Table of contents
1.1 Historic background of game origin…………………………………..………..5
1.2. Classification of games………………………………………………….……..7
1.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language……………...…9
2.1. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving…………………………………………………………………………………16
Knowledge of a foreign language - gives the ability to use language in real life. To know a language means to be able to read and understand books without a dictionary the ability to explain your ideas, the ability to understand foreign speech, the ability to translate a text from the native language to a foreign one, finally, the ability to write a small text in a foreign language.
One of the most effective means that helps to understand a language linguistic material and forming a skill of verbal communication and treatment - is a role game. Games that are offered to the students must have not only communicative point, but a professional orientation.
Games are interesting also because they take a specific time, and allow students to be engaged in the learning process, or to switch attention to studied material (depending on whether the game is being conducted in the beginning, middle or end of the lesson).
The use of games in the learning process stimulates verbal communication, promotes the formation of motivation and interest in learning a foreign language. Also, a game is one of the most effective methods of implementing the principle of communicative language teaching. An important factor for a game is to take into consideration the age of students and their social experience, Thus, conducting a lesson game requires a great deal of preparatory work, which should provide not only the participance of individual students, but also of the whole group.
Thus, the relevance of issues raised due to the influence of games on the minds of today's learners. The goals of our course paper are:
1. to study and analyze the literature on the subject;
2. to characterize the current state of play activities in the classroom;
3. to reveal the concept of gaming technology;
4. to investigate the organization of a gaming lessons;
5. to develop a set of educational games;
6. to verify the results obtained in practice by creating a series of lessons using games.
Problem and relevance of the topic help to formulate the objectives of the study: analyze the games, prove their effectiveness in teaching a foreign language.
Thus, the object of our study is the process of learning a foreign language.
The subject of our study is a game designed and carried out in the process of teaching foreign languages.
On this basis, we can formulate the following hypothesis: if we use games at the classroom, then learning will be more attractive to students, it will contribute to a better mastering of the material, increase learning motivation and cognitive activity of students, basic methods are:
-analysis of scientific and methodological literature;
-modeling of lesson plans;
-monitor the process of learning.
The structure of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, and applications. The introduction has a goal, subject, object, objectives, methods and sources of research. The first part sets out the theoretical aspects of conducting classes in a form of a game. The second part deals with modeling of lesson plans according to the found material.
The application has materials that are required for the exercises, such as texts, tasks, examples.
Historic background of game origin.
The game has been associated with different types of art Savages played as children, the game consisted of dances, songs, drama and elements of art. Thus, human activities like playing games, constitute a reproduction of the relations between people. [1, c.43] A game is an activity that reconstructs the social relationships between people. The concept of "game" has some difference in different groups of people. Thus, for the ancient Greeks, the word "game" meant an action, characteristic of children. The Jews considered a game to be a concept of a laugh and a joke. For The Romans a game meant joy and merriment. Subsequently, all the European languages considered the word "game" as a wide range of activities which bring people joy and pleasure.
The term "game" in different languages follows the concepts of jokes and laughter, ease and pleasure, and shows the connection of this process with positive emotions.
What is the reason the appearance of the game the development of society grows higher, so it becomes more difficult for a child to prepare for the adult life. The game occurs in the course of historical development as a result of changes in the child place in the system of social relations. A game is social due to its origin and its nature. [2, c .13]. A game does not arise spontaneously, but arises in the process of education. As a powerful stimulus to the development of a child, it is influenced by children and adults. "A game and game activity is one of the specific kind of animals and man activity" - says the pedagogical encyclopedia [3, c. 128]. According to the testimony of Plato, even the priests of ancient Egypt were famous for the construction of special training and bringing up games Plato in his "State" etymologically brought together the two words "education" and "game". He rightly argued that teaching crafts and martial art is unthinkable without a game [4, c. 97].
