«Весна — лето 2025»

Конспект и презентация к уроку в 10 классе на тему "Short Messages"

Конспект и презентация к уроку в 10 классе на тему "Short Messages"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

10 класс


Урок 18. Структура и типы сообщений


Обучающие: развитие навыков письма – короткое сообщение с освоением структуры и типов коротких сообщений; развитие ознакомительного и поискового чтения.

Развивающие: развивать навыки письма с использованием аббревиатур и сокращений, принятых в сообщениях.

Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру написания коротких сообщений

Ход урока

  1. Приветствие.

  1. Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

  1. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания

  1. Введение в модуль 2е

Упр. 1 стр.36

Suggested Answer Key: I last wrote a written message when I left a note for my mother on the fridge. It said that I was going to be late home as I had hockey practice after school.

Упр.2 стр.36 Изучение теории.

Answer Key: 2. abbreviations, 3. present participle, 4. informal linkers + imperative, 5. short forms / imperative , 6. short forms

Упр.3 стр.36 Практическое задание.

Suggested Answer Key

2. (I) Can’t come tonight ― no money.

3. Back late tonight.

4. Meeting in front of theatre at 8.

5. Your food’s in the fridge.

6. Got a new Saturday job. I’ll tell you when I see you.

7. Gone to supermarket. Back soon.

8. Looking forward to our trip next month.

9. Sorry (I) didn’t call you yesterday. I’ll call you tonight.

10. John’s buying (the) tickets for Saturday’s match.

Упр.4 стр.36 Сопоставление отрывков из писем с описанием

Answer Key: 1 – D, 2 – F, 3 – B, 4 – C, 5 – E, 6 – A

Упр.5 стр.37 Повторение аббревиатур.

Answer Key:

1 – E, 2 – C, 3 – D, 4 – B, 5 – A

1. etc, 2. e.g., 3. asap, 4. P.S.

Упр.6 стр.38 Нахождение ключевых слов

Suggested Answer Key

Key words: Luke gone out, boots, What time you back, Dad’s birthday dinner at 7, Leave mum, reply, thanks, when back

Упр 6b, стр.38

Suggested Answer Key

The answer is too long. It includes all the correct information but it should begin ‘Dear/Hi Mum’. The style is too formal and there are no contractions. It should be much shorter and have a friendlier ending.

Упр.7 стр.38 Практическое задание

Suggested Answer Key

Hi Mum

Thanks for buying my boots. Will be home at 6.30. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten Dad’s birthday.

See you later!


  1. Рефлексия на основе упражнения 8

Упр.8 стр.38 Поисковое чтение.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words: note, Emma, reason can’t go shopping, suggest meet later, where, shopping, Katie, 25-35 words

1. a note

2. Katie

3. informal

4. reason can’t go shopping and meeting place

  1. Чтение теории. Ознакомительное и поисковое чтение.

Упр.9 стр.38 Развитие навыков письма.

Suggested Answer Key

1. Dear Sarah,

Having great time in Brighton. Going shopping and seeing the sights. Just love the place. Wish you were here! Will take lots of photos to show you when I get back.



2. To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Just started at Leeds University. Fabulous city with great shops and clubs. Think I’m going to like it here! How about coming to stay one weekend?

Let me know asap (as soon as possible).



3. Mum &Dad

Gone to cinema with Fred. Be back at 6. Didn’t have time to walk Dodo. Would you walk him, please? Thanks.

