is warm, she sometimes sleeps on a park bench.

T: How does she make ends meet?

Ss: She sells The Big Issue, a magazine which exists to offer homeless people, or individuals at risk of homelessness, the opportunity to earn a legitimate income.

Ss: Jasmine has her meals in a soup kitchen, a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a below market price.

Ss: She sometimes goes begging but she doesn’t like it because most people rush past her and avoid looking her in the eye.

T: Has Jasmine got a dream?

Ss: Yes, she dreams of having a place which she could call home so she is on a council waiting list.

Ss: She wants to find a job.

Закрепление учебного материала.

Работа в группах с предложенными заданиями.

T: Now we are going to work in groups. Each group gets their tasks. You can join any group taking into consideration your interests and abilities.

(Ученики делятся на группы, выбирая себе понравившееся задание.)

Group 1

These adjectives describe Jasmine’s feelings somehow. Give reasons.

proud • lonely • abandoned • confused

excited • anxious • delighted

Group 2

Work in pairs. Take the roles of the journalist and Jasmine. Conduct your interview. If there are more than 2 people, you can make up dialogues about different stages of Jasmine’s life. For example, her life with foster parents, nights spent in squats, how she survives or about her plans and dreams.

Card 1 (Model)

S1: Ask why she had foster parents.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask what her foster parents do.

S2: Give your own answer.

S1: Ask why she left her foster home.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

Card 2 (Model)

S1: Ask where she spent last night.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask about squats.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask about the conditions in these squats.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

Card 3 (Model)

S1: Ask if she has a job.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask where she gets money.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask where she has meals.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

Card 4 (Model)

S1: Ask if she plans to go on living like that.

S2: Give an answer based on the text.

S1: Ask how long she has been on the council waiting list.

S2: Give your own answer.

S1: Ask how her life could change if she got a council flat.

S2: Give your own answer.

Group 3

Retell Jasmine’s story from the point of view of the journalist, giving some solutions to help Jasmine’s problem.

T: And now we can start checking your tasks. While the students of one group are demonstrating the results of their work, the others should evaluate their work. Give points.

(Ученики демонстрируют свои ответы, попутно оценивая работу других групп.)

T: Well done. Let’s draw the conclusion. What have you learnt today?

Ss: Today we have read about Jasmine’s life

Ss: We have learnt new words which we can use to speak about homeless people.

Ss: We have tried to understand reasons why some people go to live on the streets.

  1. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание

T: Now put down your homework for the next lesson into your exercise books. I will explain to you how to do this work. Well, there are two tasks to choose from. You can write either a letter to Sandra, answering her questions, or an essay, using the given plan.

Task one

You have received а letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Sandra who writes:

... Yesterday we discussed the problem with homeless people. Have you seen homeless people in your town? How do you feel about them? What do you think we can do to help these people?

Have I told you that 1 started takiпg cookiпg classes?

Write а letter to Sandra.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about the cooking classes.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Task two

Comment on the following statement.

There is no point in giving money to people who are begging.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.

Use the following plan:

- make an introduction (state the problem)

- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion

- make а conclusion restating your position


T: Now I want you to look at the sentences shown on the screen. Choose the phrases you like and complete them. They will help us to evaluate your work in the lesson.

Today I have learnt …

It was interesting to …

It was hard …

I’ve done exercises …

I’ve understood that …

Now I can …

I felt …

I’ve gained …

I succeeded in …

I was able to …

I will try …

I was surprised …

I’ve got a wish …

At home I will tell …

T: In conclusion, I would like to recite a quote by Hans Christian Anderson, a Danish author.

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and flower.”

Yes, it's hard to see homeless people on the street. Whether you want to help for religious or moral reasons it can be very hard to know where to begin. Be compassionate, this is the most important emotion to have when helping the homeless. Homeless people want you to help them, but they don’t want to feel like they can't do anything themselves. Remember that they are not a charity case. Be respectful and understanding.

The most important thing is to be respectful. Treat them like people. They might just be down on their luck. Maybe get to know them more, or just be a friend to them. Don't be overly obvious that you feel bad for them, because that can be condescending. Help them keep their humanity.

T: Thank you for your attention. Good-bye.


  1. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva Spotlight 11. Student’s book – M.: Express Publishing, 2012.

  2. https://500px.com/leejeffries.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VVeXr1t0t4.

  4. http://www.wikihow.com/Help-the-Homeless.

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