An attempt to study a game systematically was first made in the late XIX century by German scholar K. Gross, who believed that a game is a pre exercise of instincts to future conditions of the struggle for existence ("warning theory") [5, c. 23 ]. Gross names a game as a primary school of behavior According to his point of view, it is does not matter what factors (external or internal) game were motivated, their meaning is to be children's school life. Gross point of view was supported and continued by the Polish educator. Janusz Korczak, who believed that a game is an opportunity to find yourself in the society, in humanity. It gives a real opportunity to educate and train a child in a joy. Game always comes out as if in two temporal dimensions: in present and in future On the one hand, it provides a momentary personal pleasure and satisfaction. On the other hand, a game is directed to the future, because it has a forecast and simulate life situations, or qualities, skills and abilities that are necessary to perform the social and professional, functions become fixed. Essence of a game is that the most important part of it is not a result, but a process itself, a process of experiences associated with playing actions. [6, c. 73] particular feature of a game carries a great educational opportunity, because by controlling the content of the game, the teacher can program some positive feelings. We can say that a game is a method of understanding the reality.
Children, however, do not think about it. For them a game is a fun. That is why teachers like to use. Everyone is equal in the game. It is possible, even for the weakest students. Sense of equality, the atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasible tasks - all of this gives students an opportunity to overcome shyness, which prevents free speech, and has a beneficial effect on learning process game is a kind of situation that has its own plot, conflict and actors. During the game, the situation is played several times, and each time it may have a new version. But, at the same time, a situation of the game is a real life situation.
Thus, the human game - is an activity in which the social relationships between people reconstruct outside of any direct activity
1.2. Classification of games.
At school the special place occupied by such forms of employment that provide an active part in the lesson, each pupil, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility for the results of the school pupils work. These problems can be successfully addressed through technology learning game forms.
The game has great significance in the life of a child, has the same significance as an adult activity, work, service. The game only seems outwardly carefree and easy. In fact, it imperiously demands that playing gave her the maximum of its energy, intelligence, persistence, self-sufficiency.
Game forms of learning can be used at all levels of learning, from the reproductive activity by transforming the main goal - creative-search activities. Creative-search activity is more effective if it is preceded by reproducing and transforming activity in which students learn the techniques of teaching.
From the opening game concepts can identify a number of general provisions:
1. The game is an independent type of developmental activities for children of different ages.
2. Children play is the freest form of their activity, which is realized, we study the world, offers a wide scope for personal creativity, activity, self-knowledge, self-expression.
3. The game - the first stage of the child's preschool, primary school of his conduct, and equitable regulatory activities of primary school children, teenagers, young adults, changing their goals as they grow older students.
4. The game is the practice of development. Children play because they evolve and develop so that they are playing.
5. The game - the freedom of self-discovery, self-development based on the subconscious mind and creativity.
6. The game - the main sphere of communication between children, it solved the problem of interpersonal relations, human relations experience is gained.
There are several groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. Group I - subject game, as the manipulation of toys and objects. Through toy - items - children learn the shape, color, size, material, animal world, a world of people, etc.Group II - Game creative, role playing, in which the plot - a form of intellectual activity. The creative role playing games in training - not just entertainment or a way to welcome the organization of cognitive material. The game has great heuristic and persuasive potential, it throws up something that “seems one”, and brings that to the teachings and life resists comparison and balancing. Scientific prediction, guessing the future can be attributed to «the ability to imagine a game of imagination as the integrity of the system, which from the point of view of science or common sense, systems are not». Group III is a didactic game.
Typically, they require the student's ability to decipher, unravel, unravel, and most importantly - to know the subject. The more skillful didactic game is made, the most cleverly hidden didactic purpose. Operate the game of knowledge embedded in student learning unintentionally, unwittingly playing.
1.3 The classification of educational games in a foreign language.
Despite the fact that a child's play has been written so many, the questions of the theory of it so complicated that a single classification of games still do not exist.
Thus, for the number of participants in the game are divided into individual, pair and group. And the first target to communicate with the text, and the other to communicate with partners. The nature and form of the game produce substantive, moving with a verbal component, scene, or situational, games, competition, intellectual (tests, puzzles, crosswords etc.), interaction (communication), complex, etc. By way of organization of the game. There are computers, writing on message boards, etc. In terms of complexity of the actions distinguish simple and complex games, the duration of the - not long and lengthy.
Language games helping to learn the various aspects of language (phonetics, vocabulary, etc.) are divided into phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic.
Thus, the educational game - is focused on the zone of proximal development of the game, combining teaching with the aim of appealing to the motive of the child.
Therefore, introducing the game into a lesson, it is important for the result of didactic teaching, but may not be the motivation for the work of children. The game has to change the style of the relationship between children and adults the teacher, who can not impose anything: a child can play only when he wants and when he is interested, and those who cause him sympathy.
