«Весна — лето 2025»

Конспект занятия по английскому языку на тему "Holidays in Great Britain"

Технологическая карта игрового занятия по английскому языку на тему "Holidays in Great Britain" для детей страршей группы.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Technological scheme of the organized learning activity

Senior group

Технологическая карта организованной учебной деятельности

Старшая группа

Educational sphere: «Коммуникация» («Социум»)

Component of the programme: развитие речи (английский язык)

Theme: “Holidays in Great Britain”

Aim: to review the holidays and customs of England in gaming way; to broaden children’s vocabulary on the theme; develop communication skills; to bring up interest in English language as a mean of communication.

Equipment: the pictures of holidays and its symbols, stuff for the modeling.

Vocabulary: holiday, tradition, decorate, funny pumpkin, costumes, gift, Christmas tree, Easter Bunny, Easter eggs, cards, Christmas, New Year, Halloween, Easter.

Stages of activity

Tutor’s management actions

Children’s cognitive activity


I Circle of greeting. Working of phrases:

1. “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello”

2. “What’s your name? – My name is…”

3. “Where are you from? – I am from Kazakhstan”

II Information environment: the pictures of holidays and its symbols, stuff for the modeling.

Greet the tutor.

Ask and answer the questions.


III Simulate the situation. “Children, here is Jack wants to know what you know about traditions and holidays of Great Britain. Do you want to tell him about it? OK! Let’s begin!”

IV Review the lexis using games.

1.Game “Guess the holiday”

Children, here are some pictures with symbols and traditions of English holidays. You should guess what holidays these are.” Holidays: Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Easter.

What holiday is it?

It is a Halloween.

It is a Christmas.

It is a New Year.

It is an Easter.

Pay attention to the articulation. Work frontally, in groups, individually.

2.Fill in the cluster.

Now, children, we should name the symbols and traditions of these holidays.”




New Year

Listen to the situation attentively. React on it.


Listen attentively.

Name the holidays.

Listen attentively.

Fill in the cluster: name the symbols and traditions.


VI Application of the acquired knowledge.

Children, now let’s sing the songs about the main winter holiday in England-Christmas. Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”

Well, done, children! Our lesson is over, goodbye!”

Sing the song all together.

Goodbye, Tatyana Vladimirovna!”

Expected Result:

Reproduce: the lexis on the theme;

Understand: simple questions about themselves, on the theme and simple instructions;

Apply: the learned lexis in the phrasal speech.

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки

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