Материал для внеклассной работы
Конспект внеклассного мероприятия
Игра «Поле чудес» по теме «Известные люди стран изучаемого языка»
Пояснительная записка
Успешное овладение знаниями невозможно без интереса детей к учебе. Основной формой обучения в школе является урок. СТРОГИЕ РАМКИ УРОКА И НАСЫЩЕННОСТЬ ПРОГРАММЫ НЕ ПОЗВОЛЯЮТ ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ИНТЕРЕСУЮЩИЕ ДЕТЕЙ ВОПРОСЫ, ПОКАЗАТЬ ИМ КРАСОТУ И БОГАТСТВО АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА,РАСКРЫТЬ ЕГО ОСОБЕННОСТИ. Внеклассная работа дает возможность показать учащимся ,как увлекателен мир слова, расширить знания о культуре и истории других стран.
Исходя из особенностей работы в малокомплектной школе ,внеклассные занятия планируются для детей разного возраста.
Цели: Актуализация страноведческого материала по теме «Известные люди;, тренировка навыков аудирования и устной речи; развитие воображения и внимания; расширение кругозора; стимулирование к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование:карточки с именами писателей, Портреты писателей, таблица «Английский алфавит», карта мира, призы.
Ход мероприятия
-Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we will play the most famous game which is called “Wonder Land”. Our topic is “Famous people”. We will remember some English and American writers. Can you remember some of them? Do you like to read books? Is reading your hobby?
Let us start our game !
Приглашаются 3тройки игроков. Объясняются правила игры. Участники представляют себя.
Задание для 1-го тура:
She is an English writer. She was born in 1965. Her books made her famous all over the world. She wrote seven books about the life of one of the boys, who was a wizard. She won a lot of awards and has been named an officer of the British Empire. What is her name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (Rowling)
Well done! The winner is…
2 тур
Задание для 2-го тура:
He lived in the state Missouri on the Mississippi. He began to work at the age of 12. He never finished elementary school. His hobby was collecting things which nobody had. He became famous in 1865. He was a short-story writer and the greatest American humorist. His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens. What is his name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (Twain)
Super!!! Well done!!!
3 тур
Задание для 3-го тура:
He was born in 1876 in San Francisco. He was a son of the farmer. He worked as a sailor, a newspaper seller and a factory worker. He wrote his first book in 1898. He lived in Alaska for some years. He went to Alaska to find gold. He wrote 152 stories about the North. What is his name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (London)
Задание для зрителей
He was born in STRATFORD-ON-AVON IN 1564. HE IS AN ENGLISH PLAYWRIGHT AND A POET. HE WROTE 37 PLAYS, MANY BOOKS AND POEMS. AMONG THE MOST FAMOUS OF HIS PLAYS ARE TRAGEDIES, COMEDIES AND HISTORICAL PLAYS. He wrote some very good poetry, especially the Sonnets, and worked as an actor at the Globe Theater in London. HE WAS DIED ON HIS BIRTHDAY ON THE 23 OF APRIL IN 1616. What is his name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Shakespeare)
- В финал вышли три человека. Their names are ... . Please, your task.
He was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899, His outdoor life in the American mid-west influenced his early short fiction. He worked as a hunter, fisherman, boxer, soldier, war correspondent and an author. He wrote 6 novels and more than 50 short stories. Some of his books were made into films. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. What is his name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Hemingway )
The winner is… Вам предлагается сыграть в супер-игру.
Задание для супер-игры:
He is one the most popular writers in Britain. He is famous as a remarkable novelist and short story writer. He was born in 1916.His parents were Norwegian. He served as a fighter pilot in World War II and his first short stories were based on his wartime experiences, His books are translated into many languages and are bestsellers all over the world. What is his name?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (Dahl)
The winner is…
Let us congratulate the winner! Please, get your prize! Thank you for the game!