A teacher can not only be the organizer of the game - he has to play with your child, because children have great pleasure in playing with adults, and because game atmosphere collapses under the gaze of the observer.
The main purpose of phonetic games - staged (correction) pronunciation, practice in pronunciation of sounds in words, phrases, practicing intonation. They are used regularly, mostly at the initial stage of learning a foreign language (water-remedial course) as an illustration and exercises to practice the most difficult to pronounce sounds and intonations. As we move forward phonetic games are implemented at the level of words, sentences, Rhymes, tongue twisters, poems and songs. The experience gained in games of this type can be used by students in the classroom in the future in a foreign language.
Lexical games have focused students' attention solely on the lexical material and are designed to assist them in acquiring and expanding vocabulary, and to work to illustrate the use of words in communication situations. There are different types of vocabulary games
Battle Ships - A Vocabulary Game
Level: Easy to Medium
Divide the students in to groups of four or five. Then ask the student to make the name for their ships for example with the names of animals, cities, movie stars or let them find their own favourite names.
Ask them to choose the Captain and the Shooter. The captain's duty is to memorize his ship's name, so he can reply if somebody call his ship's name. The shooter's duty is to memorize the names of the ships of 'their enemies', so he can shoot them by calling their ship's name.
Arrange all the captains in a circle, the ships' crews must line up behind their captains. The shooter is the last crew member in line.
The teacher must decide a lexical area of vocabulary, this vocabulary will be used to defend their ships from the attacks. Every students (except the shooters) must find their own words. The lexical area for example, "Four Legged Animals". Give the students 1-2 minutes to find as many possible words as they can and memorize them.
Start the game by calling a ship's name, for example the ship name is "THE CALIFORNIAN". The captain of THE CALIFORNIAN must reply with a word from the lexical area given, for example he says "TIGER" followed by his crews behind him one by one, "COW"; "SHEEP" until it is the shooter turns and he calls out the name of another ship and the captain of the ship called must reply and his crews must do the same thing. No word can be repeated.
If the captain is late to reply (more than 2 seconds) or his crew can not say the words or a word repeated or the shooter shoots the wrong ship (his own ship or the ship that has already been sunk) the ship is sunk, and the crew members can join the crew of another ship.
The teacher can change the lexical area for the next round.
In the last round there will be two big groups battling to be the winner.
Grammar games are designed to provide students practical skills to apply knowledge of grammar, increase their mental activities to the use of grammatical structures in natural communication situations.
Tell Me Everything You Know
Here are the basics:
1. Write a sentence on the board and set a time limit.
2. Students write down everything that they can about the grammar of the sentence.
3. When the time is up, students individually share their observations. If anyone else in the room has the same observation, they must cross if off of their list. If they are the only ones who have made that particular observation, they get a point.
4. Whoever has the most points wins.
Stylistic games aim to teach students to distinguish between formal and informal styles of communication, as well as the right to use each of them in different situations.
Verbal games teach the ability to use language resources in the process of committing an act of speech, and repelled from the specific situation in which speech acts are carried out.
Proper Noun Exercise Verbally, give us as many proper names of the nouns as you can think of for those listed below. Do this as quickly as you can!
boys = Douglas, Edward, John, Peter, Andrew, Alexander, Joshua, Caleb
Role-playing game.
Among the different types of games holds a special place role-playing game.
As you know, of great importance in the educational process is learning motivation. It helps to enhance the thinking is of interest to a particular kind of occupation, to perform a particular exercise.
The strongest motivating factor is the training methods that satisfy the need for students to study material novelty and variety of the exercises. Using a variety of teaching techniques helps to perpetuate the memory of linguistic phenomena, creating a more stable visual and auditory images, maintaining interest and activity of students.
The lesson of foreign language is seen as a social phenomenon, where the classroom - a particular social environment in which teachers and students enter into definite social relations with each other, where the learning process - the interaction of all present.
The success in training - is the result of collective use of all opportunities for learning. And students should make a significant contribution to this process. Ample opportunities to revamp the educational process is the use of role-playing games. Role play - methodological procedure relating to a group of active methods of teaching practical language skills.
Role-playing is a contingent of actors playing real practical activity, creates conditions for real communication. The effectiveness of training is due primarily to an explosion of motivation, increased interest in the subject.
