«Весна — лето 2025»


Английский язык, разработки по английскому языку

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New York. Sights


New York has a global impact on world commerce, technology, education, art, media and other spheres. It is the largest and most populous city in the U

New Year - реферат


One of the most important holidays in the world, that everybody looks forward to, is New Year. On this day the new calendar year begins. According to
Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

New Zealand. Sights


New Zealand is an island country in the Pacific Ocean. Geographically it is divided into two parts: South Island and North Island. There are also nume

My Family - реферат


Family is the most important thing in life and no one can deny it. It is also the strongest unit of society. Families can be different. For example on

My Future Profession


Choosing a future profession is not an easy task. It requires considerable approach and careful reflection, because the largest part of our grown-up l

Moscow. Sights - реферат


Moscow is the capital of Russia and its major political, cultural, scientific center. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the northernmos

Fashion - реферат


People have always wanted to look nice and socially accepted. This is when fashion helps. In short, fashion is a style of clothing that is popular at

My Hobby - реферат


There are so many possibilities nowadays to do what you like or to keep with a hobby that makes you a better person. For example, those who like doing

Management - реферат


“Management” has become a frequent word in business area. It’s a wide notion, but in general, management means organizing and coordi

Medicine - реферат


Medicine is the field of applied science which has become one of the most important necessities in up-to-date world. The word “medicine” h

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