«Весна — лето 2025»

Интерактивный тренажер для обучения времени по часам

Цель обучить учащихся правильно отвечать на вопрос What's the time? Ввести понятия четверть, половина и т.д.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

What is the time ? It is three o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is three o’clock.

o’clock quarter past quarter to half past


quarter past

quarter to

half past

Team 1 It’s a quarter to three It’s a quarter past three It’s a quarter to four

Team 1

It’s a quarter to three

It’s a quarter past three

It’s a quarter to four

Team 2 It’s five o’clock It’s half to five It’s half past five

Team 2

It’s five o’clock

It’s half to five

It’s half past five

Team 3 It’s nine o’clock It’s a quarter to ten It’s a quarter past nine

Team 3

It’s nine o’clock

It’s a quarter to ten

It’s a quarter past nine

What is the time ? It is two o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is two o’clock.

What is the time ? It is one o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is one o’clock.

What is the time ? It is three o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is three o’clock.

What is the time ? It is four o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is four o’clock.

What is the time ? It is five o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is five o’clock.

What is the time ? It is six o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is six o’clock.

What is the time ? It is seven o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is seven o’clock.

What is the time ? It is eight o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is eight o’clock.

What is the time ? It is nine o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is nine o’clock.

What is the time ? It is ten o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is ten o’clock.

What is the time ? It is eleven o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is eleven o’clock.

What is the time ? It is twelve o’clock.

What is the time ?

It is twelve o’clock.

12:30 Половина первого It is half past  twelve


Половина первого

It is half past twelve

1: 30 2: 30 4: 30 6: 30 5: 30 7: 30

1: 30

2: 30

4: 30

6: 30

5: 30

7: 30

3:00 4:30 5:00 6:00 9:30 10:00 12:30 7:30 8:00 It is three o’clock It is half past four It is five o’clock It is six o’clock It is half past nine It is ten o’clock It is half past twelve It is half past seven It is eight o’clock










It is three o’clock

It is half past four

It is five o’clock

It is six o’clock

It is half past nine

It is ten o’clock

It is half past twelve

It is half past seven

It is eight o’clock

12: 4 5 Без четверти час It is а quarter to  one

12: 4 5

Без четверти час

It is а quarter to one

12:15 Четверть первого It is а  quarter past  twelve


Четверть первого

It is а quarter past twelve

1:15 4:15 2:15 6:15 5:15 7:15







1: 45 2: 45 4: 45 6: 45 5: 45 7: 45

1: 45

2: 45

4: 45

6: 45

5: 45

7: 45

1:45 1:15 2:15 6:45 4:45 7:15 8:45 12:15 9:45 It is a quarter to two It is a quarter past one It is a quarter past two It is a quarter to seven It is a quarter to five It is a quarter past seven It is a quarter to nine It is a quarter past twelve It is a quarter to ten










It is a quarter to two

It is a quarter past one

It is a quarter past two

It is a quarter to seven

It is a quarter to five

It is a quarter past seven

It is a quarter to nine

It is a quarter past twelve

It is a quarter to ten

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