Role-play motivates speech activity, as students find themselves in a situation where the need is updated to say anything, ask to find out to prove something to share with someone.
Students clearly convinced that the language can be used as a means of communication.
The game will intensify the desire to contact the guys with each other and the teacher creates the conditions of equality in the speech partnership breaks the traditional barrier between teacher and student.
The game allows a timid, diffident students to speak and thus to overcome the barrier of uncertainty. In the usual discussion students, leaders tend to seize the initiative, and the timid prefer to remain silent. In the role-play, each gets a role and must be an active partner in speech communication.
In games, pupils master the elements of communication such as the ability to start a conversation, keep it, to suspend the interlocutor at the right moment to agree with his opinion or disprove it, specifically the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to ask clarifying questions, etc.
Role-playing teaches to be sensitive to the social use of language. A good conversationalist is often not the one who enjoys the best structures, and those who can most clearly recognize (interpret) the situation in which there are partners, to consider the information that is already known (from the situation, experience) and choose the linguistic resources that will be most effective for communication.
Almost all the training time devoted to role-play voice for the practice is not only talking but also listening to the most active, as it is to understand and remember the replica partner, correlate it with the situation, determine how relevant the situation and the problem of communication and properly respond to the cue.
Games have a positive effect on the formation of students' cognitive interests, contribute to the conscious development of a foreign language. They contribute to the development of qualities such as independence, initiative, foster a sense of collectivism. Students actively, enthusiastically working to help each other, listen carefully to their comrades, but the teacher manages the educational activity
Basic requirements for the role-playing games:
1. The game should stimulate motivation to exercise, to cause the student interest and desire to do the job well, it should be based on the situation adequately the real situation of communication.
2. Role-playing game should be well prepared in terms of both content and form, clearly organized. It is important that the students were convinced of the need to perform well a certain role. Only under this condition, their speech is natural and convincing.
3. Role-playing should be taken as a group.
4. It certainly is conducted in a friendly, creative atmosphere, causes the pupils a sense of satisfaction and joy. The freer the student feels in a role play, the more initiative, he will be in communication. Over time, he will feel confident in their abilities, that he may fulfill different roles.
5. The game is organized so that students can active verbal communication to maximize the use of piloted language material.
6. The teacher will certainly believe in the role mothers play in their effectiveness. Only under this condition, it can achieve good results.
7. Greater significance is the ability to teachers to make contact with the children. Creating a supportive, friendly atmosphere in class - a very important factor, whose value can not be overestimated.
During the game, the teacher sometimes takes some role, but did not start that game does not become a traditional form of work under his leadership. It is desirable that the social status of this role would have helped him gently to direct verbal communication in the group.
Usually, the teacher takes a role only in the beginning, when students have not mastered this kind of work. In the future there will be no need for this.
During the game strong help the weak students. The teacher also manages the process of communication: it is suitable to one, then another student who needs help, makes the necessary adjustments to the job.
During the game, the teacher does not correct the error, but only for the students quietly write them to the next lesson to discuss the most common.
Role-playing can be used as the initial stage of learning, and the advanced.
Psychological studies show that during the period from the fourth to tenth grade, when carried out to study a foreign language, students develop through several stages of age. It is also noted that the most important changes in the mental characteristics of the individual at this stage of its development due to the dominant activity, characteristic of this stage. Primary school age, which starts learning a foreign language, not only precedes the earlier, pre-school age period, but also an older form of the dominant activity. This early form of the dominant activity is the role-playing game. In the early school years, ie seven - eleven years old, the dominant activity is teaching.
The transition from one activity to another lead is in the form of interaction between old and new ways of behavior. Earlier-formed personality traits persist in a period when there are active and formed new personal property, and during the most recent full development are prerequisites for the emergence of personality traits corresponding to the transition to new leadership of the age and the next step. The game as a form of reflection leading activity may correspond to the achieved age, to return to earlier forms of behavior, ahead of the appropriate age and contribute to the preparation stage for a new leading activity. These and other theoretical situation is still not used to the proper organization of educational role-playing game in the foreign language lessons.
2. 1. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
Currently, the main principle of the modern educator is not only focused on the impact of each student, his personal settings, but also optimization of the joint activities of students. Great help in providing this training and educational games. They activate the learning process and compared with the traditional form of the classes have some advantages.