See you later,


  1. Домашнее задание: упр.9 стр.38 – написать короткое сообщение

Содержимое разработки



Особенности коротких сообщений в английском языке:

Особенности коротких сообщений в английском языке:

  • Опускаются личные местоимения ( I, you etc.)
  • Опускаются артикли ( a,an,the)
  • Опускаются вспомогательные глаголы ( am, have etc.)
  • Используются краткие формы вместо полных ( I won’t=I will not, Ain’t I=Am not I etc.)
  • Используется повелительное наклонение (don’t be late, bring your flash-card)
  • Использование нелитературных союзов ( so ( итак), instead of ( вместо того, чтобы), therefore ( поэтому, вследствие чего) etc.)
  • Использование аббревиатур (MOMI,UK etc.)
  • Использование причастий настоящего и прошедшего времени ( I am leaving=leaving), been invited=have been invited)
  • Использование короткого приветствия и прощания
Ex.2 b) p.36

Ex.2 b) p.36

  • Look at the note and say about the peculiarities of the short message
Ex. 2 b) p.36 1) Hi Dan! 2) Going skiing on Sat-fancy coming along? I’m going skiing on Saturday-do you fancy coming along? 3) Don’t worry about the equipment, you can hire it there! Do not worry about the equipment, you can hire it there!

Ex. 2 b) p.36

1) Hi Dan!

2) Going skiing on Sat-fancy coming along?

I’m going skiing on Saturday-do you fancy coming along?

3) Don’t worry about the equipment, you can hire it there!

Do not worry about the equipment, you can hire it there!

Ex.2 b) p. 36 4) Leaving my house at 8 a.m. so don’t be late. I am leaving my house at 8 a.m. that’s why do not be late. 5) Hope you can make it, Sam. I hope you can make it, Sam. 6) P.S. Penny’s coming too! Penny is coming too!

Ex.2 b) p. 36

4) Leaving my house at 8 a.m. so don’t be late.

I am leaving my house at 8 a.m. that’s why do not be late.

5) Hope you can make it, Sam.

I hope you can make it, Sam.

6) P.S. Penny’s coming too!

Penny is coming too!

Ex.3 p.36 Make the following sentences shorter. Example: I am having a great time in Spain. Having great time in Spain.

Ex.3 p.36

  • Make the following sentences shorter.


I am having a great time in Spain.

Having great time in Spain.

Ex.3 p.36 2) I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I haven’t got any money. Can’t come to the cinema tonight (2nite). No money. 3)  I will be back late tonight. Back late tonight. (Back l8 2nite.)

Ex.3 p.36

2) I can’t come to the cinema tonight. I haven’t got any money.

Can’t come to the cinema tonight (2nite). No money.

3) I will be back late tonight.

Back late tonight. (Back l8 2nite.)

Ex.3 p.36 4) We are meeting at eight o’clock this evening in front of the theatre. Meeting at 8 p.m. in front of theatre. 5) There is some food in the fridge for you. Food in fridge for you. (Food in fridge 4U.) 6) I have got a new Saturday job. I will tell you about it when I see you. Got new Sat job. Tell you when see you. (Tell U when C U)

Ex.3 p.36

4) We are meeting at eight o’clock this evening in front of the theatre.

Meeting at 8 p.m. in front of theatre.

5) There is some food in the fridge for you.

Food in fridge for you. (Food in fridge 4U.)

6) I have got a new Saturday job. I will tell you about it when I see you.

Got new Sat job. Tell you when see you. (Tell U when C U)

Ex.3 p.36 7) I have gone out to the supermarket. I will not be long. Gone to supermarket. Back soon. 8) I am really looking forward to our whitw water rafting next month. Looking forward to our trip next month.

Ex.3 p.36

7) I have gone out to the supermarket. I will not be long.

Gone to supermarket. Back soon.

8) I am really looking forward to our whitw water rafting next month.

Looking forward to our trip next month.

Ex.3 p.36 9) I am sorry. I did not call you yesterday. I will call you this evening. Sorry didn’t call you. Call you tonight. (Call U 2nite) 10) John has gone to buy tickets for volleyball match on Saturday. John gone buy tickets for match on Sat.

Ex.3 p.36

9) I am sorry. I did not call you yesterday. I will call you this evening.

Sorry didn’t call you. Call you tonight. (Call U 2nite)

10) John has gone to buy tickets for volleyball match on Saturday.

John gone buy tickets for match on Sat.

Unique language C u l8r = see you later  2nite = tonight

Unique language

C u l8r = see you later 2nite = tonight

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