«Весна — лето 2025»

Открытый урок по теме "Молодежь и наркотики"

При планировании занятия были созданы условия для формирования УУД:




Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

''Youth and drugs''(«Молодежь и наркотики»)

-(Дети садятся полукругом) Good afternoon, dear pupils! Nice to see you, how are you?

- Слайд 1. Look please at this photo. What can you say about this girl?

- Tell me please what future she could have?

-Now please watch some video. Слайд 2 (видеоролик)

-So, were we right that the girl became a successful person?

-But what snookered her to have better tomorrow ? Drugs.

-How do you think if the drug problem among teenagers is actual and important nowadays? Yes, it is.

-I offer you to check your beliefs about that!

-Now everybody should take a piece of colored paper. On the desks there are your tasks in 3 colors. Choose your colour and take your seats. One group will read the text about Russia, the second will work with the text about Europe and the third one will read about America. Read your texts and do the tasks.

Учащимся дается задание составить диаграммы на основе прочитанных текстов и показать в процентном соотношении рост количества подростков, употребляющих наркотики.

I’ll give you 10 minutes for your work. In 10 min. two of you will come out here and will speak.

-The time is over. Group number one will speak about Russia. Thank you, take your seats now.

Group number 2 please come out and speak about Europe.

And now the last group will talk about America.

(После выступлений садятся снова полукругом).

-Well, pupils, let's turn back to our question: Do you think that drug problem among teenagers is very important and actual?

-What a general conclusion could you make now? Yes, the problem is in the whole world!

-But can we try to solve this problem? How? (через общ.организации, создать специальные законы, сами можем сказать «НЕТ»)

- You are right, there are different ways to solve this problem.

(раздаю задания Imagine that you are…)

Лиза, you said that the government can establish special laws. Now please take a task, choose 3 pupils and take your seats and discuss the task in groups again.

Аня, you said that special organizations can help with this problem. Take your task. Who would you choose for your work?

And Маша, please, take your task and start discussing. You will have 5 min. for your work.

-So, Lisa, what was your task?

-Anna, what have you decided?

-And Masha, what about you?

Guys, how do you think if there were just organizations or new laws about drug abuse, would the problem be solved? No.

-Can one person help? No, we should try to solve this global problem together.

Задания Imagine that you are…

-Imagine that you are authorized people in Perm Region.

What suggestions would you make about drug abuse struggle?

-Imagine that you are members of some organization against drug abuse.

What suggestions would you make about that?

-You are teenagers at school and you have a lot of friends. What would you do not to face the problem?

What traits of character should a person have not to get involved into using drugs?

Reflection (рефлексия)

- If somebody offers me to take

a drug, I will ...

-If my friend becomes drug-addicted, I will…

-I will never take drugs because…

Опорные фразы

для выполнения заданий по текстам.

We have read the text about ____________________.

We found out that in ______ ______ young people were drug-addicted.

In_____ there were_______________________. In_____ ___________________ were drug users.

In_____ _________________________________.

Thus, this diagram shows that the amount of______________ among young people has___________ over the last years.

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