Recently, in pedagogy, as well as in many other fields of science, is changing the practices and working methods, in particular, all the more widespread of various games.
First of all, the implementation of gaming techniques directly related to the number of common social and cultural processes to search for new forms of social organization and cultural relations between the teacher and students. The need to improve students' communication culture in the didactic process is dictated by the need to improve the cognitive activity of students, stimulate their interest in the subject.
Tuning the processes occurring in a country that embraced all spheres of our lives: increased contacts with foreign countries, the opportunity to communicate with other people at all levels (inter-state communication, tourism, student exchanges and student, etc.) This, in turn, necessitated the study of foreign languages. Сommunication in any language requires a large vocabulary, which is accumulated over several years. It follows that to study the language should begin in early childhood. This caused a search for new methods of teachers to enable children to effectively and efficiently, and most importantly with interest to learn a foreign language. Given the fact that interest is the best stimulus to learning, to try to use every opportunity to relieve the child through play activities in learning the language.
The game - a huge incentive to succeed where sometimes ineffective many traditional exercises. The lesson can be an unforgettable journey into the world of the English language, to enable not only strong, but weak students show their creativity. Even the most insignificant success - a huge step towards knowledge.
In my work We want to dwell in detail on the use of language games in English class and share their experiences and best practices in this area.
It is difficult to remember the spelling, especially if they are not written by the rules. And during the game, the competition is faster. Many well known since childhood game "Hangman": given the first and last letters of the word, and dashes denote missing letters. Who will restore the first floor - the one and the winner.
e. g. | E - - T (Elephant) |
| P - - E (Police) |
The game can be used to remove the monotony when developing language material and to enhance the voice of the students. I give priority to the work of students in pairs and groups, strongly support the desire of children to communicate in English. In order to maintain a constant interest in the subject, I use an unusual form of lessons, methods and techniques that cause children to strengthen their knowledge in different situations, and educational games in this very helpful.
The theme - Medicine.
Lived, was in a medicine (medicine), and no it was not necessary, because no one was ill (be ill), and all were healthy (healthy), but once the girl's sore throat (sore throat) and she went to the doctor (a doctor), and he ordered her medicine and she recovered (recover), etc.
Also, students like the form of tasks:
We tell kids the word in Russian, they have it translated into English and emphasize that the letter to which I point, and then the underlined letter of the new word is obtained, which is usually well remembered.
e. g. FISH |
This type of exercise allows you to check the assimilation traversed vocabulary and learn a new word, it is best to use this kind of work during the transition from one topic to another. After a test of knowledge is much more interesting and more effective than an ordinary dictation or control the work.
We really like this method as Total Physical response. This method aims to teach a foreign language through movement. It was developed by the American scientist James Asher. In my work I use a Jazz-chants (rhythmic poetry of words with the show). Children move and portray it. What they say, a comparison of movements and words, gives a deeper understanding and memorizing vocabulary and, in addition, students are taught to them with pleasure.
For example:
My cat has three eyes. Three eyes has my cat. And had it not three eyes It wouldn’t be my cat.
I have developed a variety of festivals, where students get together and play different classes. One of the developments I represent.
Good afternoon, dear boys, girls and our guests! We are very glad to see you today. Welcome to the country of seasons!
Who made the first calendar? We don’t know. People in all countries know the seasons of the year. How many seasons are there in the year? We say that there are 4 seasons but people in some countries say that they have 5 or 7 seasons. The seasons are not the same in all countries. The seasons in our calendar are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has 3 months. What are winter (spring, autumn, summer) months in Russia?
Today we have the season-competition. There are 4 teams: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
1. Introduce yourselves, please. What is the best season?
Приветствие команд. (5 points)
Let’s sing a song “Jingle Bells”
2. Your task is to make up the sentences. Each right sentence is 2 points.
3. Your task is to find rhymes to the words on the topic “Seasons”. Each rhyme is 1 point.
Bruit - fruit | rice - ice |
Reason - season | ball - fall |
Hinter - winter | our - flower |
Bring - spring | remember - November |
Drummer - summer | such - March |
Leather - weather | day - May |
Bold - cold | soon - June |
No - snow | train - rain |
4. Let’s draw a snowman. One member from each team. Who will be the best and the quickest? (3 points)
5. Your next task is to find mistakes in the sentences and correct them. Each mistake is 1 point.
There are 11 months in the year.
