«Весна — лето 2025»

How to teach grammar at school?

This work contains many useful methods to teach grammar

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Annotation. This article investigates the role and comparison of using inductive and deductive methods for teaching grammar in foreign language learning process and showing the advantages of adopting them to teaching sections. The article contains the information gathered with the help of pre and post-tests and surely students’ attitude towards teaching process.

Key words. Inductive method, deductive method, reasoning, different approach, self-study, interaction, achievement in grammar, meaningful explanation, examples and non-examples.

Since grammar is one of the main aspects of any language, it is vital to learn it deeply and explain grammar rules accurately and meaningfully. Foreign language teachers often argue about the methods used in teaching grammar. They have difficulty in choosing the right technique for their teaching sections. While deductive method is easier to use in the classes, inductive one requires the teacher creativity and critical thinking. In deductive method teacher just explains the rules of any grammatical structure and gives some examples. Then students learn the structure and the rules, in the end they can do some activities and test questions. As we can see, it is simple process and it requires less time and energy to prepare and conduct the lessons. In deductive way of teaching teacher has to prepare some examples and non-examples in advance. Students do some activities in order to differentiate and compare these examples. At the end of the process, they find out grammar rules by themselves. The latter one seems a bit challenging for both learners and teachers. However, now we are going to discuss the main advantages of inductive way of teaching grammar.

English is the language of economics, business, science, technology and many other fields. Therefore, it is necessary to this language for anybody who wants to achieve goals. Knowledge on grammar helps to acquire all language skills such as, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Without grammar and vocabulary, it is impossible to gain those skills fully, since any mistakes in grammar may lead to misunderstanding of those language aspects. If we observe the history of teaching grammar, scholar and scientists have found out many effective methods. One of the widely used and accepted method was Grammar Translation Method, which is mostly dependent on translating the sentences and grammar rules in students’ mother tongue. In this process is teacher is in the main role, therefore, it is called teacher-centered learning. Students’ achievement is weak, if teacher is in the main role. As the result of this kind of teaching, students will not be able to use knowledge on grammar in real life situations, since they mostly rely on their teacher in using grammar.

In inductive method learners are introduced with samples, they discover the rules and principles on their own. This method encourages students to work independently. If students learn the language by this way, it not difficult for them to use the language in all aspects freely. Another main advantage of this method is that learners are active during the process, rather than just simply attending the class and receive what their teacher gives. Teachers can motivate them to learn. However, any mistakes done by students should be accepted and should not be criticized, as they may fear of summarizing the information as a result. Moreover, we can teach our students to work collaboratively by using this inductive method. It seems easier for them, if they discover the rules with their groups in project doing process or so on. They also take opportunity to practice other language aspects.

Most teachers believe that activities or sections conducted with inductive method take a lot of time and energy to prepare. It may seem so in the beginning. After we see our students’ achievement and results, we find out that this deserves.


  1. Scrivener,J (2005) Learning Teaching (2nd edn) Macmillan, Chapter 5.

  2. How to teach English (new edn) Jeremy Harmer Longman (2011)

  3. Grammar translation: see Howatt, A(2004) A History of English Language Teaching(2nd edn)Oxford University Press, pages 151-158.

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