We celebrate the New Year in February.
March is the second spring month.
There are 31 days in September.
June comes after August.
There are 5 seasons.
Winter is the warmest season.
In summer it snows.
6. Who is the cleverest? Guess our riddles. Each right answer is 1 point.
This is the season |
| This is the season |
When children ski |
| when days are cool |
And Father Frost |
| when we eat apples |
Brings New Year tree |
| and go to school |
(winter) |
| (autumn) |
The little old woman |
| This is the season |
Has 12 children |
| when snowdrops bloom |
Some short, some long, |
| when nobody likes to sit in his room, |
Some cold, some hot. |
| This is the season |
Who is she? |
| When birds make their nests, |
(Year) |
| this is the season we all like best. |
| (spring) |
7. Let’s cut the snowflakes. Who is the quickest? The best snowflake will get a prize.
8. Let’s make a puzzle.
It’s the coldest season of the year.
It’s the season when children go to school.
It’ the season which is colder than summer but warmer than winter.
What fruit do children like to eat in autumn?
It shines brightly in summer.
It’s the season when pupils have long holidays.
What is spring, summer in another words?
It may be cold, warm, cool.
Much water, usually in autumn and in spring.
It’s blue in spring, where the sun shines.
It’s white and cold. It’s much in winter.
9. Your task is to guess the words. (1 point)
a) p, i, r, s, g, n | (spring) |
b) i, n, a, r | (rain) |
c) e, s, o, n, a, s | (season) |
d) t, a, m, n, u, г | (autumn) |
e) o, t, m, n, h | (month) |
Our research was conducted with the fourth grades. As we have said already the aim is analyze the games and prove their effectiveness in teaching a foreign language.
The primary diagnostic of the fourth grades students showed that 54% of students had medium level of anxiety, 37% had the highest level of anxiety,4%- low, and 5 % high. Then we hold some lessons using games. The second diagnostic of anxiety showed that 57 per cent medium, 23% had the highest level of anxiety, and only 1% the high level of anxiety.
As the research result shows, adults appreciate the use of games, and their feedback should encourage the teacher to implement the games into their teaching. Sometimes the teachers are worried that adult students would not accept playing educational games in the language lessons. This analysis gives evidence of the contrary. The vast majority of adults not only accept, but even appreciate using game in lessons, they are able to both understand its purposes and enjoy the activity and change of the overall learning environment to more relaxed one.
The teacher should be aware of the benefits of using games as well as look after the right proportion of games with relation to other lesson activities in order not to overuse the games, which need to be implemented meaningfully to be able to serve their educational purposes.
Game - it is learning in action, which significantly raises the quality of education.
The game requires a full commitment from the participants and their reaction as verbal, nonverbal and means in this situation. The game uses their knowledge and skills acquired during training, that is, their total stock of knowledge and skills. The game has an element of surprise ("shock moments"), with which so many students meet in the process of real communication. During the game, as in real communication, participants must listen carefully to each other, because they do not know in advance what their partners will say, they must think quickly and respond to cues of their classmates.
During the game there is an emotional lift, which is extremely positive effect on the quality of education.
The game has a stable structure of didactic.
Games specifically designed for language learning, contribute to a lasting memorizing individual expressions and grammatical structures as a result of frequent repetition of the replica, and therefore can be used to reinforce vocabulary and grammar skills.
Using games in the learning process - submits material in a more "comfortable" for the students assimilation if meet certain requirements (availability of images, sounds).
1. Coughlan, Neil. “Board Game Materials.” ESL-Lounge (May 5, 2010), www.esllounge.
2. com/board-gamesindex.shtml (accessed June 21, 2010).
3. Johnson, Alexis. “The Learning Game – Researchers Study Video Gaming Principles That Apply to Education. An Interview of James Gee, Ph.D.”
4. Wisconsin Technology Network Business News Wire (September 21, 2003), (accessed June 22, 2010).
5. Teed, Rebecca. Game-based Learning. (accessed May 26, 2010).
6. Umstatter, Jack. Brain Games: Ready-to-use Activities That Make Thinking Fun, Grades 6 -12. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.
7. Wright, Andrew, David Betteridge, and Michael Buckby. Games for Language Learning. Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series ed.